属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏格兰独立 火花四溅
1 | 我赶紧依样画葫芦,下楼到酒吧间去,十分愉快地跟那个笑嘻嘻的店老板打招呼。 | I quickly followed suit, and descending into the barroom accosted the grinning landlord very pleasantly | |
2 | 我拿起一根炭笔,在纸上写下一个大大的“YES”(愿意)。我们坐在那里,会心地相互笑望了几分钟,然后开始筹划我们的婚礼。 | I took a crayon and wrote a huge YES across the paper. We sat grinning at each other for a few minutes and then began to plan our wedding. | |
3 | 我希望你正经一点,不要老是嬉皮笑脸。 | I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious. | |
4 | 笑,跑开,闪避 | GR&D (Grinning , Running And Ducking) | |
5 | 笑,闪避,逃开 | CD & R (Grinning ,Ducking And Running) | |
6 | 笑咧嘴而笑地显示出的面部表情 | The facial expression produced by grinning . | |
7 | 笑着闪避,逃开去 | GD&R(Grinning , Ducking and Running) | |
8 | 笑着逃开,闪避 | GR&D (Grinning , Running and Ducking) | |
9 | 也许是乡间欢乐的地方--木柴燃烧在发出爆裂声,咧嘴笑着的、咕嘟咕嘟地喝着一品脱一品脱酒的农场工们正围在飞标靶旁边(约翰·莫蒂默)。 | Perhaps [ an English pub is ] a place of rural jollity with log fires crackling and grinning farm lads slurping pints and squaring up to the dart board(John Mortimer. | |
10 | 这样,李瞎子不能说闲话,而且--”说时扬着手,嘻开嘴,“你要犯重婚罪也有机会了。” | That way `Blind Man’ won’t be able to gossip.And-" he raised his hand, grinning broadly as he spoke-"you’ll have the chance to commit adultery if you want." | |
11 | ||1:哈米迪的政府内肃清运动为他招来众多敌人,其中多数是商业大亨,他们称哈米迪为卡扎伊家族的傀儡、拴着链子的走狗。这让哈米迪大为光火。||2:不过,他的确曾出售给卡尔扎伊另一个兄弟穆哈穆德·卡尔扎伊10,000公顷土地,用以建造艾诺米娜住房高级住房发展中心。但是,此中心是目前阿富汗同类项目中最好的一个,未来十年内将一直会是该市最佳财源。||3:有些政治掮客他必须得同他们搞好关系。||4:他敢毫无顾忌走上街头,对孩子们咧着嘴笑,时不时还亲亲他们,对路上随地小便的男人大吼——他敢这样是因为有警察局长阿卜杜·拉扎克护驾。但是,拉扎克任由附近巴基斯坦边境出毒品进出,而且,他手下的人肯定脱不了干系。 | ||1: Mr Hamidi’s enemies, most of them businessmen offended by his cleaning-up exercises, called him a puppet of the Karzais, their dog on a leash. That infuriated him. ||2: Yes, he had sold 10,000 acres of land to Mahmoud Karzai, another brother, to build the exclusive Aino Mina estate, but that was the best such project in Afghanistan, beautiful houses that would be the city’s best source of income for a decade. ||3: Some powerbrokers he needed to befriend. ||4: He dared to walk the streets openly,grinning and kissing children and yelling at men who were relieving themselves in the road, because he also had the protection of Abdul Razak, the police chief; but Colonel Razak watched the flow of narcotics across the nearby Pakistan border, and his force was not above suspicion. | |
