属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-脱欧进程 "贵族式跳跃"(1)
1 | 在某物上覆金箔或涂金色 | Applying of gilt to sth | |
2 | 这框子上的镀金在逐渐脱落. | The gilt is coming off this frame. | |
3 | 这些盘子的边是镀金的. | The plates have a gilt edge. | |
4 | 这些盘子的边是镀金的。 | The plates have a gilt edge. | |
5 | 中国镂金错彩的木雕艺术闻名遐迩。 | Chinese art of gilt -and-colored wooden carving enjoys widespread renown. | |
6 | ||1:但是要立刻察觉出信誉评级的下调对英国经济产生的影响是很难的。||2:在去年秋天的一份报告中指出英国政府正在按计划努力减少赤字后,投资者都盼望着信誉评级机构对英国会有所改观。||3:但是另两家信誉评级机构惠誉和标准普尔都将英国评级下调至负面展望。||4:英镑兑美元的汇率连续32个月走低,英镑兑欧元的汇率更是在2011年10月跌至历史最低点。国债的收益也有所下跌。 | ||1:It is hard to spot an immediate impact in Britain, either.||2:Investors had expected the ratings agencies to act after last year’s autumn statement revealed that the government was struggling to reduce its deficit on schedule.||3:The two other big ratings agencies—Fitch and Standard and Poor’s—both have Britain on “negative watch”.||4:Sterling dropped to a 32-month low against the dollar and reached its weakest level against the euro since October 2011, but gilt yields actually fell. | |
7 | ||1:无论什么时候罗伯特·伯德行走在参议院的走廊和房间里,总有一群人相伴而行。||2:一些是他的选民,戴着迷彩帽,穿着T恤,瞠目于参议员的金碧辉煌,他们是来找他谈马什福克小学或者他们叔叔的黑肺之类的问题。||3:但他也见过密西西比的亨利·富特挥舞手枪,萨姆·休斯顿为女士们制作木心,还见过矮小的约翰·伦道夫昂首阔步走过参议院;还有阴影中的西塞罗,和他身后的小卡图,喃喃:“我不沾暴君的光。” | ||1: WHENEVER Robert Byrd walked the corridors and chambers of the Senate, he went in a crowd of people. ||2: Some were his constituents, in camouflage caps and T-shirts, gape-mouthed among the gilt and marble, come to talk to him about the problems of Marsh Fork Elementary School or their uncle’s black lung. ||3: But he also saw Henry Foote of Mississippi wielding his pistol, Sam Houston of Texas whittling wooden hearts for the ladies, and little John Randolph of Virginia strutting past with his hunting dogs; and Cicero in the shadows, and just behind him Cato the younger, whispering “I would not be beholden to a tyrant.” | |
8 | ||1:英镑贬值对于外国买家来说是件好事,因为商品的价格更加便宜。而一向受欢迎,创造喜人收益的出口商,此时往来账户的赤字却占据GDP的3.5%。||2:但是2008年和2009年的英镑贬值并未减少贸易赤字。||3:疲软的英镑造成了一种下降的趋势,这种趋势使得类似石油这样的进口商品的价格增加,并使消费者的手头更加拮据。||4:“之所以造成这样状况,不是因为我们国债的前景一片灰暗的,也不是因为我们已经失去了3A的信誉评级,而是因为我们的确是习惯于进口商品”,一位来自MG投资管理公司的吉姆·里维斯(Jim Leaviss)说道,“如此之大的贸易逆差使得它历史性的领跑了这场英镑危机。” | ||1:A fall in the pound makes Britain’s goods cheaper for foreign buyers—a welcome tonic for exporters at a time when the current-account deficit is running at 3.5% of GDP.||2:But sterling’s big decline in 2008 and 2009 did not cut the trade deficit.||3:The downside of a weaker pound is that the price of imported goods, such as oil, will increase, further squeezing consumer spending.||4:“It’s not just that our gilt outlook is weak; it’s not just that we’ve lost our triple-A credit rating; it’s that we’re really addicted to imported goods” says Jim Leaviss of M and G, a fund-management group. “A current-account deficit this large has historically preceded a sterling crisis.” | |
9 | ||但是,反观过去这段时间的走势,其形势更令人担忧。时下,英镑已算的上是2013年最疲软的货币之一。英镑比日元贬值的更多,但是日元的贬值状况已经得到日本首相详细规划以期有所改善。在过去的几周里,国债的收益有所提升,这与德国的借贷成本的下调不无关系。|| | Pull back a little, though, and the picture is more worrying. So far the pound is the weakest major currency of 2013. It has fallen even farther than the yen, where the decline had the explicit backing of the Japanese prime minister.|| In the past few weeks gilt yields have been rising relative to the cost of borrowing of the German government, too.|| | |
