属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国左派的胜利 图林根州的十一月革命
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥边境工厂 兵临城下
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-星巴克 亏损巨头靠速溶咖啡来提神
1 | OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。 | The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology. | |
2 | 她知道迟早会有人提出那些问题,比如作品里的圣杯是否真的存在,或者站在耶稣右边的信徒的真实性别是什么。 | She knew that sooner or later the questions--about the Holy Grail ’s presence or absence from the work, or the real sex of the disciple to the right of Christ--would come. | |
3 | 现在他发现已经把自己献身于一种理想的追求。 | Now he found that he had committed himself to the following of a grail | |
4 | 追究圣杯而历险 | The quest for the Holy Grail . | |
5 | ||1:对于那些支持中左派“红红绿”联盟的人来说,以默克尔为首的政府下台真是一件在联邦层次大快人心的事情。||2:图林根州(德国其他州也一样)由基民盟和社民党联合执政。||3:社民党在图林根州付出了高昂的代价,却仅仅在9月的选举中获得了微薄的12%的选票。||4:所以该州的社民党转而联合左党和绿党。||5:图林根州中4300社民党人想在11月4号对这个想法表示支持。||6:如果这样,左党可能在12月份首次执政联邦州。 | ||1:To many on Germany’s centre-left such a “red-red-green” alliance is the holy grail at the federal level to replace governments led by Mrs Merkel.||2:In Thuringia (as in the rest of Germany) the CDU rules in coalition with the SPD.||3:The SPD has paid dearly there, winning a meagre 12% of the vote in September.||4:So the state’s Social Democrats want to try joining with The Left and the Greens instead.||5:Thuringia’s 4,300 SPD members are expected to say yes to the idea on November 4th.||6:The Left could lead its first-ever state government by December. | |
6 | ||1:基于友善来选择伙伴是一个失败的根据。||2:作者从现有上市的表现来检验了投资者的投资记录。||3:上市是许多创业公司的终极目标,但校友伙伴搭配投资的成功率比非校友的要低22%,同时曾同事过的伙伴成功率则低18%。||4:如果仅考虑种族问题,这对最终投资成功率没有影响。||5:但一旦涉及搭配,这就完全不一样。||6:由同一种族组成的共同投资搭配,旗下企业上市的几率要低25%(东亚伙伴的成功率则更低)。||7:这些数据表明具有共同点投资伙伴所产生的疲弱投资结果,受选错公司的影响其实较小,而更多的是由初步投资后的错误决策而导致。||8:这可能是因为多样化视角有利于投资者作出更好的判断。 | ||1:Rapport is a poor basis for selecting partners.||2:The authors examine investors’ record at exiting investments through an initial public offering (IPO).||3:An IPO is the holy grail for many start-ups, but the odds of success are 22% lower if a co-investing pair are alumni of the same university, and 18% lower if they share a past employer.||4:By itself, ethnicity has no effect on investment success.||5:In a pair, it is a different story.||6:Co-investors from the same ethnic minority are 25% less likely to bring a portfolio company to an IPO (and the odds are still lower if the partners are East Asian).||7:The data suggest that the poorer results of similar investors stem less from selecting bad companies, more from bad decisions taken together after the initial investment.||8:It may be that a diversity of views helps investors to make better calls. | |
7 | ||1:只有在这些所谓的永生者也是所向无敌,因此不受任何事故伤害时,上述论点才能成立。||2:不过这是个奇怪的定义,并非时不时冒出来的,尤其是在研究衰老的科研中。||3:圣杯只是为了阻止衰老。||4:的确,凯夫引用了一位精算师的话,据那位精算师估计,一个“医学上永生”的人平均大约可以活6000年,不过最终他会死于坠机,撞车等事故。||5:另外,这种厌烦似乎不是问题:别忘了,若一个获得永生的人实在厌烦了自己没完没了的生命,什么也阻止不了他将其结束。 | ||1:That argument only applies if these notional immortals are also invincible, and therefore impervious to accident.||2:But that is an odd definition, and not one that crops up very often, especially in scientific research into ageing.||3:The holy grail there is simply to arrest the ageing process.||4:Indeed, Mr Cave quotes an actuary who has estimated that the average “medical immortal” would persist for around 6,000 years before dying in a plane accident or a car crash or the like.||5:And besides, boredom seems to be a non-problem: after all, if an immortal does ever get truly bored of his vastly extended life, there would be nothing to prevent him from ending it. | |
8 | 但是穆诺兹觉得自己想说什么就说什么,因为他为墨西哥北部的出口公司找到了圣杯:不仅仅是加工制造,而是如何制造。 | But Mr Muoz feels free to say what he likes, because he has found the holy grail for exporters in northern Mexico. He has brought inventive flair, not just deft fingerwork, to the process of making things . | |
