1 | "文革"中后期,中型芭蕾舞剧《沂蒙颂》、《草原儿女》虽在当时也被定为"样板戏" | In the middle and later parts of the "cultural revolution", the medium-length ballets Ode to the Yimeng and boys and Girls of the Grassland were hailed as "model operas" | |
2 | “黑土型”退化草地上建植人工草地的经济效益分析 | Economic Efficiency Analysis of Establishing Artificial Pasture in "The Black Soil Type" Degenerated Grassland | |
3 | “儒官”李登瀛(1914-1996年)-给了甘肃草原生态研究所奠基性支持的人 | A Confucian Leader Denying Li (1914-1996)-A People Who Gave the Fundamental Support to Gansu Grassland Ecological Research Institute | |
4 | “一退两还”背景下黄土高原地区农户畜牧业行为与收入关系的实证分析-以陕西省志丹县为例 | Tue Policy "Turn Cropland Back to Forest/Grassland " in the Loess Plateau Region: The Farmers’ Production Behavior and Their Income in Zhidan County, Shanxi Province | |
5 | 半干旱地区草地与裸地水热通量的研究 | Moisture and Heat Fluxes over Grassland and Bare Soil in Semi-arid Area | |
6 | 半干旱黄土区苜蓿草地轮作农田土壤氮素变化 | Soil Nitrogen Responses to the Conversion of Cropland from Medicago sativa Grassland in the semi-arid Bess Area | |
7 | 不论是在温和潮湿的南方山区,还是冰天雪地的北方草原,工夫茶、酥油茶、奶茶都是人们特别喜爱的饮品。 | Either in the warm southern mountain area or on the frozen northern grassland , stuff like Gongfu tea, buttered tea and milk tea are all among the favorite drinks. | |
8 | 不同前茬对混播草地建植初期的影响 | Effect of the Previous Crops on the Initial Stage of Establishment of a Mixed-Sowing Grassland | |
9 | 不同强度放牧后自然恢复的沙质草地土壤呼吸、碳平衡与碳储量 | Soil Respiration, Carbon Balance and Carbon Storage of Sandy Grassland under post-grazing Natural Restoration | |
10 | 草业琐谈之三十八-草原地下生物量的启示 | The Revelation of Underground Grassland Biomass | |
11 | 草原的气候变化无常。 | The climate on grassland is capricious. | |
12 | 草原上的花,即使把它们直接移植到天堂上去,也一毫无愧色。 | The flowers of the grassland , even if transplanted in Heaven, would still be gorgeous | |
13 | 草原是爱草人心灵的故乡。 | The grassland is home to those who love grass with all their hearts | |
14 | 成群的牛羊散布在草地上。 | Herds of sheep and cows were scattered over the grassland . | |
15 | 赤道地区以南是一片树木稀少的草原,称为热带草原。 | South of the equatorial region is the tree-dotted grassland called the savanna. | |
16 | 大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原 | An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland , especially the large tract or plain of central North America. | |
17 | 代表作有《王贵与李香香》(梁寒光作曲)、《草原之歌》(罗宗贤作曲)、《望夫云》(郑律戊作曲)、《阿依古丽》(石夫、乌斯满江作曲) | Representative of which were Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang (music by Liang Hanguang)Grassland Song (music by Luo Zongxian), Cloud Gazing (music by Zheng Lucheng)and aiguli (music by Shi Fu and Wusimanjiang) | |
18 | 到处是大片的绿草地和间或可见的房屋及树木。 | There were vast areas of green grassland and occasional houses and trees here and there. | |
19 | 第八条 地方各级人民政府负责组织本行政区域内的草原资源普查,制定草原畜牧业发展规划并纳入国民经济发展计划,加强草原的保护、建设和合理利用,提高草原的载畜能力。 | Article 8. The local people’s governments at various levels shall be responsible for conducting general surveys of grassland resources within their respective administrative areas and formulating plans for the development of animal husbandry, which shall be incorporated into the plans for national economic development, in order to improve the protection of the grasslands, promote their development and ensure their rational use, and increase the capacity for raising livestock on the grasslands. | |
20 | 第十二条 军事禁区、军事管理区范围的划定或者扩大,需要征用土地、林地、草原、水面、滩涂的,依照有关法律、法规的规定办理。 | Article 12 Where it is necessary to requisition land, woodland, grassland , water surface and beaches for the designation or expansion of the limits of the military restricted zones and the military administrative zones, it shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations. | |
21 | 第十九条 违反本法规定开垦草原的,县级以上地方人民政府农牧业部门有权责令停止开垦,恢复植被;情节严重的,还可以处以罚款。 | Article 19. The farming and animal husbandry departments of the local people’s governments at the county level or above shall have the power to order anyone who reclaims grassland in violation of the provisions of this Law to stop reclaiming it and restore vegetation; a fine may be imposed in serious cases. | |
22 | 第十三条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,防治草原鼠虫害,保护捕食鼠虫的益鸟益兽。 | Article 13. The local people’s governments at various levels shall take measures to combat grassland pests and mice and protect those beneficial animals and birds that feed on pests and mice. | |
23 | 第十四条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,防治草原地区牲畜疫病和人畜共患疾病。 | Article 14. The local people’s governments at various levels shall take measures to prevent and treat endemic diseases among livestock and diseases contracted commonly by both human beings and livestock in grassland areas. | |
24 | 第五十八条 国家保护和合理利用水、森林、草原、野生动植物等自然资源,防止其污染或者被破坏。 | Article 58 The State shall protect and make a rational use of the natural resources such as water, forest, grassland , wild animals and plants, and protect them from pollution or destruction. | |
25 | 防护林:以防护为主要目的的森林、林木和灌木丛,包括水源涵养林,水土保持林,防风固沙林,农田、牧场防护林,护岸林,护路林 | Protection forests: forests, trees and bushes mainly aimed at protection, inclusive of water source storage forests, forests for water and soil conservation, wind protection and sand bind forests, forests for farmland and grassland protection, river bank protective belts and road protection belts | |
26 | 放牧利用白羊草灌丛草地的植被特征 | The Flora Characteristics of Graszing Botriochloa Ischaemum Shrub Grassland | |
27 | 干旱、半干旱草场沙退化影响因素分析 | Analysis on Influencing Factors of Grassland Desertization and Desertification in Arid and Semi-arid Areas | |
28 | 高寒草地四种嵩草属植物叶表皮的微形态 | Leaf Epidermal micro-morphology of Four Species in the Genus Kobresia from Alpine Grassland | |
29 | 管理措施对三江源区“黑土滩”土壤肥力及土壤酶活性的影响 | Effect of Managerial Measures on Changes of Soil Enzyme and Soil Fertility in "Black Soil Bleach" Degraded Grassland | |
30 | 国际草地会议与草地科技进展 | The International Grassland Congress with the Evolving of Grassland Science |