1 | (二)施行终止妊娠手术的; | (2)to perform operations for termination of gestation ; or | |
2 | (三)因患严重疾病,继续妊娠可能危及孕妇生命安全或者严重危害孕妇健康的。 | (3)continued gestation may jeopardize the safety of life of the pregnant woman or seriously impair her health, due to the serious disease she suffers from. | |
3 | (十)被保险人不孕不育治疗、人工受精、怀孕、分娩(含难产)、流产、堕胎、节育(含绝育)、 | (X)The fertility treatment or artificial fertilization the insured receives, or her gestation , parturition (including dystocia), miscarriage, abortion, birth control treatment, | |
4 | MTX和腹腔镜手术治疗异位妊娠疗效对比 | Contrast of Curative Effect for MTX with Peritoneoscope Operation on Gestation of another Position | |
5 | 暴露唐山大地震6个月胎儿成年后的分裂样人格特征 | Adult Schizotypal Personality Characteristics of a Fetus Exposed to Tangshan Earthquake in Its Sixth Month of Gestation | |
6 | 波形蛋白、细胞角蛋白5,18,19在人胚胎前列腺发育不同阶段的表达及意义 | Expression of Vimentin, CK5, CK18, CK19 in Human Fetal Prostate of Various Gestation Stages | |
7 | 不同阶段铅暴露孕末期血铅水平与妊娠结局的关系 | Blood Lead Level and Pregnant Outcome of Lead Exposure during Different Gestation Periods | |
8 | 不同孕期大鼠铅暴露胎盘一氧化氮/一氧化氮合酶系统与其超威结构改变的相关性 | Correlation between Level of Nitric Oxide/Nitricoxide Synthase and Ultra-Structure Changes of Placenta Exposured in Lead Gestation Period in Rats | |
9 | 从事本法规定的婚前医学检查、施行结扎手术和终止妊娠手术的人员以及从事家庭接生的人员,必须经过县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门的考核,并取得相应的合格证书。 | Personnel engaged in making pre-marital medical examination, performing ligation operations or operations for termination of gestation as provided by this Law and persons engaged in home delivery must pass the examination of the administrative department of public health under the people’s government at or above the county level, and obtain a corresponding qualification certificate. | |
10 | 从早期哲学创设谈主体性思想的孕育 | Gestation of Thoughts on Mans Initiative from Early Philosophical Schools | |
11 | 低频超声抗兔早孕的形态学研究 | Termination of Early Gestation in Rabbits Induced by Low Frequency Ultrasound Irradiation | |
12 | 低频超声终止妊娠的实验研究 | Experimental Study of Early Gestation Termination Induced by Low Frequency Ultrasound | |
13 | 地震孕育过程中若干地震学特征参量研究 | Study on Seismological Characteristic Parameters during Earthquake Gestation | |
14 | 第二十条 生育过严重缺陷患儿的妇女再次妊娠前,夫妻双方应当到县级以上医疗保健机构接受医学检查。 | Article 20 In respect of a woman who has given birth to an infant with a serious defect, prior to her second gestation , both the husband and the wife shall receive medical examination in a medical and health institution at or above the county level. | |
15 | 第三十六条 未取得国家颁发的有关合格证书,施行终止妊娠手术或者采取其他方法终止妊娠,致人死亡、残疾、丧失或者基本丧失劳动能力的,依照刑法第一百三十四条、第一百三十五条的规定追究刑事责任。 | Article 36 Where anyone who has not obtained relevant qualification certificate issued by the State performs operations for termination of gestation or terminates gestation by other means, thus causing death, disability, loss or basic loss of working ability, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 134 and Article 135 of the Criminal Law. | |
16 | 第十八条 经产前诊断,有下列情形之一的,医师应当向夫妻双方说明情况,并提出终止妊娠的医学意见: | Article 18 If one of the following cases is detected in the pre-natal diagnosis, the physician shall explain the situations to the married couple and give them medical advice on a termination of gestation : | |
17 | 第十九条 依照本法规定施行终止妊娠或者结扎手术,应当经本人同意,并签署意见。本人无行为能力的,应当经其监护人同意,并签署意见。 | Article 19 Termination of gestation or performance of ligation operations practised in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be subject to the consent and signing of the person per se. If the person per se has no capacity for civil conduct, it shall be subject to the consent and signing of the guardian of the person. | |
18 | 第十五条 对患严重疾病或者接触致畸物质,妊娠可能危及孕妇生命安全或者可能严重影响孕妇健康和胎儿正常发育的,医疗保健机构应当予以医学指导。 | Article 15 Medical and health institutions shall give medical advice to the pregnant women who are suffering from serious illness or are exposed to teratogenic substances, if their gestation may jeopardize the safety of their lives, or seriously affect their health or the normal development of the fetus. | |
19 | 第四十二条女方按照计划生育的要求中止妊娠的,在手术后六个月内,男方不得提出离婚;女方提出离婚,或者人民法院认为确有必要受理男方离婚请求的,不在此限。 | Article 42. When a wife terminates gestation as required by the family planning programme, her husband may not apply for a divorce within six months after the operation; this restriction shall not apply in a cases where the wife applies for a divorce, or when the people’s court deems it necessary to accept the divorce application made by the husband. | |
20 | 冯女士三十一周大的胎儿终在翌日早上,因胎盘突然剥落而夭折。 | Ms Fung’s baby, in its 31st week of gestation , died the following morning because of a sudden breaking off of part of the placenta. | |
21 | 古典妊娠医书中的“安胎”、“养胎”与“辟杀” | The Fetal Sedative, Nurturing and Exorcism in the Medical Gestation Texts of Middle China | |
22 | 怀孕36周之36岁妇女出现全身性红色斑块及脓疱 | A 36-year-old Primigravida in Her 36(superscript th)Week of Gestation with Generalized Erythematous thin Plaques with Pustular Formation | |
23 | 怀孕期. | the gestation period | |
24 | 怀孕期间受感染的母猪生的小猪,在断乳后发生猪瘟临床症状。 | Pigs of sows infected during gestation may develop clinical signs of HC after weaning | |
25 | 环孢霉素A对小鼠自然流产模型外周CD4(上标 +)CD25(上标 +)T细胞及妊娠结局的影响 | Effects of Cyclosporin a on the Peripheral CD4(superscript +)CD25(superscript +)T Cells and the Outcomes of Gestation in abortion-prone Matings | |
26 | 氯氰菊酯和甲基对硫磷混配对大鼠生殖发育的影响 | Effects on Reproduction and Development in Dam and Offspring of Rats Exposed to Methylparathion and Cypermethrin during Gestation | |
27 | 论英国农业革命对工业革命的孕育和贡献 | The Gestation and Contribution of British Agricultural Revolution towards the Industrial Revolution | |
28 | 煤岩体中储存能量与冲击地压孕育机理及预测方法的研究 | Research of Energy Storing and Gestation Mechanism and Forecasting of Rockburst in the Coal and Rock Mass | |
29 | 尼莫地平对生长受限胎鼠脑组织形态学及神经细胞凋亡率的影响 | Effect of Nimodipine Treatment during Gestation on Cerebral Histomorphology and Neuron Apoptosis of Intrauterine Growth Restricted Rat Fetus | |
30 | 牛的妊娠期(即从怀孕到生产的这段时间)大约是287天。 | The gestation period in cattleDthe time that elapses between conception and birthDis about 287 days |