属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戳破房地产泡沫 选择正确的针
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-土耳其的明天 驶向往日荣光
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩式之恋 两个人的专属网络
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-韩式之恋 两个人的专属网络
1 | 把我藏起来,离开白天耀眼的太阳(约翰·米尔顿) | Hide me from Day’s garish eye(John Milton) | |
2 | 不久我们驶入纽约红红绿绿的灯光中。 | Soon we were assailed by the garish lights of New York. | |
3 | 过于艳丽的衣服. | garish clothes | |
4 | 经过一场风暴之后,具有深红色和金黄色的秋季色彩的树木突然变白了(华盛顿邮报)潜伏于萨尔金特纯粹的艺术品中,就象过分修饰的全彩色景色,使他看起来更象一名刚开始旅行的人,而不是一名终生的旅行者(新闻周刊) | Trees in autumnal technicolor of crimson and gold turned suddenly white after a storm(Washington Post)In these garish ,Technicolor vistas,in which the underlying rootlessness of Sargent’s art is undiluted,he seems more neophyte tourist than lifelong traveler(Newsweek) | |
5 | 镜子里,她眼光显得那么冷漠和忧郁,从帕米拉的脸上转过去看那间花哨的房间。 | The eyes of her image, cynical and sad, wandered from Pamela’s face to the garish room | |
6 | 那股强烈的气味,那种陌生的语言,以及许多稀奇古怪的文字写的花里花哨的招牌,叫他头昏眼花。 | The heavy smells, the foreign babble, the garish multitudinous signs in a strange alphabet, dizzied him | |
7 | 那好象晶明当空的午日,在几秒钟之内变成灿烂庄严的夕阳一般。 | It was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset in a couple of seconds | |
8 | 俗丽的无品味地炫耀的或艳丽的;华丽而俗气的 | Tastelessly showy or bright;garish . | |
9 | 他穿过流荡的烟云和旋卷的雾震观看着这些画面。 | He saw these other scenes through drifting vapors and swirls of sullen fog dissolving before shafts of red and garish light | |
10 | 他们的尖嗓门从四面八方朝他喊叫,众多身姿把把团团包围住,刺目的阳光将他那没有染好的蜂蜜色头发晒得发白了。 | Their sharp voices cried about him on all sides: their many forms closed round him, the garish sunshine bleaching the honey of his illdyed head | |
11 | 他们登上铺着俗艳的紫色地毯的楼梯。 | They climbed the garish purple-carpeted stairs. | |
12 | 它们镶着很讲究的金框子,挂在一家村舍的墙上是多么不伦不类呀。 | They must look queer in their garish frames on the walls of the peasant’s house | |
13 | 鲜艳夺目的颜色. | garish colours | |
14 | 耀眼,俗丽耀眼或炫耀的光辉;俗气,华而不实 | Garish or showy brilliance;gaudiness. | |
15 | 耀眼的灯光(亮光). | garish light | |
16 | 娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流(b彼得G.戴维斯) | a garish barrage of show-biz glitz(bPeter G.Davis) | |
17 | 娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流(彼得G.戴维斯) | a garish barrage of show-biz glitz(Peter G.Davis) | |
18 | 在过去的十年里,时代广场看到了复兴的希望,广场上充满着令人眼花缭乱的霓虹灯,交通十分拥挤,许多脏乱的店铺也纷纷关门。 | Over the last decade the square, with its garish neon and heavy traffic, has seen a revival, with many of the grubbier shops closing down | |
19 | 在你周围好像有些东西又扎眼,又晃眼,又刺耳。 | All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish , rattling | |
20 | 这颜色艳而不俗。 | This colour is bright but not garish . | |