9 | 星巴克用了20年所追求的圣杯速溶咖啡的味道和新磨的一样好。 | Starbucks itself has spent 20 years pursuing the holy grail of an instant coffee that tastes as good as the fresh stuff. | |
10 | “那真的是地热的圣杯:你可以在任何地方开采地球的热能”,布莱克威尔说。 | "That’s really the holy grail of geothermal: that you can go anywhere and extract the Earth’s heat, " Blackwell says. | |
11 | “于是你就知道是一个有非凡想象力的诗人弄出了圣杯这个东西”。 | So you’ve got a poet with a remarkable imagination who invents the idea of the Grail . | |
12 | “这将极大地简化了这次任务,”GRAIL任务的首席科学家MariaZuber告诉探索新闻,来自于麻省理工学院。 | "It greatly simplifies the mission, " GRAIL lead scientist Maria Zuber, with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told Discovery News. | |
13 | “这是航空史上的圣杯”,RichardVarvill如此说到,他是反应引擎技术总监,也是公司的创始人之一。 | "It’s the holy grail of aeronautics, " said Richard Varvill, Reaction Engines technical director and a company co-founder. | |
14 | ComicConnect.com拍卖网站的创始人斯蒂芬·菲舍尔说:“这本书是漫画书中的极品。” | "It’s the Holy Grail of comic books, " ComicConnect. com auctioneers’ founder Stephen Fishler said. | |
15 | GRAIL号是根据类似的名叫Grace号的地球重力绘制任务而制造的,Grace号也是利用了拉格郎日点。 | GRAIL is closely based on a similar Earth-gravity mapping mission called Grace, which also made use of a Lagrange Point. | |
16 | Web服务已被称为组件重用和语言互操作性的下一个圣杯。 | Web services has been called the next holy grail for component reuse and language interoperability. | |
17 | 巴黎索邦大学杰出教授弗兰克斯•克鲁泽则号召人们查究这一历史事件发生的原因,其态度似乎像在追求长期以来梦寐以求的圣杯。 | Franç ois Crouzet, a French historian, calls the search for an explanation "somehow akin to the quest for the Holy Grail " . | |
18 | 保险公司找到他们的圣杯–一种使局外人易于理解他们的语言了吗? | Have insurers found their holy grail : a language that makes them comprehensible to outsiders? | |
19 | 不过,应用程序开发者的独到之处,很可能会设法搭上中国蓬勃发展的奢侈品的销售。 | The holy grail for app developers, though, may well be finding ways to hitch a ride on China’s booming luxury brand sales. | |
20 | 不要将它视为圣杯;享受性福有很多方式,而G点只是其中之一! | Don’t turn it into the Holy Grail ; there are many, many ways to enjoy your sexuality, and the G-spot is just one of them. | |
21 | 从一粒沙子看到一个世界,一朵野花中看到天堂,把握在手中的就是无限,一小时就是永远! | to see a world in a grail of sand , and a heaven in wild flower. hold infinity in the palm of your hand, etinity is an hour. | |
22 | 带有优秀定制的更高抽象层次是任何语言(包括Java语言)的神圣目标。 | A higher abstraction level with excellent customization is the holy grail for any development language, including the Java language. | |
23 | 但是那小小的预制盥洗室依然是设计师们的圣杯,专利仍然定期的被应用。 | But the tiny, prefabricated bathroom remains a holy grail of designers, with patents still being pumped out regularly. | |
24 | 当然,对于我来说这一旅程是美妙的,但是如果要收费的话就相当吓人。 | Of course for me this trip was the holy grail , but being in charge was scary. | |
25 | 第三,亚洲不能只是因为安然度过了全球危机,就想当然地以为自己发现了经济繁荣的不二法门。 | Third, Asia cannot presume that just because it weathered the global crisis it has discovered the holy grail of economic prosperity. | |
26 | 定义神经电路依然是“神经科学的圣杯”,布兰迪斯大学的伊夫·马德尔说。 | Defining neural circuits is still "the holy grail of neuroscience, " says Eve Marder at Brandeis University. | |
27 | 对环境保护论者来说,不产生温室气体的“洁净煤”就是他们的圣杯。 | The environmentalists’ holy grail is "clean coal" which does not produce greenhouse gases. | |
28 | 对于许多反肥胖活动家来说,联邦监管的终极目标是食品营销。 | For many anti-obesity activists, the holy grail of federal regulation is food marketing. | |
29 | 对于自由民主党而言,改掉歧视他们的“得票多者当选”投票制长期以来就是该党的圣杯。 | For the Liberal Democrats, changing the first-past-the-post voting system that discriminates against them has long been the holy grail . | |
30 | 负责花旗集团亚洲个人业务的JonathanLarsen说,中国凭借着其大小,成为银行业的“圣杯”。 | By virtue of its size, China is the "holy grail " of banking, says Jonathan Larsen, who runs Citi’s consumer business in Asia. |