属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF Z71-351-1996
1 | 切削和磨削加工的基本参数 第3部分:切削中的几何参数和运动参数 | Basic quantities in cutting and grinding; Part 3 : Geometric and kinematic quantities in cutting | |
2 | 磬折形一种几何图形,把一个平行四边形从一个相似的但较大的平行四边形从一角截去后,剩下的部分 | The geometric figure that remains after a parallelogram has been removed from a similar but larger parallelogram with which it shares a corner. | |
3 | 摄影 密度测量 第2部分:透射密度的几何条件 | Photography-Density measurements-Part 2: Geometric conditions for transmission density | |
4 | 摄影 密度测量 第4部分:反射密度的几何条件 | Photography-Density measurements-Part 4: Geometric conditions for reflection density | |
5 | 事后来认识,我们能看到在几何的基础上,新的“数”必须包含四个分量。 | With hindsight one can see on geometric grounds that the new "numbers" had to contain four components | |
6 | 树木的主干是一种有消度的几何体。 | The main stem of a tree is a tapering geometric solid | |
7 | 数控立式车床和转向中心的试验条件.第1部分:有水平工件夹紧轴的机床的几何试验 | Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres-Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with a horizontal workholding spindle | |
8 | 宋锦具有线条多样,色彩简练和图案对称的特点 | Song brocade is characterized by complicated lines, simple colors and geometric patterns. | |
9 | 他有意无意地运用了圆形、方形、三角形等几何体的构成原则,在它们有机的组合中,造成一种音乐性的形式感。 | He adopted the structural principle of geometric shapes, such as the circle, triangle and square, in his paintings to give them a musical rhythm. | |
10 | 体系的几何构造分析 | geometric stability of framed structure | |
11 | 通常指立体异构体(而不是同分异构体现象或互变异构体现象),其中还分为两类:旋光异构体,亦称对映异构体,以镜像成对地产生;几何异构体往往因分子结构的刚性而形成,在有机化合物中,这种刚性通常是由双键或环状结构引起的。 | It usually refers to stereoisomers (rather than constitutional isomers or tautomers; see isomerism, tautomerism), of which there are two types. Optical isomers, or enantiomers, occur in mirror-image pairs. Geometric isomers are often the result of rigidity in the molecular structure; in organic compounds, this is usually due to a double bond or a ring structure. | |
12 | 椭球,椭面其所有切面都是椭圆或圆一种几何面 | A geometric surface,all of whose plane sections are either ellipses or circles. | |
13 | 线性系统几何理论 | geometric theory of linear systems | |
14 | 新古典建筑的特色是宏伟的规模;几何形式的素朴性;希腊(尤其是多利斯型的)和罗马的细节;采用引人注目的圆柱;对于空白墙壁的偏好。 | Neoclassical architecture is characterized by grandeur of scale; simplicity of geometric forms; Greek, especially Doric, or Roman detail; dramatic use of columns; and a preference for blank walls. | |
15 | 信息处理文本与办公系统办公文件体系结构(ODA)和交换格式第八部分:几何图形内容体系结构 | Information processing--Text and office systems--Office Document Architecture(ODA)and interchange format--Part 8: Geometric graphics content architectures | |
16 | 信息技术 国际标准化轮廓FOD26 开放文件格式:增强型文件结构 字符、光栅图形和几何图形内容体系结构 第1部 | Information technology; international standardized profile FOD26; document format; enhanced document structure; character, raster graphics and geometric graphics content architectures; part 1: document application profile (DAP) | |
17 | 信息技术 国际标准化轮廓FOD26 开放文件格式:增强型文件结构 字符、光栅图形和几何图形内容体系结构 第1部 | Information technology-International standardized profile FOD26-Open document format: Enhanced document structure-Character, raster graphics and geometric graphics content architectures-Part 1: Document Application Profile (DAP); Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
18 | 信息技术 国际标准化轮廓FOD36 开放文件格式:扩充文件结构 字符、光栅图形和几何图形内容体系结构 第1部分: | Information technology; international standardized profile FOD36; open document format; extended document structure; character, raster graphics and geometric graphics content architectures; part 1: document application profile (DAP) | |
