1 | "这似乎意味,"里斯说,"有一种力量正在抵消万有引力的作用。 | "This seemed to imply," he says, "that some force is acting against gravity ." | |
2 | “飞行历险”的“引力攫取者”双翼机空中特技旅行听起来就是我实现梦想的人场券。 | Adventure Aviation’s "Gravity Grabber" aerobatic biplane trip sounded just the ticket | |
3 | “换句话说,”丹德里奇挖苦着妻子道。“就是为了攀高亲做准备。” | "In other words," Dandridge had responded with tongue-in-cheek gravity , "prepare herself for an advantageous marriage." | |
4 | 部长的演说自始至终强调能源形势的严重性。 | Throughout his speech the minister accented the gravity of the energy situation. | |
5 | 陈:在未来的联合作战中,以往的作战艺术如“重心”和“决定点”、“同时”和“纵深”、“时机”和“节奏”等等,将如何变化? | CHEN: In future Joint Operations how will former operational arts such as Centers of Gravity and Decisive Points Simultaneity and Depth Timing and tempo and so forth change | |
6 | 冲水阀一种冲洗抽水马桶或便池用的阀门,是一种使用供水系统的压力而非利用重力冲洗马桶的装备,为了比传统冲水马桶节水而设计 | A device for flushing toilets and urinals that utilizes pressure from the water supply system rather than the force of gravity to discharge water into the bowl,designed to use less water than conventional flush toilets. | |
7 | 储层内不仅有气和油的总重力分离出现,而且还存在更加微妙和复杂的变异。 | Not only does a gross gravity separation of gas and oil occur within a reservoir but more subtle variation may also exist | |
8 | 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置以得摇摆不定的重力基准线的平均位置。 | The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference | |
9 | 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。 | A check of urine specific gravity at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity | |
10 | 从这个观点来说,引力的效应可以看成是空间几何中的局部形变。 | From this point of view the effect of gravity is regarded as a local distortion in the geometry of space | |
11 | 但是,身居高官显职的人的一个显著特点是,他们所采取的行动,其重要性同可以用来处理问题的时间很不相称。 | A distinguishing feature of high office, however, is the disproportion between the gravity of actions and the time available to deal with them | |
12 | 但所有这些都是靠地球引力使你尖叫。 | However these all depend on the force of gravity to get you screaming | |
13 | 地面脱气原油的比重(美国石油学会标准)和生产油气比是按常规测定的。 | The API gravity of stock-tank oil and the producing gas-oil ratio are routinely determined | |
14 | 地心引力定律 | The law of gravity | |
15 | 地心引力使物体落向地面。 | The force of gravity makes things fall to earth. | |
16 | 地心引力在吸引着每一个雨点,每一片雪花和每一块冰雹。 | Gravity is pulling every raindrop and snowflake and hailstone | |
17 | 地缘政治学事件的严重性与用于处理这些事件的时间极不相称 | the disproportion between the gravity of geopolitical events and the time available to deal with them. | |
18 | 第三个回合并非由外因引起的,而是来自内部的"文化大革命" | The third-round struggle in China’s diplomacy was incurred not by the external forces as the previous two, But by an internal force of enormous gravity -the Culture Revolution | |
19 | 典型的例子还是牛顿的引力理论,它告诉我们两个物体之间的引力只取决于与每个物体相关的一个数--它的质量,而与物体由什么组成无关。 | The classic example again is the Newtonian theory of gravity , which tells us that the gravitational force between two bodies depends only on one number associated with each body, its mass, but is otherwise independent of what the bodies are made of | |
20 | 调节旋转轴之下的一个重物,使重心发生位移。 | The centre of gravity is displaced by a weight below the rotational axis | |
21 | 方案表明,在宽阔而平坦的河谷内,一种在中间段设置混凝土重试溢洪道的土坝是最经济的。 | The studies may indicate that an earthfill dam with a center concrete gravity overflow spillway section is the most economical, in a wide flat valley | |
22 | 伽利略和牛顿对自然界事物重新定义,于是便有“百科全书”,“说明”,“重力”,“反论”,“外部”,“编年史”这类词的产生。 | Galileo and Newton were redefining the natural world, which gave rise to words like encyclopedia, explain, gravity , paradox, external and chronology | |
23 | 高阻尼不能使其直接从横臂的位移读出重力值。 | The heavy damping makes it impractical to read gravity directly from the displacement of the beam | |
24 | 格雷维蒂教授现在好像成了学院里的累赘 | Professor Gravity now seems to have become an unwanted fixture in the college | |
25 | 公司创办的头六十年,重点是中东。1960年代以后重心向西转向美国和英国本土。 | In the company’s first six decades, its prime focus lay in the Middle East. But from the late 1960s the centre of gravity shifted westwards, towards the USA and Britain itself. | |
26 | 关闭了锅炉系统的阻断止回角阀后,必须防止流体倒流进锅炉内,通过阀瓣和减振器活塞的重量所产生的重力,能够促进阀门迅速密封关闭,这样即使在低压状态下,蒸汽和冷凝水都无法倒流进锅炉内。 | In the event that a boiler does shut down the stop-check must prevent backflow into the boiler, the weight of the disc and dash pot piston, through the force of gravity , promote rapid sealing so steam and condensate cannot backflow into the boiler even at low pressures. | |
27 | 馆中有一个失重离心机,让旅游者体验失重的感觉,就像宇航员在太空遨游时的感受一样。 | There is a gravity -defying centrifuge to give visitors a ride that creates the same sense of weightlessness that space astronauts feel during space travel | |
28 | 滚柱重力输送机(专用于地下的除外) | conveyor,gravity roller (excl. those specially designed for underground use) | |
29 | 国际形势已发展到极其严峻的地步。 | The international situation has reached a point of extreme gravity . | |
30 | 海平面的地球引力多大? | What is the force of gravity at sea level? |