属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能手机的地图应用 敢问路在何方?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-善待小鼠 它们可能会知恩图报
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-善待小鼠 它们可能会知恩图报
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物实验 善待小鼠
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物实验 善待小鼠
1 | “我想与霍尔结婚,咖腊夫人。”“听说了,”她含笑回答,“他已经同咖腊先生说过了,你是不是着急了?” | “Halle and me want to be married, Mrs. Garner .” “So I heard.” She smiled. “He talked to Mr. Garner about it. Are you already expecting?” | |
2 | 埃默里加上一句,“我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。” | "I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in"Emery added. | |
3 | 如果裁军措施是以牺牲大多数国家的经济或科技发展为代价,那就不可能得到国际社会的普遍支持,也不会有长久的生命力。 | No disarmament measure will be able to garner universal support or have lasting viability if it is taken at the expense of the economic or scientific development of most countries. | |
4 | 松鼠为过冬储存松果。 | Squirrels garner nuts for the winter. | |
5 | 协助争取民众支持民主运动 | helped garner public support for the democracy movement | |
6 | 赢得金融专家的名声. | garner a reputation as a financial expert | |
7 | 在收获季节收割小麦并加以储藏. | Wheat is cut and garner ed at harvest time. | |
8 | ||1:编写优秀的地图应用需要很长的时间和大量的资金。||2:谷歌研发了八年左右才具备这方面的专长:该公司往世界各地派遣了道路勘测车辆,并且保有一批用于地图测绘的飞机。||3: 诺基亚的地图绘制历史更是源远流长(其制图人一直在提醒用户:诺基亚为 iPhone 提供基于网页的地图应用)。 ||4: 苹果在过去的三年里收购了三家地图绘制公司,还有荷兰公司 TomTom 为其提供数据。要想在地图应用方面后来居上,苹果有足够的资金;但这毕竟需要时间。 ||5: 研究公司 CCS Insight 的 Martin Garner 估计:"再过两到三年,苹果的地图应用就能达到一个不错的水准。" | ||1: Creating good maps demands a lot of time and money. ||2: Google has taken about eight years to build up its expertise: it has sent cars along the world’s roads and maintains a fleet of aeroplanes. ||3: Nokia’s mappers (who have been issuing reminders that they offer web-based maps for the iPhone) have a longer pedigree still. ||4: Apple, which has bought three mapmaking firms in the past three years and is supplied with data by TomTom, a Dutch company, has plenty of money to throw at catching up on maps, but it will take time. ||5: "Over two to three years," estimates Martin Garner of CCS Insight, a research firm, "Apple can get up to good enough." | |
9 | ||1:斯坦福大学的约瑟?加纳(Joseph Garner)认为,解决办法就是令实验室保持低温,但让老鼠们像在自然环境中一样通过筑巢(而非吃得更多)来自行应对低温。||2:不过至今都没有人清楚到底需要多少材料才能让老鼠们筑一个舒适的窝。||3:于是约瑟?加纳博士及其同事决定要弄清这点,他们的实验结果刚刚发表在《公共科学图书馆》上。 | ||1:Joseph Garner , of Stanford University, thinks the answer is to keep the labs cool, but let mice cope with the low temperatures as they do in their natural habitat: not by eating more but by building nests.||2:So far, though, no one has a clear idea of how much nesting material is needed to keep mice happy.||3:Dr Garner and his colleagues therefore decided to find out.They have just reported their results in the Public Library of Science. | |
10 | ||1:约瑟?加纳博士及其实验小组让所有老鼠(公鼠、母鼠各36只,属于三个常用于实验的品系)在两个由一条窄通道相连的笼子里自由活动。||2:其中一个笼子的温度保持在20-35摄氏度之间(总共有六档温度)。||3:另一个温度保持在20摄氏度,但里面储有多达十克撕得很碎的纸条,以供老鼠们用来筑窝。||4:实验目的是看看老鼠们是会在更冷的笼子里筑巢还是会移居到更暖的笼子里(可能还会将筑巢用的纸条一条条拖过去)。 | ||1: Dr Garner and his team let each of their mice, 36 males and as many females from three strains commonly used in trials, roam free in two cages connected by a narrow tube. ||2: One cage was kept constant at one of six temperatures between 20°C and 35°C. ||3: The other was maintained at 20°C but was stocked with up to ten grams of finely shredded paper, which the mice could use to weave a nest. ||4: The idea was to check whether the animals would rather build a nest in the cooler cage or move to the warmer one, possibly tugging nesting material along with them strand by strand. | |