21 | ||1:是决策者们更加为难的是,欧洲的房地产泡沫往往集中于那些即使其他地方止步不前而其自身发展却依然大踏步前进的首都城市。||2:爱尔兰就提供了一个非常特别的例子。||3:那些从未被入住的房子如幽灵般疯狂的增长。||4:然而在都柏林这样每年都有8,000套住房需求的地方,其去年建造的新房却还不到1,400套。||5:这使得当地的房价在过去的一年里上涨了23%,而该国家其他地区的房价只是适度的增长了5%。 | ||1:To make matters more difficult for policymakers, Europe’s property booms tend to be concentrated in capital cities, which are growing for the most part, even as other regions stagnate.||2:Ireland provides an especially garish example.||3:It is still full of ghostly developments of never-occupied houses.||4:Yet in Dublin, which needs 8,000 new homes a year, fewer than 1,400 were built last year.||5:That has helped to drive local house prices up by 23% over the past year, even as the property market in the rest of the country rose by a modest 5%. | |
22 | ||1:也许这样的言论太过极端。||2:但是埃尔多安明显有着极大的野心。||3:他在安卡拉附件的Ataturk农场上建立了一座由1150间房间构成的总统府,耗资接近6.15亿美元。||4:而自从2002年由他领导的保守派公正与发展党(AK党)执政之后,他再度启用从1928年之后就被罗马文字取代的奥斯曼语言和文字,并且强制要求在那些培养穆斯林教士的伊玛目哈蒂普学校中必须使用该语言—这类学校的数量在他执政期间增加了几乎四倍之多。 | ||1:That may be an exaggeration.||2:But Mr Erdogan certainly has grandiose ambitions.||3:At Ataturk’s farm near Ankara, he has built a garish new presidential complex with 1,150 rooms at a cost of $615m.||4:He has decreed that the old Ottoman language and script, which Ataturk replaced with a roman one in 1928, be mandatory in the imam hatip schools for Muslim clergy that have nearly quadrupled in number since his conservative Justice and Development party (AK) came to power in 2002. | |
23 | 不开会的时候,男性可以穿T恤(虽然不能太花哨)和牛仔裤,没人会认为他们很糟糕。 | On days without meetings, men can slob out in t-shirts (though not too garish ) and jeans, and no one will think the worse of them. | |
24 | 韩国人向来注重浪漫。一天之内,恋人总是交换甜言蜜语数遍不厌倦。||若是谁忘了"100天纪念日",那他可就要倒霉了。一些情侣穿着情侣装,诸如艳丽的红色羊毛套衫搭配蓝色牛仔裤。由此,一家韩国公司开创了一个专属于情侣的社交网络,这也没什么好大惊小怪的。|| | SOUTH KOREANS take romance seriously. Lovers are expected to swap sweet nothings many times a day and woe betide the clod who forgets a "100-day anniversary".|| Some pairs dress in "couple style", in the same garish red sweater and blue jeans combo, for instance. Small wonder that a Korean firm has created a social network for couples.|| | |
25 | 若是谁忘了100天纪念日,那他可就要倒霉了。一些情侣穿着情侣装,诸如艳丽的红色羊毛套衫搭配蓝色牛仔裤。 | Some pairs dress in couple style, in the same garish red sweater and blue jeans combo, for instance. | |
26 | 别看是这种时候,他们可不是穿着花短裤去旅游观光的。 | Despite the timing, they will not be tourists in garish shorts. | |
27 | 磁悬浮列车在头顶的高架铁轨上呼啸而过。撞击着天空中花哨的广告。 | MAGLEV TRAINS WHOOSH overhead on elevated tracks, against a sky of garish advertizing. | |
28 | 迪拜的海滩熠熠生辉,其上遍布为富人打造的风格化海景地产。 | Dubai’s coast has grown garish with stylized beachfront lots for the wealthy. | |
29 | 对猫咪的主人来说,她拥有一种近乎高贵,睿智又不失低调的感觉。 | The upside to cat ownership is proximity to a sense of dignity, intelligence and lack of garish behavior. | |
30 | 过分鲜艳的颜色或不相配的颜色会使读者感觉杂乱并可能分散对消息的注意。 | Garish colors or colors that don’t match can distract the reader and may detract from your message. |