1 | 干旱、半干旱草场沙退化影响因素分析 | Analysis on Influencing Factors of Grassland Desertization and Desertification in Arid and Semi-arid Areas | |
2 | 甘肃省肃南县草地过度放牧的社会经济成因分析 | Analysis of the Social and Economic Course of Grassland Overgrazing in Sunan Country Gansu Province | |
3 | 甘肃省退牧还草工程实施绩效、存在问题和对策 | The Application Effect of the Project of Restoring Grassland from over-grazing in Gansu and the Ways for Its Sustainable Development | |
4 | 高寒草地四种嵩草属植物叶表皮的微形态 | Leaf Epidermal micro-morphology of Four Species in the Genus Kobresia from Alpine Grassland | |
5 | 国家建设临时使用草原,按照《国家建设征用土地条例》的规定办理。使用期满,用地单位应当恢复草原植被。 | The temporary use of grasslands for state construction shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Concerning Land Requisition for State Construction. When the period of use expires, the unit that has used the grasslands shall restore the grassland vegetation. | |
6 | 哈萨克族自古以来作为草原上的一支游牧民族,由于长期逐水草而居的生产生活方式,逐渐形成了独特的民族文化. | Being a nomad in the grassland since long ago, Kazak has formed its unique culture due to its unique lifestyle characterized by moving their home along with grasses. | |
7 | 黑龙江省松嫩草地瑞香狼毒总黄酮含量的变化 | Changes of Flavonoids Content in Stellera chamaejasme in Songnen Grassland of Heilongjiang Province | |
8 | 恢复生态学在“黑土型”退化草地植被改建中的应用 | Application of Restoration Ecology in ’Black Soil Type’ Degraded Grassland Rebuilding | |
9 | 浑善达克沙地退化草场主要植被现状生态用水研究 | Study on Ecological Water Use of Mainly Vegetation in Desertificated and Degenerated Grassland of Hunshandake Desert | |
10 | 基于GIS的黄土丘陵半干旱区退耕还林还草决策系统应用 | Application of Decision Support System Based on GIS for Returning Farmland to Forestland or Grassland in the Bess Hill semi-arid Region | |
11 | 基于遥感技术的生态系统服务价值动态评估模型研究 | Modeling Dynamic Assessment on Ecosystem Services Based on Remote Sensing Technology-A Case Study on Gansu Grassland Ecosystem | |
12 | 尽量避免过分践踏草地、灌木地和泥土表面。 | Prevent unnecessary trampling on grassland , scrublands and exposed soil surface. | |
13 | 禁止毁坏森林、草原开垦耕地,禁止围湖造田和侵占江河滩地。 | It is forbidden to destroy forests and grassland in the process of land reclamation. It is forbidden to carry out landfill of lakes and occupy beachland of rivers. | |
14 | 泾河流域退耕还林(草)综合效益与生态补偿趋向-以宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区为例 | Effects of Converting Arable Land into Forest (Grassland )and Eco-Compensation: A Case Study in Yuanzhou County, Guyuan City of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | |
15 | 骏马在草原上奔驰, | Sturdy steeds dashed down the grassland . | |
16 | 开采矿产资源,应当节约用电。耕地、草原、林地因采矿受到破坏的,矿山企业应当因地制宜地采取复垦利用、植树种草或者其他利用措施。 | In mining mineral resources, a mining enterprise or individual must economize on the use of land. In cases cultivated land, grassland or forest land is damaged due to mining, the mining enterprise concerned shall take measures to utilize the land affected, such as by reclamation, tree and grass planting, as appropriate to the local conditions. | |
17 | 科尔沁沙质草地沙漠化过程中土壤生物活性的变化 | Changes of Soil Biological Activity in Desertification Process of Horqin Sandy Grassland | |
18 | 科尔沁沙质草地物种多样性与生产力的关系 | Study on the Relationship between Species Diversity and Productivity of Sandy Grassland Communities in Horqin Sandland | |
19 | 陇东黄土高原丘陵沟壑区天然草地植物多样性研究 | The Studies on the Plant Diversity of Natural Grassland in Hilly Region of the Loess Plateau in Gansu Eastern | |
20 | 路穿过草地通往湖边。 | The road proceeds through the grassland to the lake. | |
21 | 马在草地上吃草 | The horses are eating grass on the grassland | |
22 | 玛曲气候变化对生态环境的影响 | Impacts of Climate Change on Ecological Environment in Maqu Grassland , Gansu | |
23 | 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 | Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. | |
24 | 内蒙古羊草草原生物多样性探讨 | Plant Diversity of Leymus Chinensis Community in Inner Mongolia Grassland | |
25 | 南澳岛退化草坡的植被恢复研究 | A Study on Vegetation Restoration for the Degenerated Sloping Grassland in Nan’ao Island | |
26 | 南美大草原南美洲的一个无树的草原 | In South America,a treeless,grassland area. | |
27 | 宁夏南部黄土丘陵区不同整地方式对草地植物群落物种多样性的影响 | Influence of Different Site Preparing Modes on Species Diversity of Grassland Plant Communities in Loess Hilly Area of Southern Ningxia | |
28 | 气候变化对黄河首曲地区草地生态退化的影响 | The Causes of Grassland Degradation and Corresponding Prevention Strategies: A Case Study in Maqu County | |
29 | 前款所称农用地是指直接用于农业生产的土地,包括耕地、林地、草地、农田水利用地、养殖水面等 | Land for farm use" refers to land directly used for agricultural production, including cultivated land, wooded land, grassland , land for farmland water conservancy and water surfaces for breeding; | |
30 | 且在创作上出现了丁善德之《爱人送我向日葵》、吕远的《克拉玛依之歌》、美丽其格的《草原上升起不落的太阳》、生茂的《马儿啊你慢些走》等优秀曲目。 | Wonderful works such as Bidding adieu to My Lover among the Sunflowers by Ding Shande, The Song of Karamay by Lu Yuan, The Rising Sun Never Sets on the Grassland by Meiliqige and Sheng Mao’s Horse, Slow Down! |