属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 7129-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 6913-3-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7799-1-1981
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-缅因州一学区向幼儿园学生发放iPads
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-预防青少年恋爱暴力
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-父母如何帮助预防青少年恋爱暴力
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:美中学老师带枪到学校被捕 提出辞职
1 | 土方机械.拖拉机式推土机、平地机、拖拉机式铲运机.刃口.主要形状和基本尺寸 | Earth-moving machinery-Cutting edges used on tractors-dozers, graders and scrapers-Principal shapes and basic dimensions | |
2 | 土方机械的操作和维修.拖拉机式推土机、平地机和铲运机用刃口的规范.主要形状和基本尺寸 | Operation and maintenance of earth-moving machinery-Specification for cutting edges used on tractor-dozers, graders and scrapers-Principal shapes and basic dimensions | |
3 | 我在俄亥俄州的一个小镇上教小学三年级,班上27个孩子都在积极参加"礼物赠送日"的活动。 | I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the great day of gifts giving | |
4 | 小学生自我概念的发展特点及其与人格的相关研究 | Development of 3-5 Graders ’ Self-concept and Its Relationship with Personality | |
5 | 性别与英语学习成就之研究-以屏东县小六学童为例 | The Study of the Difference between Gender and English Learning Achievement-A Case Study of Sixth-Graders in Pingtung County | |
6 | 一门动态的课程用于加强和巩固7年级学生的算术能力 | A dynamic course designed to strengthen and reinforce arithmetic for seventh graders | |
7 | 鹰架个体数学解题与迁移学习潜能延展性之动态评量研究 | Applying Multi-Stage Dynamic Assessment to Scaffold Continuous Development of Learning Potential in First Graders ’ Word Problem Solving Performance | |
8 | 约有30名四年级学生跟自己的配手拉开一定距离,进行把飞碟准确扔过炎热干燥的运动场的四步练习。 | About 30 fourth-graders stood some distance from their partners, practising the four-step exercise involved in accurately slicing a frisbee above the parched ground | |
9 | 彰化县近郊国小五年级学童英语学习动机、英语学习策略及英语学习成就状况探讨 | A Survey on the Fifth Graders ’ English Learning Motivation, English Learning Strategies and English Learning Achievements in Chang-Hwa County | |
10 | 筑路机械.土方机械和牵引机(拖拉机.松土机)用的轮胎.斜线花纹的标准轮胎 | Tyres for road making machines, earth moving machines and road graders ; regular sizes in diagonal construction | |
11 | ||1:9年前,缅因州成为美国首个向公立学校所有七、八年级学生提供笔记本电脑的州。||2:自那以后,这个东北部的州将这一方案扩大到了约一半的高中。||3:现在,缅因州一个学校系统(即学区)已经启动了一个项目,向所有幼儿园的孩子提供苹果iPad平板电脑。 | ||1:Nine years ago, Maine became the first American state to provide laptop computers to all seventh and eighth graders in public schools.||2:The northeastern state has since expanded that program to about half of its high schools.||3:Now, one school system in Maine has launched a project to provide tablet computers -- the Apple iPad -- to all kindergarteners. | |
12 | 给评分者评分 | Grading the graders | |
13 | 今年早些时候,罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会发布了一项在美国进行的调查。有15%的7年级受访者表示,他们曾是异性关系中身体暴力的受害者。7年级学生大约是12岁。 | Earlier this year the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a study done in the United States. Fifteen percent of seventh graders in the study said they had been the victim of physical violence in a relationship with the opposite sex. Seventh graders are about twelve years old. | |
14 | ||今天我们再来看一看教育青少年如何建立健康的恋爱关系。上周我们讲述了美国最新的一项调查。15%被调查的七年级学生表示,他们曾经在异性关系中经历过身体暴力。七年级学生约为12岁。|| | Today we take another look at teaching young people how to build healthy relationships. Last week we told you about a new study in the United States.|| Fifteen percent of seventh graders in that study said they had experienced physical violence in a relationship with the opposite sex. Seventh graders are about twelve years old.|| | |
15 | 纽敦中学距桑迪胡克小学不到2英里,2012年发生在那里的大屠杀造成20名一年级学生和6名教育者死亡。 | Newtown Middle School is less than 2 miles from the site of the December 2012 shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 first-graders and six educators. | |
16 | “我发现其他孩子、其他九年级学生,也都是喜欢数学、喜欢玩乐的。”他如是说。 | "I found other kids, ninth graders , who also loved math and loved having fun, " he said. | |
17 | 1986年,南方地区教育委员会对南方的五个州的十一年级学生进行考试。 | In 1986, the Southern Regional Education Board gave a test to eleventh graders in five southern states. | |
18 | 1999年,有38.3%的12年级学生报告自己最近在一个月中没有饮酒,疾控中心的年轻人危险行为防控专家劳拉·凯恩说。 | In 1999, 38. 3% of 12th-graders reported no drinking in the previous 30 days, says the CDC’s Laura Kann, an expert on youth risk behaviors. | |
19 | 2002年,仅有一半的全市四年级生达到了国家学习标准。 | In 2002, only half of the city’s fourth-graders met state learning standards. | |
20 | 2006-07学年的各州阅读考试中,密西西比州90%的四年级学生分数为“熟练”或优秀。 | Test-data reflect this. In Mississippi 90% of fourth-graders were labelled "proficient" or better in the state reading test in 2006-07. | |
21 | 2007年这个调查刚一启动,Telemark郡就有将近一半的四年级学生报名加入。 | Nearly half of all fourth graders in the county of Telemark participated when the survey was conducted in 2007. | |
22 | 3对于评分者来说在Coverlipse下运行测试并决定是否有100%的代码覆盖率是十分容易的。 | 3 It’s easy for graders to run the tests under Coverlipse and determine if there is 100% code coverage or not. | |
23 | 6月份,她邀请华盛顿Bancroft小学五年级的孩子们一起来完成园艺任务。 | In June, she invited fifth-graders from Washington’s Bancroft Elementary School to help with gardening tasks. | |
24 | 比如说,加州的八年级学生(14岁)的数学能力(全美)排名46位。 | California’s 8th-graders (14-year-olds), for example, ranked 46th in maths last year. | |
25 | 毕竟,将近百分之百毕业的九年级学生会继续读高中。 | After all, nearly 100 percent of the school’s ninth graders go on to high schools. | |
26 | 不久前突尼斯实行的教育改革使四年级学生在2003年至2007年的平均成绩降低。 | After recent educational changes were introduced in Tunisia, the average test scores of fourth graders actually fell between 2003 and 2007. | |
27 | 不同音乐专业背景之审评人在学童编曲作品之看法上并无必然的关系。 | Music backgrounds did not necessarily correlate between judges’ opinions in fifth-graders ’ music arranging performances. | |
28 | 参与活动录制的还包括纽约市市长迈克尔•布卢姆博格、教育部长斯玛格丽特•斯佩林斯、教师以及20名四五年级的小学生。 | The event drew New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings plus teachers and about 20 fourth and fifth graders . | |
29 | 初一学生数学问题解决中的动静态元认知研究 | Dynamic and Static Metacognition Research on Mathematics Problem Solving for the First Graders of Junior High School | |
30 | 除了芬兰语、数学和科学,一年级学生还接触音乐、艺术、体育、宗教和纺织工艺品。 | Besides Finnish, math and science, the first graders take music, art, sports, religion and textile handcrafts. |