12 | ||1:那么科迪克在家都喜欢玩什么游戏呢?||2:他说,这些天他只钟情偶合和孩子们晚上一盘“吉他英雄”。||3:他还说,要是像以前一样玩很多的游戏,他怕到时公司的产品都趋近于他的喜好了。||4:他坚持认为,改进游戏的这种决定最好还是留给公司的产品经理,因为他们是综合固定群体的反馈意见来决定的。||5:某些反馈意见应该忽略这一窍门也是众所周知的。||6:他说:“那是一个微妙的平衡。”||7:当科迪克骄傲的展示他公司的滑板控制器的时候,他显得格外的不协调,他把控制器放在地上,一边笑着一边前后摇晃。||8:他比任何人都清楚,要在他的游戏里面取得成功,平衡至关重要。 | ||1: So what games does Mr Kotick like to play at home? ||2: These days, he admits, he only indulges in the odd bout of “Guitar Hero” with his children. ||3: When he used to play more games, he says, he would find himself trying to tweak his firm’s products to accord more closely to his own tastes. ||4: Such decisions are best left to product managers, he insists, who combine their own judgment with feedback from focus groups. ||5: The trick is knowing which bits of feedback to ignore. ||6: “That’s the delicate balance,” he says. ||7: Mr Kotick looks rather incongruous as he proudly shows off his firm’s new skateboard controller, putting it down on the floor and grinning as he wobbles to and fro. ||8: As he knows better than anyone, success in video-gaming is all about balance. | |
13 | ||1:诺曼似乎是咧嘴笑着出生的。||2:他出生时一定也很小,而且后来也从未见长大了多少。||3:在学校时,他是小伙伴中最小的。上世纪30年代,他是印度驶向阿根廷的美蒂宫廷号船上的一个小不点式的船舱侍应生,几乎是侍应生中瘦得皮包骨最严重的一个。||4:他成了船上每一个人的吉祥物、供人逗乐者、打杂工,希望通过打滚并乞人拍其头来彰显自己重要。||5:他过上一段好日子的时候,身高1米64,一位身材纤长的姑娘进入了他的生活。他的身高在上司、军士、贵族或对手面前,明显相形见绌。||6:1968年,他的第二位妻子遗弃了他,他痛不自禁地诉说,她离开他是因为某个人比他更英俊更高大。 | ||1: He was born grinning , it seemed. ||2: He was certainly born small, and never made much progress after. ||3: The littlest in his gang at school, the tiny cabin boy aboard the Maindy Court sailing for Argentina, almost the scrawniest in his regiment in India in the 1930s. ||4: Everyone’s mascot, jester, dogsbody, hoping to foil the punches by rolling over and begging for a pat on the head. ||5: He was five-foot-four on a good day, easily dwarfed by bosses, army sergeants, aristocrats or rivals for the willowy girls who strolled into his life. ||6: When his second wife walked out on him in 1968 he couldn’t help remarking, bitterly, that she had left him for someone handsomer and taller. | |
14 | ||1:在位于海军部大道的退役军人俱乐部中,多数人对Wilson的观点表示赞同。||2:只有一个酒徒愿意支持“成功”。||3:“嗯,我已经决定了,” Jimmy笑嘻嘻的说道。||4:他在这里艰难的保持的自己的观点,他补充道:“全都是‘反对’的选民;气氛变得异常激烈。”||5:“他听不进去,”酒吧的女招待Janet边擦酒杯边叹息。||6:Janet认为Salmond的承诺都是瞎扯。“我一点也不相信他。” | ||1:In the ex-servicemen’s club on Admiralty Road most agree with Mr Wilson.||2:Only one drinker is willing to admit to backing “yes”.||3:“Ey, I’ve made up my mind,” says Jimmy, grinning defiantly.||4:He struggles to hold his own around here, he adds: “full of “no” voters; gets very heated.”||5:“He won’t listen,” sighs Janet, the barmaid, wiping beer glasses.||6:Janet thinks Mr Salmond’s promises are baloney: “I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.” | |
