属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 66358-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 484-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 25623-10-1976
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF D32-400-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 484-1998
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-种族歧视 着装要求
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-埃德塞尔车为何遭遇滑铁卢?
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-感恩节来临 火鸡大餐登场
1 | 铺设钢筋混凝土的方法之一,是在浇注一定比例的混凝土后,将钢筋铺在基层上,常铺成格状或网状 | One method of laying a reinforced concrete wearing surface is to put down the steel rods, usually in the form of a grill or mesh | |
2 | 清洁厨房内的灶头、烤箱、烤架、瓶罐等。 | Clean hotplates, oven, grill , canisters etc. in the kitchen. | |
3 | 烧烤或烘烤而不要油炸食物。 | Bake,broil,grill or roast foods rather than fry them. | |
4 | 烧烤用木碳和烧烤木碳块用点火器.要求.检验 | Fire lighters for grill charcoal and grill charcoal briquettes; requirements, testing | |
5 | 使用cook一词时,一般是指用(1)沸水(置于深锅中)或(2)热的动[植]物油(置于煎锅中)或(3)直接加热(置于烤炉中或烤架上) | When cooking we generally use 1 boiling water ( in a saucepan)or 2 boiling fat / oil ( in a frying-pan)or 3 dry heat ( in an oven or under a grill ) | |
6 | 躺在炎热的阳光下. | lie grill ing in the sun | |
7 | 铁或钢制网式格栅,无论是否包层或加纸衬 | grill wire of iron or steel,whether or not coated or with paper backing | |
8 | 铜制网式格栅,无论是否加纸衬 | grill wire of copper,whether or not with paper backing | |
9 | 我烤一片肉。 | I grill a piece of meat. | |
10 | 我来给你烤些鱼. | I’ll grill you some fish. | |
11 | 我来给你烤一些羊肉吃。 | I’ll grill you some mutton. | |
12 | 液化石油气装置的规范.用液化石油气的烹饪器具包括野外用带烤架的烹饪器具 | Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances-Independent hotplates, including those incorporating a grill for outdoor use; | |
13 | 一到那儿,我们就跳下车,欣赏大自然的美丽景物。当妈妈拿出食物时,爸爸也正好开始架烤肉架。当爸爸弹着吉他,而我们都唱着歌时, | Once there, we leaped out of the car to take a look at the natural beautiful view. Dad started setting up the barbecue grill while mom took out the food. | |
14 | 用cook一词时,一般是指用(1)沸水(置于深锅中)或(2)热的动[植]物油(置于煎锅中)或(3)直接加热(置于烤炉中或烤架上). | When cooking we generally use 1 boiling water(in a saucepan)or 2 boiling fat/oil(in a frying-pan)or 3 dry heat(in an oven or under a grill ). | |
15 | 有轨机动车部件的名称.车窗.活门.室内通风设备.通风装置的栅格 | Terms for railway vehicle parts; windows, trap-doors, ventilation of compartments, ventilation grill | |
16 | 在马村酒吧和西村烤肉店里,顾客们肩并肩的挤坐在昏暗的烛光下,卷起袖子,敞着怀,试图让自己凉快些。 | At the Village Ma Bar and Grill in the West Village, customers packed side by side sat in dim candlelight, trying to stay cool by rolling up their sleeves and unbuttoning their shirts. | |
17 | 咱们在二楼烤肉餐室见面. | Let’s meet in the first-floor grill -room. | |
18 | 早期的壁炉多用石头砌成,后来用砖。1624年路易?萨沃特发展出一种壁炉,空气从炉床下部的信道通过,经由管子传到房间。至20世纪仍沿用这种设计。 | Early fireplaces were made of stone; later, brick came into use. In 1624 Louis Savot developed a fireplace in which air was drawn through passages under the hearth and discharged into the room through a grill , a design adapted in the 20th century. | |
19 | 整个夏季,他都在城里一个烧烤店帮助清理餐桌。 | He spent the summer buss table in a downtown grill . | |
20 | 专用液化石油气用具规范.包括哪些带有室外烤肉架的独立煤气灶 | Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances. Independent hotplates, including those incorporating a grill for outdoor use. | |
21 | 专用于液化石油气灶具的规范.相应的压火盖,包括室外用配套烤架 | Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances-Independent hotplates, including those incorporating a grill for outdoor use | |
22 | ||1:2月25日,最高法院主张对案件开辩论庭。||2:公平就业机会委员会(EEOC)的观点会促使面试者对有着“中东外貌”、长满胡子的求职者进行“严刑拷问”,内容包括与他的脸部毛发相关的“宗教原因”,相比之下此类美容问题不会问及其他求职者;首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨对此表示担忧。||3:“看起来,你的解决之道招致更多麻烦,”他对政府律师说道。 | ||1:On February 25th the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case.||2:The chief justice, John Roberts, worried that the EEOC’s view would lead an interviewer to grill a bearded applicant with a “Middle Eastern appearance” about possible “religious reasons” for his facial hair while asking no other applicants about grooming.||3:“It seems that your solution causes more problems,” he told the government’s lawyer. | |
23 | JOHN HEITMANN:“这辆车在造型方面存在争议。其马蹄形散热护栅到今天仍被怀念。埃德塞尔某种意义上成为了不受欢迎汽车的典型。它被称为’来自迪尔伯恩的灾难’。” | JOHN HEITMANN: "It was a car that was controversial in styling. Its horseshoe-shaped grill is still remembered today. The Edsel is kind of the example of the car that never caught on. It’s known as the ’disaster from Dearborn.’" | |
24 | 本月早些时候,Chipotle Mexican Grill公司注册新商标“Better Burger”, | Earlier this month, Chipotle Mexican Grill filed a trademark for the name "Better Burger", | |
25 | 监管机构对它们开出罚单,政客对它们严厉质询,曾经的支持者也发出警告,指出它们势力过大,可能造成危害。 | Regulators fine them, politicians grill them and one-time backers warn of their power to cause harm. | |
26 | 这顿大餐通常包括火鸡, 配以小红莓、红薯、青豆、南瓜饼等。火鸡通常加以佐料在烤箱中烘烤,但有些人用油炸火鸡,或用烤架烤制,或用熏烟箱熏制。 | The meal usually includes turkey served along with dishes like cranberries, sweet potatoes, green beans and pumpkin pie. The turkey is usually seasoned and roasted in an oven, but some people fry the bird in oil or cook it on a grill or in a smoker. | |
27 | 10颗牙一组是戴这种牙套的唯一正确方式,价格为8000美元。 | A set of 10 teeth - the only proper way to wear a grill - would be $8, 000. | |
28 | BorderGrill就是其中的一家,它的老板苏珊•弗尼格(SusanFeniger)是洛杉矶最负盛名的厨师。 | One that has is the Border Grill , whose owner Susan Feniger is among the city’s most famous chefs. | |
29 | FIFA10电脑机箱看起来还真的像一个烧烤架。 | FIFA 10 computer case was designed to look like a barbecue grill . | |
30 | RadiumBeerhall(theradium.co.za)是约翰内斯堡现存最古老的集酒吧、烧烤及正宗爵士乐于一体的娱乐场所。 | 10 p. m. Head to the Radium Beerhall (theradium. co. za), Johannesburg’s oldest surviving bar and grill and an authentic jazz venue. |