属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东西方 "欢喜冤家"
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-宇宙大爆炸 Fundamental physics:B
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 苹果CEO库克发表他对脸书数据门的看法
1 | 邓小平理论坚持科学社会主义理论和实践的基本成果,抓住“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这个根本问题,深刻地揭示社会主义的本质,把对社会主义的认识提高到新的科学水平 | Deng Xiaoping Theory, upholding the basic achievements of the theory and practice of scientific socialism, has grappled with the fundamental question of “what socialism is and how to build it “ and has incisively expounded the essence of socialism, raising our understanding of socialism to a new scientific level | |
2 | 吉姆在黑暗中与小偷扭打。 | Jim grappled with a thief in the dark | |
3 | 她孤身一人与那银行抢劫犯搏斗。 | She grappled with the bank robber single-handedly. | |
4 | 她与袭击者扭打而他却逃走了. | She grappled with her assailant but he got away. | |
5 | 两个摔交的扭在一起。 | The two wrestlers grappled together. | |
6 | 两个摔交手扭在一起。 | The two wrestlers grappled together | |
7 | 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。 | The thug grappled him around the neck. | |
8 | 那两个男孩互相揪打[扭打在一起]。 | The two boys grappled with each other. | |
9 | 他费了一个小时才解出那道题。 | He grappled with the problem for an hour before he solved it | |
10 | 他一人与两名敌兵格斗。 | He grappled with two enemy soldiers | |
11 | 他与一个大个子流氓拼命搏斗。 | He grappled wildly with a big tough. | |
12 | 他与一个大个子流氓拼命格斗。 | He grappled wildly with a big tough. | |
13 | 他在黑暗中与小偷格斗。 | He grappled with the thief in the dark. | |
14 | 我们的战士和敌人短兵相接地搏斗。 | Our soldiers grappled with the enemy at close range. | |
15 | 我们设法去解决那个问题。 | We grappled with the problem. | |
16 | 与他们的良知抗争;与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争 | Grappled with their consciences;grapple with the political realities of our time. | |
17 | 朱尼尔以一个摔跤运动员的勒颈手法紧抓住家里的小狗。 | Junior grappled the family mutt with a wrestler’s stranglehold | |
18 | 抓住“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这个根本问题,深刻地揭示社会主义的本质,把对社会主义的认识提高到新的科学水平。 | has grappled with the fundamental question of “what socialism is and how to build it“ and has incisively expounded the essence of socialism, raising our understanding of socialism to a new scientific level . | |
19 | ||1:他巧妙地与11任总统周旋,并且随着年长,越来越不喜欢他们。||2:他憎恶小布什,在伊拉克问题上,布什越过了国会的宣战权,而参议院还在可怜地等待。||3:“在这次严重的示弱行为后,”伯德写道,“参议院在自己的盾上留下了不可磨灭的污点。”||4:有些民主党人也讨不得他的欢喜。||5:虽然他的18500票中,党内人士居多,但他有着老南方的保守性格,和西弗吉尼亚人对炼钢和煤矿的温柔;而且在任何情况下,参议院优先于党。||6:九十年代,比尔·克林顿曾企图通过项目预算否决权,从国会那里接管财政,被伯德反对,并以分别的14个一小时演讲,全部脱稿,拖延了议程。||7:他以前也曾以老式的方式阻挠议事:1964年,一次长达14小时13分钟的演讲,试图遏止人权法案。 | ||1: He grappled masterfully with 11 presidents, and liked them less as he got older. ||2: George Bush junior he detested, a reckless and arrogant man who, on Iraq, overrode the war-declaring powers of Congress while the Senate stood pitifully by. ||3: “In this terrible show of weakness”, Mr Byrd wrote, “the Senate left an indelible stain upon its own escutcheon.” ||4: Some Democrats pleased him little better. ||5: Though most of his 18,500 votes went with his party, he had an old southerner’s conservative streak, besides a West Virginian’s tenderness for coal-mining and steel-making; and party ran second to the Senate, in any case. ||6: Bill Clinton’s bid to seize the pursestrings from Congress in the 1990s with the line-item budget veto was opposed by Mr Byrd in 14 separate one-hour speeches, learned by heart, to slow up debate. ||7: He had filibustered before, the old-fashioned way: in 1964 for a straight 14 hours 13 minutes, to try to kill the Civil Rights Act. | |
