属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国乡绅 一路顺风
1 | 《窦娥冤》的民间性-《窦》剧被视为士大夫文学商榷 | Civil Character of the Drama "Dou Ou Yun" – A New Judgment about it’s Position as a Genteel Literature | |
2 | 不幸的是,这种心态相当普遍。因此,在来自比较高雅的社会的人士的眼中,我们便显得粗俗无礼。 | It is this aspect of our psyche, which unfortunately is quite widespread, that makes us appear coarse to those coming from a more genteel community. | |
3 | 故作文雅的;做作的 | Affectedly genteel ;pretentious. | |
4 | 过穷酸的上流社会生活. | Living in genteel poverty | |
5 | 家境贫穷,却虚摆阔气;打肿脸充胖子. | living in genteel poverty | |
6 | 家贫而要面子摆阔 | live in genteel poverty | |
7 | 她说话太咬文嚼字了! | She is too genteel for words! | |
8 | 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。 | She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty. | |
9 | 米考伯先生跟先前完全一样,优游文雅、宛如青年,进了屋里。 | Mr. Micawber, not a bit changed, came into the room with a genteel and youthful air | |
10 | 那辆马车看上去很有气派,上面坐着一位衣冠楚楚,绅士模样的人,赶车的是个黑奴。 | It had a genteel appearance, and a well-dressed gentlemanly man sat on the seat, with a colored servant driving | |
11 | 你是够文雅的,看上去象个大家闺秀。 | You are genteel enough, you look like a lady | |
12 | 女儿则作出特别活泼的样子,像很善于应酬似的,这是破落户所特有的一种虚架子。 | The daughter has acquired a gay air of being very much at home in society; the bravado of genteel poverty | |
13 | 他出身于有教养的家庭。 | He came from a genteel family. | |
14 | 他理想中静谧优雅,可以幽居的住处终于在华盛顿广场找到了。 | His ideal of quiet and of genteel retirement was found in Washington Square | |
15 | 他们并非对他们生活中的上流社会的种种缺陷视而不见。 | They are not above seeing the shortcomings of the genteel society in which they move | |
16 | 他是个温文尔雅的人,生得眉清目秀,谈话的声音非常悦耳。 | He is a genteel man, and has a fine countenance and a charming voice | |
17 | 他虽穷却爱摆排场。 | He lived in genteel poverty. | |
18 | 他只是一个心肠软、知道感恩图报的人,并不懂得什么派头和礼貌。 | He was only a soft-hearted grateful fellow, and had nothing genteel or polite about him | |
19 | 我会节衣缩食来让你们俩过一种上流社会的体面生活。 | I’d stint myself to keep you both in a genteel and seemly style | |
20 | 我们的蓓基当然有许多品行不端的地方,可是她跟大家见面的时候,总是十分文雅得体的,在这一点上,谁也不能说我不对。 | I defy any one to say that our Becky, who has certainly some vices, has not been presented to the public in a perfectly genteel and inoffensive manner | |
21 | 我认识许多对夫妻,彼此根本不喜欢,生活仍然非常舒适温存。 | I have known many couples, who have entirely disliked each other, lead very comfortable genteel lives | |
22 | 闲逛的人经过这些成套锃亮的办公设施时,可以看到许多毛玻璃,埋头工作的职员,还可以看到穿着笔挺西装干净衬衫的商人们散坐着,或者聚在一起。 | The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures, much frosted glass, clerks hard at work, and genteel businessmen in "nobby" suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups. | |
23 | 一个人,当他喝醉时实在不可能高雅;但大多数罪恶却可能是彬彬有礼地犯下的(詹姆斯·鲍斯弗尔) | A man,indeed,is not genteel when he gets drunk;but most vices may be committed very genteelly(James Boswell. | |
24 | 优美的举止和漂亮的外表 | genteel manners and appearance. | |
25 | 有人批评他的人物都是矫揉造作,附庸风雅之辈,而在同一时期,狄更斯却专门以维多利亚时代伦敦陋街僻巷中平民百姓生活的贫困与严酷的现实为写作题材。 | Some people criticised his characters as too genteel , at a time when Dickens in particular was writing about poverty and the grim realities of life in the backstreets of Victorian London | |
