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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(上)
1 | 他还时常加着这样的结论:我们汪先生就是竭力主张实现民主政治,真心要开发中国的工业 | And his invariable conclusion was: "Our Mr. Wang Ching-wei is strongly advocating democracy and genuinely wants to develop China’s industries | |
2 | 听到他粗鲁的话,她可真发火了。 | She was genuinely angered at his impolite words. | |
3 | 我感到亨利克先生和爱波伦丝太太是惟一的两个真正从心里关心我的老师。 | I believe that Mr. Henrich and Mrs. Abrams are the two teachers who genuinely cared about me and the rest of their students | |
4 | 我们的人民政府是真正代表人民利益的政府,是为人民服务的政府,但是它同人民群众之间也有一定的矛盾。 | Our people’s Government is one that genuinely represents the people’s interests, it is a government that serves the people. Nevertheless, there are still certain contradictions between this government and the people. | |
5 | 我们对他的才干心服口服。 | We are genuinely convinced by his talents. | |
6 | 我们可以看出她确实很感动。 | We could see that she was genuinely moved. | |
7 | 我们想尽办法以使他们相信我们确实对这一计划感兴趣。 | We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project. | |
8 | 五天后,一艘油轮营救他们时,他们俩因必须离去而感到由衷的惋惜。 | When a passing tanker rescued them five days later,both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. | |
9 | 相反的,一个真正开放的社会,必须要有公平的法治与严格的纪律。 | Conversely, to be genuinely open, a society must be maintained with a fair and just rule of law along with strict discipline. | |
10 | 旋转门现象〔病人反复进出精神病院而始终未能真正再度融入社会〕 | revolving door phenomenon [patients repeatedly admitted to and discharged from mental hospitals without being genuinely reintegrated into the community] | |
11 | 因为星云对射电波的散射很小,所以最明显的优点就是能够全面而真实地勾画出星云气体分布的外貌。 | The most obvious advantage is that because of their inability to scatter appreciably, nebular radio waves completely and genuinely delineate the distribution of nebular gas | |
12 | 有人深信,我们永远不能从英国政府那里求得社会公道,但能从雅克·德洛尔那里得到,他们认为一个公正的国王胜过一个糟糕的议会。 | Some people genuinely believe that we shall never get social justice from the British Government, but we shall get it from Jacques Delors. They believe that a good king is better than a bad Parliament | |
13 | 原产地规则旨在保证在普惠制项下优惠关税待遇的好处只能给予真正取自、收获、生产或制造与该出口受惠国的产品。 | Purpose of rules of origin is to ensure benefits of preferential tariff treatment under generalized system of preferences are confined to products genuinely taken from, harvested, or manufactured in beneficiary preference-receiving countries of export. | |
14 | 原产地规则旨在确保普惠制待遇仅限于真正在出口受惠国获取、收获、生产或制造的产品。 | Rules of Origin aim to ensure that the GSP treatment in confined to products genuinely taken from, harvested, produced or manufactured in the exporting preference-receiving countries. | |
15 | 在社会主义国家,一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,一定要致力于发展生产力,并在这个基础上逐步提高人民的生活水平。 | In a socialist country, a genuinely Marxist ruling party must devote itself to developing the productive forces and, on that basis, gradually raise the people’s living standards. | |
16 | 只有懂得生命价值的人才能体验到生活的幸福。 | He that can genuinely feel the happiness of life who truly knows the value of it. | |
17 | ||1:20世纪90年代早期,种族隔离制度行将就木,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生力图强行让这种制度死灰复燃。||2:1993年,他的喽罗们撞毁一辆装甲车,穿过约翰内斯堡一道玻璃外墙,来到附近一幢大楼,那里,政府正在同非洲国民大会分开进行交涉。||3:驱散代表后,尤金·特雷布兰奇先生手下的这些打手烧烤去了。||4:他们一离开,谈判旋即恢复。||5:翌年三月,在100多名手下的簇拥下,他闯入了博茨瓦纳,一个名义上的独立的“家园”,由推行种族隔离制度的政府为安置无业的黑人设立的垃圾场。||6:他们开着皮卡车,随意枪杀步行的黑人,当黑人警察向他们开枪,予以还击时,他们看上去着实吃惊不小。||7:三个着黄卡其布短衫的暴徒被击毙,剩余的作鸟兽散。||8:对于白人来说,形势发生逆转。||9:尤金·特雷布兰奇先生的支持者投放炸弹来扰乱投票,造成20人死亡。||10:但是成百万的黑人进行投票选举已势在必行。 | ||1:In the early 1990s, when apartheid was dying, Mr Terre’Blanche tried violently to revive it.||2:In 1993 his men crashed an armoured car through the glass fa?ade of a building near Johannesburg where the government was now openly negotiating with the ANC.