属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-城市规划 铁路大设想
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-区域旅游业 用船把他们带进来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-2018年股票市场的喜与悲 (1)
1 | 肮脏的面孔(屋顶,窗户). | grimy faces(roofs,windows) | |
2 | 弹簧门一片脏兮兮,不断给人开来关去,门里边传出的那股味儿,臊乎乎,湿漉漉,还有种啤酒香。 | From their grimy swing doors, endlessly opening and shutting, there came forth a smell of urine, sawdust, and sour beer | |
3 | 更因为了金钱,农民离开了可爱的乡村,拥挤到都市里来住龌龊的鸽子笼,把做人的性灵汩没!” | And it’s because of money that peasants leave their lovely villages and crowd into the city to live in grimy rabbit-warrens and submerge their humanity!" | |
4 | 还有干净整洁的小伙子,文静礼貌的姑娘和说话震破耳朵、脏兮兮的人。 | clean little boys and girls politely calm, and grimy ones whose language splits the ear | |
5 | 她姐姐家的房子也是干干净净的。可这地方低矮肮脏,女工们一个个吊儿郎当,一副老油子的样子。她猜想他们一定思想人品都很坏。 | Her sister’s flat was clean. This place was grimy and low, the girls were careless and hardened. They must be bad-minded and hearted, she imagined. | |
6 | 李麻子哼了一声,伸出粗黑的大手来,抢前一步,就要抓那个女孩子。可是金小妹很伶俐地矮着身体躲过,就飞也似的跑走了。 | pockmarked Li snorted angrily and rushed forward to grab her with his rough, grimy paw, but she was too nimble for him: she ducked and dodged out of the way, then ran for dear life | |
7 | 满脸黑汗在这柏油路上喊卖各式各样“快报”的瘪三和小孩子,也用了各式各样的声调高叫着各式各样矛盾的新闻。 | In the streets, grimy , perspiring tramps and urchins were hawking the various "Stop-press editions," bawling a bewildering variety of mutually contradictory headlines in an equal variety of voices | |
8 | 满面灰尘的人。 | a man with a grimy face | |
9 | 帕格伸手摸了摸他那肮脏的、胡子拉茬的脸。 | Pug rubbed a hand over his grimy stubby face | |
10 | 他的工作单位真理部就在一公里开外,这巍峨洁白的建筑,在肮脏不堪的背景之上高耸入云。 | A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape | |
11 | 他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。 | He can see grimy roof,factory chimney and church spire. | |
12 | 望着褪色的油漆、破破烂烂的门庭和落着墙皮的肮脏墙壁,人们不禁要问,这是久闻其名的辉煌灿烂的威尼斯吗? | We gaze at the faded paint and the rotting doorways and the cracked plaster and the grimy walls. Is this the glorious Venice we’ve heard about? | |
13 | 这叫什么屋子?天棚低矮,拥挤不堪,墙壁给数不清的人摸得魆黑,铁桌铁椅东倒西歪,一个贴着一个,害得你要坐下,就必得碰着旁人的胳膊肘。 | A low-ceilinged, crowded room, its walls grimy from the contact of innumerable bodies;battered metal tables and chairs, placed so close together that you sat with elbows touching | |
14 | 这是一个肮脏而又荒凉的工业小镇。 | This is a grimy , forlorn industrial town | |
15 | 终于他站了起来,一手插在工作服的口袋里,蹒跚地走过去,有点难为情地拿出一片发黑的面包来给骷髅头的人。 | At last he stood up, waddled clumsily across the cell, dug down into the pocket of his overalls, and, with an abashed air, held out a grimy piece of bread to the skull-faced man | |
16 | ||1:安瓦尔·冈戈出生于棉兰市,一个位于苏门答腊岛北部的肮脏的工业城镇,它是潘卡希拉年轻人的故乡,在20世纪60年代中期,随着印尼军事独裁的日益强大,这个主要的半官方政治匪帮也蓬勃发展起来。||2:1965年,左翼分子发动了一场未遂政变,这为军方提供了在全国范围内发动疯狂杀戮的借口。||3:任何反对军方的人都可能被指控为共产主义者。||4:随着美国卷入越南战争,对共产主义在亚洲可能产生的多米诺骨牌效应的恐惧在西方扎根,林登·B·约翰逊和他的盟友很高兴把目光移开,因为100多万名据称是共产党人的人遭到拷打和杀害,其中很多是印尼华人。 | ||1:He was born in Medan, a grimy industrial town in northern Sumatra that was home to Pancasila Youth, the main semi-official political gangster group that flourished as Indonesia’s military dictatorship grew ever more powerful in the mid-1960s.||2:An attempted coup by leftists in 1965 had given the army the excuse it needed to unleash an orgy of killing across the country.||3:Anybody opposed to the army could be accused of being a communist.||4:As America became enmeshed in the Vietnam war, and the fear of communism’s possible domino effect across Asia took hold in the West, President Lyndon B.Johnson and his allies were happy to look away as more than a million alleged communists were tortured and killed, many of them Chinese Indonesians. | |