10 | 有金碧辉煌的墙壁,装饰着花纹的玻璃,上议院的红皮长椅上坐满了神职议员、年长的前任政客们。 | The House of Lords was resplendent with gilt , glass, a bevy of bishops and many geriatric former politicians crammed onto its red leather benches. | |
11 | Gilt是一家总部位于纽约的奢侈品“秒杀”零售商,据报道此轮融资对其估值超过了10亿美元。 | Gilt is a New York-based "flash deal" retailer of luxury goods, and reportedly raised this round at a valuation in excess of $1 billion. | |
12 | 初产母猪哺乳期长短和膘情对繁殖性能的影响 | Effect of Fat Condition and Lactation Period on Breeding Performance in First Delivery Gilt | |
13 | 从繁殖群每头新母猪收集半杯粪便以供回喂 | Collect ? cup of manure from breeding herd per gilt to be fed back | |
14 | 大约1887年,苏格兰一幅机织的丝绸、棉花和镀金金属条包裹的棉饰条,并受到土耳其纺织品启示的郁金香图案。 | Silk, cotton and gilt -metal-strip-wrapped cotton panel, machine-woven in Scotland circa 1887. Tulip motif is inspired by Turkish textiles. | |
15 | 但古董收藏趋势又使设计镀金青铜盒子的巴黎设计师莱恩•沃特兰(LineVautrin)成为一颗新星。 | But the vertu trend has turned up a new star in the gilt bronze boxes of the Paris-based designer Line Vautrin (1913-1997). | |
16 | 但实际上,市场上出现了抛售,将英国国债收益率推高了17个基点,并使英镑汇率联袂上扬。 | But there was a sell-off, which sent gilt yields 17 basis points higher, and dragged the pound up with it. | |
17 | 到处是装满新鲜水果的碗和烫金边的宗教书籍。 | Bowls brimmed with fresh fruit, and gilt -edged religious books were everywhere. | |
18 | 非贵金属烤瓷冠镀金的制作工艺 | The gilt processing technique of no -noble - metal -ceramic restoration | |
19 | 非请勿入:我们是如何建立金边债券,如何改变百万商店的运作模式的 | By Invitation Only: How We Built Gilt and Changed the Way Millions Shop | |
20 | 佛要金装,人要衣装直译 | As Buddha needs a gilt statue, man needs fine clothes | |
21 | 过去两年,Gilt的销售范围从女性服饰,扩大到折扣度假胜地、男性服饰和家居用品。 | In the past two years Gilt has expanded beyond women’s clothing to discounted vacation destinations, men’s apparel and home goods. | |
22 | 后备母猪的营养与饲养管理特点 | Feature of Nutrition and Feed Management of Replacement Gilt | |
23 | 后备猪的选留及选留数量的确定 | Selecting Gilt and Boar Pig and Determining Quantities of the Selection | |
24 | 吉尔特品牌承诺的重点是发现:每天来,每天都有新发现。 | A big part of the Gilt brand promise is discovery: Youcome every day and it’s new every day. | |
25 | 较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。 | The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp. | |
26 | 她裹着头巾,穿高跟鞋,在放满大理石茶几和镀金框的大衣橱、铺着波斯地毯的屋子里走来走去。 | She coursed, coiffed and high-heeled, through rooms filled with marble coffee tables, gilt -framed armoires and fields of Persian carpets. | |
27 | 她们都穿蓝衣,戴白帽,胸前佩带一个银质镀金或铜质的圣灵。 | They were dressed in blue, with a white cap and a Holy Spirit of silver gilt or of copper on their breast. | |
28 | 你有权以开发品牌忠诚度的方式检验吉尔特。 | You have the permission to experiment on Gilt in a way that develops brand loyalty. | |
29 | 去年秋天,你们推出了数款旅行套装,如GiltMan,andJetsetter。 | Last fall, you launched a number of subsections such as Gilt Man, and Jetsetter for travel deals. | |
30 | 十年的金边证券所带来得4%的跌幅或许比对等的意大利稍微高了点,但是两者都在2010年开始就已经开始回落。 | Ten-year gilt yields of 4% may now be a little higher than their equivalent in Italy, but they have fallen since the start of 2010. |