||3:Having driven out the delegates, Mr Terre’Blanche’s bully boys held a barbecue.||4:But when they left, the talks resumed.||5:In March the next year, with about 100 of his followers, he invaded Bophuthatswana, a nominally independent “homeland” created by the apartheid government as a dumping-ground for jobless blacks.||6:They drove around in their bakkies (pick-up trucks), killing black pedestrians at random, and seemed genuinely surprised when black policemen shot back at them.||7:After three khaki-shorted AWB thugs were killed, the rest fled in disarray.||8:And that was that for the white counter-revolution.||9:Some of Mr Terre’Blanche’s supporters set off bombs to disrupt the poll, killing around 20 people.||10:But that was nowhere near enough to stop millions of blacks from turning out to vote. | |
18 | ||1:据说,有些合伙人对这份股票限售方案抱怨连连。||2:他们为公司打拼了几十年,现在想退休了,却不能按照市场价卖掉自己的股份。||3:股东对此也抱有疑虑:合伙人们是否得到了真正的激励,能否用心为公司服务。||4:如果说BTG的薪酬政策合了纯粹主义者的心意,它的公司治理结构却没有如此。||5:精力旺盛的亿万富翁安德烈?埃斯特维斯作为公司的创始人,控制着约85%的普通股份额。他可以“全权决定”公司的一切政策和管理事务。即使在某事被提交给股东来决定的情形下,仍是由他说的算。 | ||1: Some partners are said to be grumbling about the scheme. ||2: They will not be able to sell shares at the market price even after they have put in decades of work and want to retire. ||3: That raises questions about whether partners are genuinely incentivised to do well by shareholders. ||4: And even if the bank’s pay policies please the purists, BTG’s governance structure will not. ||5: André Esteves, the bank’s high-voltage billionaire founder, will control around 85% of the bank’s common shares and has “sole discretion” to control the bank’s policies and management, even when a matter has been put to shareholders. | |
19 | ||1:总之,意大利结构上的深层次症结——失效的政治系统,老化的社会人口,没落的公立大学,效率奇低的法院系统——所有这些,都需要很长的时间去一一解决。||2:欧元危机已经昭示了改革的迫在眉睫,然而滞缓的国内发展困境又让改革举步维艰。||3:如今在意大利,原本拥护改革的人,现已所剩无几了。 | ||1:Above all, the deep structural failings of Italy—an inefficient public sector, a poor demographic outlook, lousy universities, a calamitously slow judicial system—will take years to put right.||2:The euro crisis has shown the urgent need for reforms, but by stunting growth it has also made them harder.||3:And Italy has few liberals who genuinely believe in reform. | |
20 | 或者他们是真的认为串通行为被官方允许。 | or that they genuinely thought their colluding ways had been officially endorsed. | |
21 | 就最新的产品来看,移动产业远远没有达到顶峰。 | The mobile industry is far from done in terms of genuinely new products. | |
22 | 1976年发布的一项调查表明376名被采访的年轻成年人中只有60人是滥交的。 | A survey published in 1976 reported that only 60 out of the 376 young adults interviewed were genuinely promiscuous. | |
23 | ABC和正金石影业对这个结果十分满意。 | Both ABC and Touchstone seem to be genuinely pleased with the results. | |
24 | 包括我在内的许多乘客想到旅程就要结束,要和同伴们说再见都真正感到伤心。 | Many on board, myself included, are genuinely really upset at the thought of this trip ending and of saying goodbye to our bus relatives. | |
25 | 不过,还是会尝试,因为要做的选择是真得难以想象。 | Nevertheless, Will, keep trying, because the options are genuinely unthinkable. | |
26 | 不过每当他看到她,总会发自内心的感到开心,而她对他,只是笑笑回应。 | But he was always so genuinely glad to see her, like it was new. And she would just kind of smile back. | |
27 | 不过在生死劫一片中扮演一个坐轮椅的确实有点不同了,因为更让人毛骨悚然。 | However, his turn as a wheelchair-bound manipulator in Unbreakable is something genuinely different, and all the more creepy for it. | |
28 | 不少店主真的很担心烟草陈列的禁令。 | Some shopkeepers are genuinely afraid of a ban on tobacco displays. | |
29 | 大学毕业时,我打心底里舍不得离去。 | I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college. | |
30 | 但你真正需要的是你诚心喜欢的东西,你会珍爱它们同时它们也会提高你的社会地位。 | What you need are things that you GENUINELY like. Things that you cherish, that enhance your existence in the world. |