属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
1 | 鱼儿在湖里游动。 | Fish were gliding about in the lake. | |
2 | 鱼儿在湖里游来游去. | Fish were gliding about in the lake. | |
3 | 云南永胜宝坪滑覆构造聚矿 | Ore Accumulation Role of Anti-thrust Gliding Nappe in Baoping Copper Deposit, Yongsheng County, Yunnan Province | |
4 | 在建造塔身底部基础时,预先用喷射法打入两个钢制沉箱,上部的预应力混凝土塔身用液压滑动模槽在2.5米高的平台上按预制规格浇注而成。 | In constructing the foundations for the feet of the tower, two steel caissons had to be sunk beforehand by jetting. The priestesses concrete tower above was cast between hydraulically operated gliding formwork in 2.50-meter stages in a prescribed manner. | |
5 | 在这片从直布罗陀到达达尼尔,从突尼斯到威尼斯的浩瀚无垠的大海上,一艘整洁、漂亮、轻捷的游艇正在黄昏的轻雾中穿行。 | A light yacht, chaste and elegant in its form, was gliding amidst the first dews of night over the immense lake, extending from Gibraltar to the dardanelles, and from Tunis to Venice | |
6 | 粘杆菌粘细菌目中的一种革兰染色阴性的、且呈杆状的腐生细胞,通常存在由粘液包围形成混合的菌落,以其没有任何可知的移位器官却能靠表面滑行的能力而闻名 | Any of numerous gram-negative,rod-shaped saprophytic bacteria of the phylum Myxobacteria,typically found embedded in slime in which they form complex colonies and noted for their ability to move by gliding along surfaces without any known organ of locomotion. | |
7 | 珠儿立刻挣脱她母亲拉着她的手,跑到小溪边上,猫下身子,洗起她的额头,直到那不受欢迎的亲吻完全给洗净,散进潺潺流逝的溪水之中。 | Hereupon, Pearl broke away from her mother, and, running to the brook, stooped over it, and bathed her forehead, until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off, and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water. | |
8 | 昨天在他那种不声不响、平顺流畅、河水般的生命里,发生了一件新事,一个顿挫。 | A new thing, a great hitch, had happened yesterday in the gliding and noiseless current of his life | |
9 | ||1:贝蒂·福特一生中都挚爱舞蹈,十岁时,她就在密歇根的大急流城参加交际舞学习班,自如的跳华尔兹和狐步舞。||2:少女时期,她师从玛莎·葛兰姆,并随团在卡内基音乐大厅演出(后来她说服丈夫福特为玛莎颁发了一枚勋章。如果你纠缠一个男人足够长时间,他什么事情都会同意)。||3:在白宫,她又学习了迪斯科,伴着西迷舞曲在晚宴上尽情摇摆。||4:但如果你想让她学学阿拉贝斯克舞或者吉提,那她可是将是你见过的最差劲的芭蕾舞者了。||5:她可受不了那种束缚,正如她自己说的,她只想做一个自由翱翔的笨鸟。 | ||1: All her life, Betty Ford loved to dance. At ten she was gliding round to the waltz and the foxtrot at social-dancing classes in Grand Rapids, Michigan. ||2: As a young woman, she was taught by Martha Graham and danced in her troupe at Carnegie Hall. (Later she persuaded her husband, Gerald R., to give Martha a medal; if you kept on at a man long enough, he would agree to anything.) ||3: In the White House she tried out disco steps, and shimmied to the Bump at dinner-dances. ||4: But if you tried to teach her an arabesque or a jetée,she turned into the worst ballet dancer who ever came down the road. ||5: She couldn’t bear to be constrained like that. She was, as she put it once, a booby who only wanted to soar。 | |
10 | ||1:表面上,Tor Baz是《流浪的猎鹰》的关键人物,在地上,男人们相互厮杀,女人们被以一磅鸦片的价钱卖掉,而他却如鹰般在空中翱翔。||2:他是用来帮助读者理解时间发生的顺序的。||3:在第一个故事中他由未婚父母生出—鉴于残酷的法律,他们受到了惩罚—到最后一个故向事时他有了自己的妻子。||4:他神秘地出现在故事中间—时而作为导,时而作为告密人—这个在宏大故事背景中的小角色,使古老的部落习俗与局势动荡的新兴国家形成了鲜明对比.。 | ||1:Tor Baz is ostensibly the focus of “The Wandering Falcon”, gliding through the sky as men murder each other and women are sold for a pound of opium on the ground below.||2:His function is to help the reader understand the passage of time.||3:Born to unwed parents in the first story—and witness to the brutal justice they receive as a result—by the final tale Tor Baz takes a wife.||4:He appears, quietly, in the intervening stories—here a guide, here an informer—a bit player in a much larger narrative that contrasts the ancient customs of the tribes with the rocky adolescence of the new state. | |