11 | 然而,加纳博士和他的同事决心找出答案, | Dr Garner and his colleagues therefore decided to find out. | |
12 | 斯坦福大学的约瑟夫加纳认为解决这个问题的办法是保持实验室里较低的温度, | Joseph Garner , of Stanford University, thinks the answer is to keep the labs cool, | |
13 | “不仅仅是30%或者35%,我们寻找机会占有更大的市场份额。”他说。 | "We look for businesses where we can garner large market shares, not just 30 or 35 percent, " he said. | |
14 | “除非有需要,否则我们的技术并不是很必要去绕过GDS,”Garner表示。 | "Our technology need not be a GDS bypass, but it can be if required, " Garner says. | |
15 | “尽管100亿美元的配股数量巨大,我认为还是会得到支持的。”他又说。 | "While a $10bn rights issue would be significant, we believe that it will garner support, " he added. | |
16 | “我们从未想过这类旅行团被人们感兴趣,但我们收到了很大的反应,”搜房网总裁理查德戴说。 | "We never thought these tours would garner such interest, but we’ve had an overwhelming response, " said SouFun CEO Richard Dai. | |
17 | “这就是一个加速的旋转木马,每个人都有可能被甩下来,”伽纳先生说。 | "It’s an accelerating merry-go-round that everyone would like to get off, " says Mr Garner . | |
18 | 1968年,纽约激进妇女组织发对在亚特兰大市举办美国小姐选美比赛的时候引起了媒体对女权运动的注意。 | New York Radical Women garner media attention to the women’s movement when they protest the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City. | |
19 | AlaronResearch资深分析师CarleyGarner称,“房市回升的迹象令公债承压。” | "Signs of a bounce in the housing market kept the pressure on bonds, " said Carley Garner , senior analyst at Alaron Research in Las Vegas. | |
20 | Med3q希望他们实用的特色可以帮助网站甩开竞争者,并吸引到更多的用户及广告商。 | Med3q hopes the useful features on the site will set it apart from competitors as well as help garner attention from users and advertisers. | |
21 | 触发这种变化的原因(如果存在的话),是因为中国意识到,外资银行将获得两位数的回报。 | The trigger, as far as there was one, was China’s realisation that foreign banks stood to garner double-digit returns. | |
22 | 到目前为止,美国仍处于太空领域研究的领先地位。美国可以通过其领先发展获得领先的利润。 | Since the US is still in the lead in space the US could garner the benefits of leadership by taking the lead in development. | |
23 | 关于这一点,在1996年Cioffi和Garner联合发表在《个性与社会心理学刊》上的一篇调查报告已经给予了证实。 | This was demonstrated in a study reported in 1996 by Cioffi and Garner in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. | |
24 | 好莱坞最健壮的女影星之一珍妮佛·加纳(JenniferGarner)扮演了惊奇漫画中的艾丽卡·纳奇丝(ElektraNatchios)这个角色。 | Jennifer Garner , one of Hollywood’s most athletic actresses, played Marvel Comics’ Elektra Natchios in a 2005 movie. | |
25 | 还是他们需要做的更多来达到标准? | Or is there something more they need to do in order to garner that designation? | |
26 | 基金会30年来一直颁发这种奖励,而且似乎每一年的通告都比上一年的更令人瞩目。 | The Foundation has been giving such awards for 30 years now, and every year’s announcement seems to garner more attention than the last. | |
27 | 加纳表示,1990年,中国和其它新兴市场的制造业增加值总计只占世界的14%。 | In 1990, says Mr Garner , China and other emerging markets accounted for just 14 per cent of manufacturing value added. | |
28 | 加纳接着说:“多诺万在一段时间内相当出色。” | "Donovan was wonderful for a certain period, " Garner continues. | |
29 | 鉴于股市动荡不定,能够迅速调集必要财力的只有政府。 | Given volatile conditions in equity markets, only governments can swiftly garner the financial resources necessary. | |
30 | 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲及新兴市场策略师乔纳森•加纳(JonathanGarner)称其为“第三次转移”。 | Jonathan Garner , Asian and emerging markets strategist at Morgan Stanley, calls it the "third transition" . |