属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-应敌之策 Dealing with the enemy
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-珍惜女儿 有其父必有其女
1 | 中国传统家教文化与民族精神的培育 | Chinese Traditional Family Training Culture with the Development and the Gestation of the Ethos | |
2 | ||1:这本书无与伦比的超长“妊娠期”意味着其起初构思与最终出版之间的多次变更。||2:在书中,80年代中期的背景主要是冷战僵局;90年代早期是庆祝冷战胜利;2001年之后的十年主要涉及反恐。||3:熬到了经历漫长艰辛最终出版的2011年,背景则又成了经济困局和对美国将来是否能主导全球事务的疑问。 | ||1: The extraordinary length of the book’s gestation meant that much changed between conception and publication. ||2: Had it appeared in the mid-1980s, the context would have been cold-war stalemate; in the early 1990s, celebration; a decade ago in 2001, concern about terrorism. ||3: Because “George F. Kennan: An American Life” finally arrives in the uneasy year of 2011, its context is economic misery and questions about the future of American dominance in international affairs. | |
3 | 另一个胜利是说服一供应商逐步淘汰使用母猪妊娠舍,在妊娠舍内的动物无法活动。 | Another victory was persuading a supplier to phase out the use of gestation stalls for sows which make it impossible for the animals to move. | |
4 | 研究表明,母亲的生活习性在新生儿的健康成长中发挥着极大的作用。 | The new research shows that generational history can play as big a part in the health of a baby as what happens during gestation . | |
5 | 自2009年,准父母在怀孕32周后可以知道他们孩子的性别。 | Since 2009 expectant parents have been allowed to know the sex of their baby after 32 weeks’ gestation . | |
6 | 11例心脏瓣膜置换术后妊娠期抗凝治疗的护理 | Care of 11 anti-coagulation treatment during gestation after heart valve replacement | |
7 | 247例妊娠中期孕妇羊水细胞染色体核型分析 | Analysis of Fetal Chromosomal Karyotypes in 247 Pregnant Women During the Second Trimester of Gestation | |
8 | 36周胎龄人胎脑不同部位神经干细胞变化特征研究 | Characterization of neural stem cells from different sites of fetal human brain at 36 weeks of gestation | |
9 | 43例妊娠合并心脏病结局与孕期保健的关系 | Relationship between outcome of 43 cases pregnancy complicated cardiopathy and gestation health care | |
10 | 氨甲喋呤不同方法治疗早期输卵管妊娠临床观察 | Clinical Observation on Treatment of Early Tubal Gestation by Methotrexate | |
11 | 不过,既定利益意味着,这种大胆的改革措施将经历一个漫长而痛苦的酝酿期。 | Vested interests, however, suggest a long and painful gestation period for such a bold shake-up | |
12 | 雌性的河马在五六岁的时候达到性成熟,经过了8个月的怀孕。 | Female hippos reach sexual maturity at five to six years old and have a gestation period of eight months. | |
13 | 从开始到最终出售的酝酿过程,短则2小时,长则数年。 | The gestation period for a final sale can then be anywhere from two hours to years. | |
14 | 从孕妇妊娠初期尿碘水平看我国食盐加碘政策 | The urinary iodine level in primary gestation and the policy of universal salt iodization | |
15 | 的竞争机型-稍大的A350-在痛苦的酝酿之后将于2012年初起飞。 | Its rival, the slightly bigger A350, is on track to fly in early 2012 after a painful gestation . | |
16 | 调整妊娠母猪预混料营养组成对繁殖机能的影响 | Effect of the regulation of premix compositions on reproduction performance in gestation sows | |
17 | 对妊娠期糖耐量受损妇女胰岛素抵抗和胰岛素生成的观察 | Observation on insulin resistance and secretion of women with impaired glucose tolerance in gestation | |
18 | 腹腔镜手术与开腹手术治疗休克型输卵管妊娠的临床分析 | Clinical analysis of the treatment of oviduct gestation with hypovolemic shock by laparoscopy or open surgery | |
19 | 高危妊娠对分娩方式和新生儿的影响 | Influence of High-risk Gestation on the Confinement Mode and the New-born Babies | |
20 | 镉接触对妊娠期及哺乳期大鼠及仔代生长发育的影响 | Influence of cadmium exposure during gestation and lactation on the growth and development of the second generation in | |
21 | 宫颈环扎术治疗孕中期宫颈机能不全的妊娠结局 | Effect of Cyclic Cerclage in Treating Cervical Malfunction in Mid-gestation and Its Pregnancy Outcome | |
22 | 宫腔镜下插管单次注射氨甲喋呤治疗输卵管妊娠32例分析 | Analysis of 32 Cases of Intubate Once Injection Amethopterin Therapy for Oviducal Gestation | |
23 | 怀孕母猪妊娠期采食量减少对繁殖性能的影响 | The Effect of Reduced Feed In take in Gestation Period on the Reproductivity of Sows | |
24 | 灰狼和红狼的怀孕周期一般都在63天左右。 | The gestation period (length of pregnancy) of gray and red wolves is usually around 63 days. | |
25 | 加强孕产期保健规范化管理降低孕产妇死亡率 | Strengthening standardized management of gestation , reducing maternal mortality | |
26 | 就在这时她参与了新的研究,该研究启示有些重要特点或许是在子宫里在怀孕期间传递的。 | But then she became intrigued with new research suggesting that some important traits might be passed down in the womb, during gestation . | |
27 | 库克最大的本事是把产品从酝酿期移到迫不及待的消费者手里。 | Cook’s biggest strength is moving products from gestation to the hands of over-eager customers. | |
28 | 米非司酮配伍利凡诺在中期妊娠引产中的应用 | Effect of Combination of mifepristone and Ethacridine used in Moderate Gestation Induced Labor | |
29 | 米非司酮药物流产后发生恶性滋养细胞肿瘤四例临床分析 | Clinical Study of Four Cases with Malignant Gestation Trophoblastic Tumor after Mifepristone Abortion | |
30 | 米索前列醇合并催产素用于晚期妊娠引产的效果观察 | Effect of Combination of Misoprostol and Oxytocin in Late Gestation Induced Labor |