属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦餐馆 食品安全问题曝光(2)
1 | “德丽莎从头到脚都穿着费里斯伯爵女儿的衣服。 | Teresa was clothed from head to foot in the garb of the Count of San-Felice’s daughter | |
2 | 穿着牧师服装的人 | A man in priest’s garb /in the garb of a priest | |
3 | 穿着牧师服装的人. | a man in clerical garb | |
4 | 达孩子有一种天然的优雅,这可不是无瑕的丽质所一定具备的;她的衣服无论怎样简朴,见到的人总会认为只有这样穿着才能极尽其美。 | The child had a native grace which does not invariably coexist with faultless beauty; its attire, however simple, always impressed the beholder as if it were the very garb that precisely became it best. | |
5 | 打扮成水手模样 | garb oneself as a sailor | |
6 | 打扮成水手模样. | garb oneself as a sailor | |
7 | 她的身子不但是她精神的外衣,而且是她精神的光彩,是她神圣的精华的纯净温婉的结晶。 | Her body was more than the garb of her spirit. It was an emanation of her spirit, a pure and gracious crystallization of her divine essence | |
8 | 她母亲在给孩子设计服装时呕心沥血,充分发挥了华丽的倾向,用鲜红的天鹅绒为她裁剪了一件式样独特的束腰裙衫,还用金丝线在上面绣满新奇多采的花样。 | Her mother, in contriving the child’s garb , had allowed the gorgeous tendencies of her imagination their full play; arraying her in a crimson velvet tunic, of a peculiar cut, abundantly embroidered with fantasies and flourishes of gold thread. | |
9 | 尽管他似乎是漫不经心地随便穿了件土人的衣服,其实是要遮掩或减少身体的怪异之处,但海丝特·白兰仍一眼便看出那个人的两肩并不一般高。 | Although, by a seemingly careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb , he had endeavoured to conceal or abate the peculiarity, it was sufficiently evident to Hester Prynne, that one of this man’s shoulders rose higher than the other. | |
10 | 理发师刚使爱德蒙初步改变了模样,他就离开理发店来到了一家商店里,买了全套的水手服装,我们都知道,那是非常简单的,不过是条全白色的裤子,一件海魂衫和一顶帽子。 | His next care on leaving the barber’s who had achieved his first metamorphosis was to enter a shop and buy a complete sailor’s suit--a garb , as we all know, very simple, and consisting of white trousers, a stripped shirt, and a cap | |
11 | 罗吉则穿着罗马农民在假日才穿的那种非常美丽的服装。 | Luigi wore the very picturesque garb of the Roman peasant at holiday time | |
12 | 明媚的夏天一过去,城市披上了灰濛濛的外衣。整个长长的冬天,它穿着这件色调灰暗的外衣从事着各种活动。 | Once the bright days of summer pass by, a city takes on that sombre garb of grey, wrapt in which it goes about its labours during the long winter. | |
13 | 那奴仆按照当时和早先英国世袭击宅中仆人的习惯装束,穿着一件蓝色号衣。 | The serf wore the blue coat, which was the customary garb of serving-men at that period, and long before, in the old hereditary halls of England. | |
14 | 然而,这身衣裙,老实讲,还有这孩子的整个外貌,实在引人注目,使目睹者不可遏止也难以避免地想到海丝特·白兰胸前注定要佩戴的那个标记。 | But it was a remarkable attribute of this garb , and, indeed, of the child’s whole appearance, that it irresistibly and inevitably reminded the beholder of the token which Hester Prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom. | |
15 | 说话间,卡德鲁斯这才看清了他所接待的这位旅客的相貌身份,他赶紧说,“请多多原谅,先生! | I make no doubt a glass of good wine would be acceptable this dreadfully hot day." Then perceiving for the first time the garb of the traveller he had to entertain, Caderousse hastily exclaimed: "A thousand pardons! | |
16 | 他赶紧转过身,看见旁边站着一位古时候的人,归隐者装束,头发又长又乱,胡子也蓬成一团。 | He turned swiftly tosee standing beside him an ancient man in the garb of a hermit with long matted hair and tangled beard | |
17 | 他们的名气,服饰和作品确实使我陶醉,令我着迷。 | Their Name, their garb , and Work did so intoxicate and bewitch me | |
18 | 唐太斯的衣着不仅很合式,而且也很简单,他穿着一套半似军服,半似便服的商船船员制服。 | Dants himself was simply, but becomingly, clad in the dress peculiar to the merchant service--a costume somewhat between a military and a civil garb | |
19 | 脱我战时袍着我旧时裳 | She doffs her garb worn under fire And wears again female attire | |
20 | 新世纪的到来,要求我们在法律实践中应该多用电脑和互联网。 | Welcome to the 21st Century. Where practicing law requires us to don the garb of computers and the Internet. | |
21 | 一个陆地上的人,若是周身这股穿戴、露出这副尊容,而且还得意洋洋地招摇过市,恐怕很难不被当宫的召去传讯,甚至会被课以罚金或判处监禁,也许会枷号示众。 | A landsman could hardly have worn this garb and shown this face, and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air, without undergoing stern question before a magistrate, and probably incurring fine or imprisonment, or perhaps an exhibition in the stocks. | |
22 | 一个身着土著装束的印第安人正站在那里,但在这块英国殖民地中,红种人并非鲜见 | An Indian, in his native garb , was standing there; but the red men were not so infrequent visitors of the English settlements, | |
23 | 一些政治、社会和法律的形式在表面不同的外衣下重复出现。 | Certain political, social, and legal forms reappear in seemingly different garb | |
24 | 衣裙之于孩子,也是同一道理,完全与她的本性浑自天成。 | As with these, so with the child; her garb was all of one idea with her nature. | |
25 | 在温和外衣后面表现了他们的激进观点 | presented their radical ideas in the garb of moderation. | |
26 | 在这可怜的孩子的衣服上,她不是表达了她的这种想法吗?这身衣服不是有力地提醒我们那烙进她胸口的红色象征吗?" | Hath she not expressed this thought in the garb of the poor child, so forcibly reminding us of that red symbol which sears her bosom? | |
27 | 珠儿拿过一片大叶藻给她那身人鱼的装束做最后的点缀:她在自己的胸前,尽力模仿着她所极熟悉的她母亲胸上的装饰,也为自己佩了一个。 | As the last touch to her mermaid garb , Pearl took some eel-grass, and imitated, as best she could, on her own bosom, the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mother’s. | |
28 | 着花色衣服. | be garb ed in motley | |
29 | ||1:李维斯的501牛仔裤很结实。||2:展出的最古老的一条牛仔裤腿可追溯到1890年;另一条腿当时用来拖汽车。||3:牛仔衣物最初的目标客户是农民、机械师和矿工,后来成为了西方骑兵的首选服装。||4:没过多久,著名美国演员约翰·韦恩和克拉克·盖博就穿着牛仔看日落了,接着是马龙·白兰度和詹姆斯·迪恩扮演的迷人的流氓。 | ||1:Levi’s 501jeans were tough.||2:The oldest pair on display dates to 1890; another was used to tow a car.||3:Marketed originally to farmers, mechanics and miners, they became the garb of choice for Western horsemen.||4:It wasn’t long before John Wayne and Clark Gable were wearing them into the sunset, followed by glamorous hoodlums played by Marlon Brando and James Dean. | |
30 | 但是随着温度的上升和检查力度的减弱,其他的人已经不再穿麻烦的卫生服了。 | But as temperatures rise and inspections wane, others are already abandoning their bothersome hygienic garb . |