15 | ||1:这正是杰里?布朗一直以来告诫人们要警惕的事情。||2:据说,其妻痛斥了莫莉?曼格。||3:不过,杰里?布朗却更为老练,他登门拜访了其对手教师联盟的主席,并让主席的女儿采访他关于动物安乐死的问题,作为她作业的一部分。||4:但另一个纳税人团体却坚持斗争,而反收税的共和党人则在一边冷笑。||5:正如布朗的一位顾问在谈及民主党伙伴时所言:“欢迎来到自相残杀的加州民主党。” | ||1: This is exactly what Mr Brown keeps warning about. ||2: His wife supposedly berated Ms Munger. ||3: Mr Brown, though, was more diplomatic, visiting the rival teachers’ union boss at home and even letting his daughter interview him about animal euthanasia as part of her homework. ||4: But the other group of taxers are staying in the fight, while the anti-tax Republicans are grinning . ||5: As a Brown adviser puts it, speaking of fellow Democrats: “Welcome to the circular firing squad.” | |
16 | “布法罗以B开头,”他咧嘴笑着说。 | "Buffalo begins with B, " he said, grinning . | |
17 | “恐怕我们做不了这样的决定,”,丹尼尔斯先生边说边咧嘴笑道,正咂着一瓶番茄酱。 | "Supposedly we are not capable of making decisions like this, " Mr Daniels said, grinning as he smacked a stubborn bottle of ketchup. | |
18 | 不要对我嘻嘻地笑,回答我的问题。 | Don’t keep grinning at me; answer my question. | |
19 | 袋子的外面印了一个傻乎乎的黄色笑脸,咧嘴朝着你笑,旁边还写着祝你“天天好心情!”。 | On the exterior is a goofy yellow smiley face grinning back at you, encouraging you to "Have A Nice Day! " | |
20 | 但是,连动式的翻译要符合英语习惯,灵活掌握。她站在门口笑。 | She stood at the door, grinning . She grinned standing at the door. | |
21 | 但是当我看到内贾德在电视上咧着嘴巴笑的时候,我被他和他的所作所为吓坏了。我无法停止游行。 | But then I see Ahmadinejad grinning on the television and I’m so appalled by him and what he’s done, I can’t bring myself to stop going. | |
22 | 但突然,他又嘻嘻笑了起来,一定是他决定将好玩进行到底,于是他继续扭动着自己的脚趾。 | But all of a sudden he must have decided the whole thing was pretty funny because he started grinning . Then he wiggled his toe again. | |
23 | 法诺夫咧嘴笑着说。 | Phaneuf says, grinning . | |
24 | 非常奇怪的是,那个来自马德拉斯的男人并没有笑出声,他别过了脸,好像对成内亚刚说的话感到非常惭愧。 | Strangely, the man from Madras was not grinning ; he had turned his face away, as if he were ashamed at what Chenayya had said. | |
25 | 她大声叫着,把我带进休息室,那里坐着英国第8长寿者,她旁边还坐着六位露齿微笑的女士。 | she shouted, ushering me into the lounge where the eighth oldest person in the UK sat, flanked by six other grinning ladies. | |
26 | 她亲了我,一边亲一边咧嘴笑着,还捂着鼻子上的手绢。 | She kissed me, rather grinning through the kiss and holding the handkerchief to her nose. | |
27 | 卡普瑞终于忍不住疯笑了起来,爱狄一把推开塞缪尔。“你这头驴” | Adie sees Capri grinning like mad and pushes Samuel away. "You’re an ass, " she says. | |
28 | 柯克兰收起了笑脸。“总有人会留下来。”他不确定地说。“我们可以用僵尸种田,或者干些别的。” | Cochran had stopped grinning . "Some of us will stay, " he said uncertainly. "We can farm with the corpses, or something. " | |
29 | 马里奥试图用它胖胖的,任何时候都戴着手套的手保住自己的浓密的八字胡须,笑嘻嘻的出现在你的电视屏幕上。 | Mario tries his podgy, gloved hand at everything to keep his mustachioed mush grinning out from your TV screens. | |
30 | 那场火烧没了那个笑嘻嘻的快活丈夫,那些讨人喜欢的胖娃娃。 | The angry fire had burned up the grinning happy husband and the fat adorable babies. |