属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反犹太主义 莫怕莫怕
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-关爱截肢人士 假肢上的生活
1 | "您算说对了,"那人接口说。"我是个外地人,一直迫不得已地到处流浪。我在海上和陆上屡遭险衅,在南方不信教的人当中给囚禁了很久 | "You say truly,"" replied the other. ""I am a stranger, and have been a wanderer, sorely against my will. I have met with grievous mishaps by sea and land, and have been long held in bonds among the heathen folk, to the southward;" | |
2 | 《红楼梦》的“怨弃”情绪与“被弃”原型 | "Grievous Abandonment" Sentiment and Prototype of "Being Abandoned" in A Dream of the Red Mansions | |
3 | 摆在我们面前的,是一场极为痛苦的严峻考验。 | We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind | |
4 | 悲惨的火车车祸 | A grievous railroad accident | |
5 | 悲惨的火车车祸. | a grievous railway accident | |
6 | 大概,您不愿意向我指名道姓的那个准男爵做过很对不起您的事情吧 | I am afraid the baronet, whose name you are unwilling to mention to me, has done you some grievous wrong? | |
7 | 噩耗传来,她痛哭失声。 | When the grievous news came, she was choked with tears. | |
8 | 孤独是所有伟人的命运--虽然这种命运时常令人叹息,但是两害取其轻,人们还是宁愿选择孤独。--叔本华 | To be alone is the fate of all great minds-a fate deplored at times, but still always chosen as the less grievous of the two evils.-- Arthur Schopenhauer | |
9 | 她犯了一个极严重的错误。 | She has made a grievous mistake. | |
10 | 她起初引起大家议论纷纷,并使自己忐忑不安的那些小小的粗俗无知和笨拙,自然而然地消失了。 | The little rusticities and awkwardnesses which had at first made grievous inroads on the tranquility of all, and not least of herself, necessarily wore away | |
11 | 她听到这个噩耗,昏过去了。 | She fainted when she heard the grievous news | |
12 | 尽管损失是令人痛心的,但可以赢得人民,使是非不明的人改变观点。 | The losses were grievous , but they helped win the people’s sympathy and support and enabled those who had confused right and wrong to change their point of view. | |
13 | 剧痛. | grievous pain | |
14 | 克诺比试图击毙了格里沃斯,并拿他的战斗机逃跑了。 | Kenobi managed to kill Grievous ,and abscond with his starfighter. | |
15 | 令人痛心的过失. | grievous wrongs | |
16 | 明天还要有明天的考验与之俱来,后天也会如此,再下一天仍会如此;每天都有每天的考验,然而在忍受难以言喻的痛苦这一点士又都是一样的。 | To-morrow would bring its own trial with it; so would the next day, and so would the next; each its own trial, and yet the very same that was now so unutterably grievous to be borne. | |
17 | 虽然牺牲了许多同志非常令人痛心,但客观地分析事件的过程,人们就不得不承认,解放军是人民的子弟兵。 | It is a grievous thing that many comrades laid down their lives, but if people analyse the course of the incident objectively, they will have to admit that the PLA is the people’s own army. | |
18 | 痛哭. | a grievous cry | |
19 | 我们两国之间的不和,无疑将使我们互相残杀,两败俱伤,并使地中海上密布乌云。 | We can no doubt inflict grievous injuries upon one another and maul each other cruelly, and darken the Mediterranean with our strife | |
20 | 我向国会表明,一如我向入阁的大臣们所表明的,我所能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水我们所面临的将是一场极其严酷的考验,将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。 | I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat, we have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering | |
21 | 想到斯洛普先生竟然把他这样远远地甩在后面,这是很令人伤心的。 | It was grievous to think that Mr. Slope should have so distanced him | |
22 | 严重的错误. | a grievous fault | |
23 | 严重的火车事故 | a grievous railway accident | |
24 | 严重的人身伤害. | grievous bodily harm | |
25 | 严重伤害菲佣身体罪成/严重伤害他人身体罪成 | was found guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm on the maid | |
26 | 以使你不再隐瞒那个诱惑你如此堕落的人的姓名。 | Insomuch that you should no longer hide the name of him who tempted you to this grievous fall. | |
27 | 在别人挨饿时浪费食物是一种严重的罪恶。 | Wasting food when people are starving is a grievous wrong. | |
28 | 这事真让人伤心。她变得烦燥、不满,这种不满不完全像她想的那样是对赫斯渥的不满,而是对生活的不满。这是什么样的生活呀?整个一个日复一日的枯燥循环,实在是无味透顶。她拥有什么呢? | It was a grievous thing. She became restless and dissatisfied, not exactly, as she thought, with Hurstwood, but with life. What was it? A very dull round indeed. What did she have? | |
29 | ||1:社区安全互信(CST),一个监控着反犹太主义事件的慈善机构,统计出在2013年有529起反犹太主义事件,是自2005年起的历史最低。||2:但该组织预测在2014年此类事件发生频率会有所上升。||3:2014年上半年在2013年的基础上增加了36%。||4:去年7月,CST统计了302起反犹太主义事件,创下了月份总计的新高。||5:伦敦大都会警察表示,去年对反犹太犯罪控诉的数量几乎翻了一番,尽管他们仍然保持低水平。 | ||1:The Community Security Trust (CST), a charity that monitors anti-Semitic incidents, reckons that there were 529 in 2013, the lowest tally since 2005.||2:None involved grievous violence.But the outfit reckons that there was an uptick in 2014.||3:The first half of the year saw a 36% increase on 2013.||4:Last July the CST recorded 302 incidents, its highest ever monthly total.||5:London’s Metropolitan Police say the numbers of hate crimes against Jews reported last year almost doubled, though they remain low. | |
30 | ||1:一张令人扼腕的照片为我们展示了这样一幅画面:一名负伤的士兵倒在被鲜血浸透的雪地中,纷飞的战火令他失去了双腿。||2:事实上,照片中的血是假,而那位士兵确实是失去了双腿。||3:这张图片来源于由“截肢者在行动”的培训机构所组织的一次表演训练,这家机构旨在为失去双臂或双腿的特型演员提供中介服务。||4:该机构为军队提供残疾演员,用以训练士兵以及教授急救措施,从而使他们习得在战斗或意外中如何处理其所受到的伤害。||5:这样的培训再配以家中的精心照料,将意味着那些在战争中经受到严重创伤的人,将更有机会活下来。 | ||1:A GRISLY photo shows a soldier lying injured, the snow around him steeped in blood. Both his legs have been blown off.||2:The blood is fake. His legs, however, really are missing.||3:The picture is from a training exercise run by Amputees in Action, an agency for actors who have lost arms or legs.||4:It provides limbless people to train the armed forces and the emergency services as they learn how better to deal with injuries sustained in the midst of fighting or accidents.||5:Such training, along with improvements in care back home, mean that those who do suffer grievous injuries on the battlefield are more likely to survive. |