17 | ||1:当今很多城市都用他们的火车站衡量城市魅力。||2:车站附近也建起了商业圈:英国王十字车站曾是北伦敦一个污秽不堪的地方,2013年重建后,所有车站周围的新建筑都被赋予了一个新的邮编。||3:高档百货公司John Lewis将会在新街车站上面开一家商城(命名为“中央车站”)以及60家商店。||4:市政当局希望这会吸引更多游客。 | ||1:Cities now measure their appeal by their stations.||2:Businesses cluster around them: at King’s Cross, a once-grimy part of north London, a postcode has been created for all the new buildings around the station, which was redeveloped in 2013.||3:John Lewis, an upmarket department store, will open in the mall above New Street (which is indeed called “Grand Central”) along with 60 other shops.||4:The council hopes it will pull in visitors to the city. | |
18 | ||1:这任务或许比德勒报告中预计的难度更大。||2:让外国旅客绕过伦敦难度已经非常之大。||3:现如今,首都伦敦占据英国总开支的53%,这个数据在去年伦敦奥运会期间也依旧保持稳定。||4:朴茨茅斯脏兮兮的市中心也同样在努力争取非英国人。||5:根据布列塔尼轮渡的数据,只有17%的汽车轮渡交通来自法国。||6:许多人都是走过路过然后错过。 | ||1:This task may prove more difficult than Deloitte’s report suggests.||2:Getting foreigners to venture beyondLondonis already hard.||3:The capital now accounts for over 53% of their total spending inBritain, a figure that has held steady since the Olympics last year.||4:Portsmouth’s grimy centre has also struggled to attract non-Britons.||5:According to Brittany Ferries, only 17% of its car-ferry traffic originates fromFrance.||6:Many drive through without stopping. | |
19 | 尿频;感觉身上脏兮兮的;然后时睡时醒—大同小异。都相当无趣。 | the frequent toilet trips; the grimy feeling on the skin; the fitful sleep later on—were familiar. It was all rather underwhelming. | |
20 | 读到那条令人伤心的新闻时,我回想起这头“自由之狮”坐在他的办公桌后面,而Splash则在房间的拐角对着一个脏兮兮的网球流口水的情景。 | Reading that sad news, I remembered the "liberal lion" sitting at his desk while Splash slobbered away on a grimy tennis ball in the corner. | |
21 | 对于一个直到数月前还在引进波兰工人干脏活的国家来说,这是一种令人屈辱的倒退。 | It is a humiliating climbdown for a country that, until a few months ago, imported Polish workers to do its grimy jobs. | |
22 | 她畏怯地不敢和他走进那肮脏的酒吧,但一旦到了里面,每张堕落的面孔都使她厌恶退缩 | She shrank from entering the grimy bar with him but once inside, she recoiled at every depraved face that met her gaze | |
23 | 里根年代许下的那个打磨得熠熠生辉、阳光般照亮新千年的金色愿望,现在已变成肮脏的黄色了。 | The promised gold of the Reagan years, burnished to a shine in the new millennium, has turned a grimy yellow. | |
24 | 你会以为我会害怕用脏手触摸ipad,但恰恰相反,因为这很容易清洁。 | You’d think I’d be afraid to touch the iPad with grimy hands, but it’s just the opposite because it is so easy to clean. | |
25 | 墙壁的漆已经剥落,并且很脏,显露出十多年这里的艰苦环境。 | The walls, grimy with sections of peeling paint, revealed decades of hard living. | |
26 | 虽然这一招不怎么光明正大,但有时你要达到目的就得不择手段。 | It’s a grimy move, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. | |
27 | 它恰巧也是非洲第二大玉米生产国及小麦生产大国,可首都亚的斯亚贝巴的粮食市场却又脏乱不堪。 | It happens to be Africa’s second biggest maize producer and a big wheat producer too. But then look at Addis Ababa’s grimy grain market. | |
28 | 我们有时间衡量太多跨国合作且充满噱头的惊悚电影。 | We had time to ponder too many mixed-nation thrillers grimy with hokum. | |
29 | 无聊沮丧的贸易商想念起肮脏和赋税沉重的伦敦 | Bored and frustrated traders are homesick for grimy , high-tax London | |
30 | 一公里外是他工作的地方真理部,一座巨大的白色建筑,高耸在污浊的城市中。 | A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above he grimy landscape. |