26 | 与苏塞克斯相比,德文郡有教养的年轻人不多。 | There are not as many genteel young men in Devonshire as sussex | |
27 | 在很多私立学校里,教师都是从那些“有教养”的贫民中招募来的。他们即使有学历,那也是最低的。 | In many private schools teachers were recruited from the genteel poor and their qualifications,if any,were of the lowest. | |
28 | ||1:本尼·波梅兰斯基2000年去世后,他的儿子西蒙——从父母那一代的闲散生活转变成了一个更为优雅的戏剧演讲者职业——了解了那些他父亲生活的种种不幸。||2:本尼和他的朋友们,从伦敦东区饱受战火蹂躏的街道向南迁移(伦敦早期犹太小说家更熟悉的地方)。||3:在布里克斯顿,本尼和他的妻子伯莎靠他们的服装店波美兰斯基礼服过着体面的生活,但他的心却寄托在一群在阿斯托利亚咖啡馆见过的朋友身上。 | ||1:After the death of Benny Pomeranski in 2000 his son Simon—who has swapped the retail hustles of his parents’ generation for the more genteel profession of drama lecturer— learns about the misadventures that shaped his father’s life.||2:Benny, along with his pals, migrated south from the warbattered streets of the East End (a more familiar stamping-ground for earlier Jewish novelists of London).||3:In Brixton, Benny and his wife Bertha make a decent living from their dress shop, Pomeranski Gowns, but his heart lies with a group of friends who meet in the Astoria café. | |
29 | ||1:如今在英国“乡绅”这个词让人想到的就是“在一个上流社会的晚宴上开始闲聊的前奏——你怎么过来的啊?你认识谁呢?阿莱西娅最近可好呀?”||2:这表明在这个亲切、高雅、排外,甚至几分自鸣得意的阶层里,一个人的背景和出身比他的品性更为重要。||3:"乡绅"的前面也经常会加上“有土地的”这个词。||4: 这个词(即 landed gentry)的普及有一部份原因归功于1826年初版的百科全书式大本书《伯克乡绅名录》。(尽管早在上世纪二十年代,拥有土地便不再是一个家庭载入史册的必要条件)。 ||5:但其主要原因在于所有关于乡绅的故事都和“土地”密不可分。 | ||1: Today the term “gentry” in Britain evokes “the introductory chat at an upper-middle-class dinner party—how did you get here, who do you know, how is Aletheia?” ||2: It suggests a cosy, genteel , exclusive and somewhat smug world in which background and family are deemed more important than individual qualities. ||3: It is also often preceded by the word “landed”. ||4: The launch of “Burke’s Landed Gentry”, an encyclopedic tome first published in 1826, is partly responsible for this (though the ownership of land ceased to be a requirement for a family to appear in the book as long ago as the 1920s). ||5: But the principal reason is that the story of the gentry is all “about Land”. | |
30 | ||1:在一部关于鱼的大片中,拙劣的官员们面临着无形的威胁。||2:史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格将《大白鲨》描述为“一部关于鲨鱼的电影”,这部电影于1975年上映,奠定了他作为一名导演的票房号召力。||3:这部电影讲述了一只非比寻常的巨大白鲨威胁着一个叫艾米蒂长岛的幽静的滨海小镇的故事,人们对这个故事的解释众说纷纭。||4:它是在水门事件发生后针对腐败问题进行评论吗?它是表示对越南战争的隐喻吗?还是为了例证弗洛伊德阉割焦虑症?||5:菲德尔·卡斯特罗在一次尝试影评时,认为这部电影是一部宣扬马克思主义,批判美国资本主义的伟大作品。 | ||1:Bungling officials confront an invisible threat in a blockbuster about a fish.||2:“A film about a shark” was Steven Spielberg’s description of “Jaws”, the movie released in 1975 that established his box-office power as a director.||3:More elaborate interpretations abound for his tale of a ravenous great white terrorising the genteel seaside town of Amity on Long Island.||4:Is it a comment on corruption after Watergate, a parable of the Vietnam war or an illustration of Freudian castration anxiety?||5:Fidel Castro, in an excursion into film criticism, reckoned it was a devastating Marxist critique of American capitalism. |