属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 474-8-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 474-8-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF E58-124-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-JIS A8423-1-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-JIS A8423-2-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 7134-1993
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 7134 Technical Corrigendum 1-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF E58-090-1998
1 | 开展个体数学解题检核能力之动态评量研究 | The Research of Applying Multi-Stage Dynamic Assessment to Facilitate the Learning Potential of Checking Performance on Mathematical Problem Solving for First Graders | |
2 | 利用径路搜寻法探讨六年级学生的乘除概念知识结构图 | The Pathfinder Analysis of Integer Multiplication-Division Knowledge Structure for Sixth Graders | |
3 | 美国七年级学生数学排名第24,科学排名第13。 | Seventh graders from the U. S. scored 24th in mathematics and 13th in science | |
4 | 少年对自杀的看法:国中生焦点团体质性资料分析 | Perspectives Relating to Suicide:Qualitative Data from Focus Group Interviews with 7th Graders | |
5 | 生本教育阅读教学成效探究 | The Effectiveness of Student-Centered Education in Second Graders ’ Reading Instruction | |
6 | 十二年级学生只有百分之四十六能做七年级的作业,而且只有百分之五能应付学习微积分前必修课的作业。” | Only 46% of 12th graders can do 7th-grade work and only 5% can do precalculus work." | |
7 | 使用Rasch二分模式来编制国小运动技能测验给分量表 | The Application of Rasch Dichotomous Model to the Construction of the Basketball-throw Testing Grading Measure for Sixth Graders | |
8 | 他才是个七年级生,而其余的人都是八年级生。 | He was in seventh grade-the other six team members were all eighth-graders | |
9 | 台北市八十学年度国中新生的肥胖盛行调查-不同筛选指标的比较 | The Prevalence of Obesity in the Seventh Graders in Taipei City, 1991: A Comparison of Various Body Screening Indices | |
10 | 台北市八十学年度国中新生的节食意向研究-理性行动理论的应用 | Dieting Intention in the Seventh Graders in Taipei City, 1991: An Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action | |
11 | 台北市二国小高年级学生脊柱侧弯筛检研究 | School Screening for Scoliosis among Fifth and Sixth Graders of Two Elementary Schools in Taipei | |
12 | 台北市公私立小学一年级学童之学习潜能 | The Learning Potential of the First Graders in Taipei City as Measured by Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices | |
13 | 台北市某高中一年级学生的班级人际网络位置与吸烟行为的关系 | The Relationship Between Classmates’ Interpersonal Network and Smoking Behavior: a Preliminary Investigation Among the 10th Graders | |
14 | 台北市某国中一年级学生视力不良状况及其相关因素初探 | Factors Influencing Vision Defects: A Preliminary Study of Seventh Graders in a Junior High School in Taipei | |
15 | 台南县国小一年级学生屈光状态调查Ⅰ-以回归公式估算睫状肌麻痹前后屈光值之差异 | Survey of the Refract We Status of the First Graders in Tainan County Ⅰ-Correlation between Cycloplegic and Non-Cycloplegic Refractions. | |
16 | 台湾北部国小四年级学童曾经发生自杀意念之相关因素研究 | Ever Having Suicide Ideation among the 4(superscript th)Graders in Northern Taiwan and Its Correlates | |
17 | 探究国三学生酸与碱的迷思概念并应用以发展教学诊断工具 | Assessing the Ninth Graders ’ Misconceptions on Acids and Bases to Develop a Diagnostic Teaching Instrument | |
18 | 探究国一学生科学探究活动之参与内涵及其参与动机之个案研究 | Investigation of Junior High School First Graders ’ Nature of Participating & Motivation in Science Inquiry Activity-Case Study | |
19 | 听着她的解释,我买了几张彩票,支持彻罗基小学筹集资金,使得四年级学生可以参加太空营。 | Following her explanation, I bought raffle tickets in support of the Cherokee Elementary School’s efforts to raise money so that fourth graders might attend space camp. | |
20 | 土方机械 推土机、平地机和铲运机刀片 主要形状和基本尺寸 | Earth-moving machinery-Cutting edges used on tractors-dozers, graders and scrapers-Principal shapes and basic dimensions | |
21 | 土方机械.安全.平地机的要求 | Earth-moving machinery-Safety-Requirements for graders | |
22 | 土方机械.安全性.第8部分:平路机的要求 | Earth-moving machinery-Safety-Part 8: Requirements for graders ; | |
23 | 土方机械.安全性.第8部分:推土机的要求 | EARTH-MOVING MACHINERY. SAFETY. PART : REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADERS . (EUROPEAN standard EN 474-8). | |
24 | 土方机械.平地机.第1部分:术语和工业规范 | Earth-moving machinery--Graders --Part 1: Terminology and commercial specifications | |
25 | 土方机械.平地机.第2部分:规范的标准格式和试验方法 | Earth-moving machinery--Graders --Part 2: Standard form of specifications and testing methods | |
26 | 土方机械.平地机.术语和商业规范 | Earth-moving machinery; graders ; terminology and commercial specifications | |
27 | 土方机械.平地机.术语和商业规范.技术勘误1 | Earth-moving machinery-Graders -Terminology and commercial specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
28 | 土方机械.推土机.术语和商品规范 | Earth-moving machinery; graders ; terminology and commercial specifications | |
29 | 土方机械.推土机.术语和商品规范.技术勘误表1 | Earth-moving machinery-Graders -Terminology and commercial specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1 | |
30 | 土方机械.拖拉机式推土机、平地机、铲运机刃口.主要形状和基本尺寸 | Earth-moving machinery. Cutting edges used on tractor-dozers, graders and scrapers. Principal shapes and basic dimensions. |