属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 10791-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS ISO 10791-3-1999
1 | 在织物上织出的小几何图案. | A small geometric figure woven into fabric. | |
2 | 早期爱斯基摩人将海象牙制作不同的实用物品,如桶柄、鱼叉柄和针盒等。他们在这些物品上蚀刻由细线条组成几何或弯曲优美的图形。 | The early Inuit (Eskimos)produced such utilitarian objects as harpoon shafts and bucket handles out of ivory and often etched them with geometric or curving patterns. See also scrimshaw. | |
3 | 造船 船舶型线 几何型线的识别 | Shipbuilding; Shiplines; Identification of geometric data | |
4 | 这些结果可与阿基米德斯的几何定理相比。 | These results parallel Archimedes’ geometric theorems. | |
5 | 这种公理方法是2,000多年来许多理性思想体系(甚至体系外之数学)的模范。欧几里德从10个公理和假设中演绎出465个公理或命题,涉及了平面与立体几何图形各方面。 | This axiomatic method has been the model for many systems of rational thought, even outside mathematics, for over 2,000 years. From 10 axioms and postulates, Euclid deduced 465 theorems, or propositions, concerning aspects of plane and solid geometric figures. | |
6 | 轴用于给空间或几何体定位的无限直线、射线或线段,特别是关于对称物体的线 | An unlimited line,half-line,or line segment serving to orient a space or a geometric object,especially a line about which the object is symmetric. | |
7 | 组合加工中心机床的试验条件.带水平轴和附属头(水平Z轴)的机床的几何学试验 | Test conditions for machining centres-Geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads (horizontal Z-axis) | |
8 | 组合加工中心机床的试验条件.第3部分:带整体分度头和连续万能头机床的几何试验(垂直Z轴) | Test conditions for machining centres-Geometric tests for machines with integral indexable or continuous universal heads (vertical Z-axis | |
9 | 最常见的复合式线脚是突出的双曲正波纹线或S形线,通常用作拱顶线脚,而反波纹线则用于拱顶或拱基。传统上都会用花叶形状、几何图案、螺线纹的雕刻来美化线脚的基本轮廓。 | Among the most common compound moldings are the projecting, double-curved cyma recta or ogee, often used as a crown molding, and the cyma reversa, used for crown or base. The profiles of moldings are traditionally enhanced by flower or leaf forms, geometric motifs, or spirals. | |
10 | 最早的风格,即几何图形风格(公元前1000?~公元前700年),以几何装饰图案为特色,后来发展出格式化的人物形象描述故事场景。 | The earliest style, known as the Geometric style (c. 1000-700 BC), features geometric patterns and, eventually, narrative scenes with stylized figures. |