20 | ||1:通过再现历史风云人物的生活,米什拉讲述了国家复兴的故事,但这些风云人物为在确保亚洲“核心”的同时,如何复制西方强国的繁荣而进退两难、烦恼不已。||2:对西方世界完全陌生的两个人,他在笔墨间却倾注了很多关心。||3:一位是哲马鲁丁?阿富汗尼,就像大多数的历史人物一样“并非不加思考的照搬西方者,也非食古不化的传统者”。||4:尽管他的姓名很奇怪,美国人修整了喀布尔(阿富汗的首都)的坟墓,1838年,阿富汗尼出生在波斯(西南亚国家,现称伊朗)。||5:作为一名行走中的伊斯兰积极分子,他在埃及、印度、土耳其和俄国都呆过,他抱怨东方独裁统治的脆弱和不公,也责怪西方帝国主义的不道德,甚至试图开展泛伊斯兰教运动。||6:他有苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)和伊朗国王的耳目。 | ||1: Mr Mishra tells the story of this resurgence through the lives of a number of pivotal figures, as they grappled with the dilemma of how to replicate the West’s power while retaining their Asian “essence”. ||2: He pays most attention to two, both little known in the West. ||3: One, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, was like most of them “neither an unthinking Westerniser, nor a devout traditionalist”. ||4: Despite his name, and despite a tomb in Kabul restored at America’s expense, al-Afghani was born in Persia in 1838. ||5: An itinerant Islamist activist, he also spent time in Egypt, India, Turkey and Russia, railing against the feebleness and injustices of Oriental despotisms and the immorality of Western imperialism, and trying to forge a Pan-Islamic movement. ||6: He had the ear of sultans and shahs. | |
21 | ||1:为了加强这个大部头的影响力,两位作者明智地选择了一些有趣的段子:在20世纪20年代以及更早时候发展量子力学的学者的怪癖;他们设法解决的哲学问题;间或出现的通俗旁白。||2:有关物质的课题是枯燥的,考克斯和福索承认:海因里希·凯瑟在一个世纪前完成了6部用以证明光谱是由每个已知元素产生的参考著作,据他们观察,“他肯定在晚宴上很开心。”||3:他们也对专注方程式的同事进行了高度概括:“物理学家非常懒惰,除非从长远看这节约时间,他们不会招惹这些麻烦”。 | ||1: The authors have wisely chosen to leaven their tome with amusing tales of dysfunctional characters among scholars who developed quantum mechanics in the 1920s and beyond, as well as with accounts of the philosophical struggles with which they grappled and the occasional earthy aside. ||2: Where the subject matter is a trifle dull, Messrs Cox and Forshaw acknowledge it: of Heinrich Kayser, who a century ago completed a six-volume reference book documenting the spectral lines generated by every known element, they observe, “He must have been great fun at dinner parties.” ||3: And they make some sweeping generalisations about their colleagues who pore over equations, “Physicists are very lazy, and they would not go to all this trouble unless it saved time in the long run.” | |
22 | 苹果首席执行官提姆·库克就“剑桥分析”数据丑闻发表了看法,这是脸书过去两周里在努力解决的问题。 | Apple CEO Tim Cook weighed in on the Cambridge Analytica data scandal Facebook has grappled with for the past two weeks. | |
23 | 比如围绕日志文件系统的工作方式,文件系统不得不应对日志出错的问题。 | One of the corner cases that file systems have grappled with revolves around how journal file systems function. | |
24 | 但是美国及其盟友也遇到了让伊朗人棘手的同样问题:P-1是一种设计不良的顽劣机器。 | But the United States and its allies ran into the same problem the Iranians have grappled with: the P-1 is a balky, badly designed machine. | |
25 | 当然,几乎所有全球经济的参与者都受到这样一个问题的困扰:边境的开放程度应该有多大。 | To be sure, nearly all players in the global economy have grappled with the question of how open borders should be. | |
26 | 当时,面对互相竞争的技术,各电影公司苦苦挣扎,希望其中一种会在家庭娱乐领域占据统治地位。 | Then, individual studios grappled with rival technologies in the hope that one would become dominant in home entertainment. | |
27 | 法国就已经为了这个难题苦恼多年。 | France has grappled with this conundrum for years. | |
28 | 过去十年该网站发展迅速,偶尔会出现资金紧缺。 | Over the past decade there have been occasional funding crunches as the site has grappled with its rapid growth. | |
29 | 就我个人而言,曾经在不同的时期经历过这些类型,所以有助于我解释这些类型。 | Personally I’ve grappled which of these mindsets at different times, so it was helpful to have each of them explained. | |
30 | 然而,如今的美国缺乏日本昔日在应对泡沫破裂时具备的几项有利条件。 | Still, America lacks several advantages Japan had as it grappled with the aftermath of its burst bubbles. |