19 | 信息技术 开放文件体系结构(ODA)和交换格式:几何图形内容体系结构 | Information technology-Open Document Architecture (ODA)and interchange format: Geometric graphics content architectures | |
20 | 信息技术.国际标准化轮廓FOD126.开放文件格式:图像应用.增强文件结构.字符、光栅图形和几何图形内容体系结 | Information technology-International Standardized Profile FOD126-Open document format: Image applications-Enhanced document structure-Character, raster graphics, and geometric graphics content architecture-Part 1: Document Application Profile (DAP) | |
21 | 信息技术.国际标准化轮廓FOD36.开文件格式:扩展的文件结构.字符、光栅图形、几何图形内容层次.第1部分:文件应用轮廓 | Information technology. International standardized profile FOD36. Open document format : extended document structure. Character, raster graphics and geometric graphics content architectures. Part 1 : document application profile (DAP). | |
22 | 许多结晶物质都由排列成规则几何图型的离子组成,藉带相反电荷的粒子彼此间的吸引力联系在一起。在电场中,离子向相反电荷方向移动。在电解质电池中,离子是电流的导体。能形成离子的化合物称为电解质。当气体中发生放电时,也会形成离子。 | Many crystalline substancesare composed of ions held in regular geometric patterns by the attraction of oppositely charged particles for each other. Ions migrate to the electrode of opposite charge in an electric field and are the conductors of current in electrolytic cells. Compounds that form ions are called electrolytes. Ions are also formed in gases when heated to very high temperatures or when an electrical discharge passes through them. | |
23 | 液压传动 泵和马达 几何排量 | Hydraulic fluid power; Pumps and motors; Geometric displacements | |
24 | 一种封装在一个芯片里的许多逻辑门的几何结构,在制造时可以在内部把门相互连接起来去执行一种复杂的操作,因而可以作为标准产品使用。一种经编程后可以实现某种特殊目的的门阵列通常称为用户门阵列。 | A geometric pattern of logic gates contained in one chip.During manufacturing,it is possible to interconnect the gates to perform a complex function that can be used as a standard production.A gate array programmed to perform a specific task is often referred to as a custom gate array. | |
25 | 由CAD系统完成的设计工作包括几何模拟、工程分析、设计修改与评估、自动绘图。 | The design related tasks performed by a CAD system are Geometric modeling, Engineering analysis, Design review and evaluation, Automated drafting. | |
26 | 有效的蛋白质具有三层重要结构:一级结构(氨基酸序列)由基因决定;二级结构(几何形状,通常是螺旋)由氨基酸之间或内部共价键的角度来决定;三级结构(环状或折叠的整体形状)由氢键与氨基酸侧链来决定。 | An active protein molecule has three important levels of structure: primary (the amino acid sequence), determined by the genes; secondary (the geometric shape, often a helix), determined by the angles of the covalent bonds between and within amino acids; and tertiary (the looped and folded overall shape), determined largely by attraction between oppositely charged groups (and repulsion between like charged groups)on amino-acid side chains and especially by hydrogen bonding. | |
27 | 与这位异教徒病人相处的最初的几个礼拜里,你走过整齐匀称的地毯和暗红色的澳大利亚加利木地板的步履,几乎是茫无意识的。 | During the first weeks with this unorthodox case, the steps you took across the geometric rugs, on jarrah floors of a sullen red were hardly more than automatic | |
28 | 圆柱立式钻床精度检验第1部分:几何精度检验 | Pillar type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 1: Testing of the geometric accuracy | |
29 | 在伊斯兰波斯,保留有16和17世纪的刺绣制品,在风格上墨守成规,其几何图形是根据动植物的形状而来。 | Islamic embroideries (16th-17th century)show stylized geometric patterns based on animal and plant shapes. | |
30 | 在这两个估计式中,都有共同的几何参数和安全系数的组合因子。 | The commonality of the geometric parameters and the factor of safety in the grouping can again be seen in both estimates |