11 | ||1:对三维立体图像的分析表明:树蛇滑翔过程中摆动着身体,躯体向上抬,与迎面的空气呈25度角,头部稍微高于尾部。||2:Socha博士表示在空气动力学角度上来讲,这样的身体趋向可能会对飞行的树蛇产生推助的作用。||3:这样,摆动树蛇的身体的前半部分擦过的空气尾流可对侧风滑行的后半部分起到提升的作用。||4:同样,飞鱼借助胸鳍所产生的加速气流,就可以对较小的腹鳍产生一定的提升作用。||5:事实上,反过来也可能产生这种效果,即后半部分可为前半部分起到提升作用。 | ||1:The 3-D analysis showed the snakes take up a staggered posture when gliding , with their bodies angled upwards at about 25° to the oncoming air and their heads slightly higher than their tails.||2:Dr Socha says this orientation seems to provide the creatures with an aerodynamic advantage.||3:As a result of it, the wake of air forced backwards by one segment of the snake’s undulating body may provide extra lift to the segment behind in the sidewinding glide.||4:Flying fish rely on a similar flow of accelerated air from their pectoral fins to provide lift to their smaller pelvic fins.||5:Indeed, it is possible that the effect works both ways, and that rearward segments provide lift to those in front. | |
12 | ||1:许多动物掌握在林冠中滑行的技巧。||2:青蛙在飞行时展开它的脚蹼;一些蜥蜴展开皮肤软组织下的细长肋骨。||3:猴猫,一种生长在东南亚的哺乳动物,通过伸展连接四肢的薄膜在树中滑行多达70米(230英尺)。||4:尽管身体明显缺少一部分,如一对能够拍打且适于滑行的翅膀,一些蛇也能飞行很远。 | ||1: MANY animals have mastered the trick of gliding through the forest canopy. ||2: Flying frogs stretch the webbing between the toes of their enlarged feet. Some lizards spread elongated ribs covered in flaps of skin. ||3: And the colugo, a strange South-East Asian mammal, can travel as much as 70 metres (230 feet) between trees by spreading a membrane of skin that connects its limbs. ||4: Despite a lack of obvious body parts that can double up as a decent pair of wings, some snakes, too, can glide for remarkable distances. | |
13 | 博格利亚尼教授警告说,不要以为大自然正在进行自我修复。||狐狸等一些哺乳动物,可能已经在城市里徘徊,只是在夜间游荡,未被人们发现。一只金雕在米兰的一条主干道上空滑翔,人们对此提出了一个不同的问题:“它是因为封锁才来到这儿,还是因为我们在经历封锁,所以才能看到它?”|| | Mr. Bogliani cautions against assuming that nature is reclaiming its own. Some mammals, like foxes, may have been in the cities already, prowling undetected at night.|| A golden eagle spotted gliding above a main road in Milan posed a different question: "Is it there because of the lockdown, or did we just see it because of the lockdown?"|| | |
14 | 布宜洛斯艾利斯的一家小餐馆里,一对跳探戈的舞者,在永恒不变的美妙旋律中旋转和滑行着。 | In a small restaurant in Buenos Aires, a couple tangos for the diners, pivoting and gliding to timeless melodies. | |
15 | 磁驱动滑移电弧非平衡等离子体的研究 | Research on non-equilibrium plasma of gliding arc driven by magnetic field at atmospheric pressure | |
16 | 但是它其实是二乙二醇,一种低成本的常作为汽车防冻剂替代品的物质。 | But it was really diefulien gliding hall, a lowpass substitute commonly used in automobile antigens. | |
17 | 当她在积雨云下方滑翔时,却被拉上了32000英尺高空。 | While gliding under a cumulonimbus, she was pulled upward to 32, 000 feet. | |
18 | 防区外投放制导炸弹滑翔段垂直面最优制导 | Optimal Gliding Guidance in Vertical Plane for Standoff Released Guided Bomb Unit | |
19 | 滑动弧放电等离子体裂解正己烷实验研究 | The experimental investigation on the decomposition of hexane in gliding arc discharge | |
20 | 滑动弧非平衡等离子体研究 | Study of gliding arc discharge plasma | |
21 | 滑动加压鹅头钉治疗老年股骨粗隆部骨折失误分析 | Analysis of misuse of gliding compressive goose nail for the treatment of femoral intertrochanter fracture in elder people | |
22 | 滑动山体上桥梁桩基的质量控制 | Quality Control of Bridge’s Pile Foundation on Gliding Mountain Slope | |
23 | 滑翔增程弹弹道仿真研究 | Simulation Research of Trajectory of Gliding Range-extended Projectile | |
24 | 滑翔增程炮弹弹道仿真与优化设计 | Study of Trajectory Simulation and Optimum Design of Gliding Range - Assisted Projectile | |
25 | 火箭弹滑翔增程技术研究 | Research on Gliding Flight Extended Range Technology of Rocket | |
26 | 火箭助推滑翔增程炮弹弹道模型研究 | Study on ballistic models of rocket- aid gliding extended projectiles | |
27 | 基于分段常滑翔角的长航时纵向远程滑翔飞行方程近似解 | The Approximate Solution for Long-Time and Long-Range Longitudinal Gliding Flight Based on Segment Constant Gliding Angle | |
28 | 极限运动包括攀岩、高山滑翔、激流皮划艇、徒步登山、潜水和冲浪等 | It includes rock climbing, high-angle mountain gliding , , swift water kayaking, hiking mountaineering, diving , surfing, etc | |
29 | 胶东西涝口金矿区层间滑动构造与成矿 | Interlayer gliding structure and mineralization of Xilaokou gold field, East Shandong | |
30 | 她那从头到脚蒙蔽起来的身影飘飘然向一个健壮的英国青年走去的样子,看上去真是美丽之极。 | It was a pretty sight to see her veiled form gliding towards the sturdy young Englishman. |