属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小本生意的旺市与淡市 繁文缛节让人忧郁
1 | 不过,就海丝特·白兰的例子而论,例和多数其它案子相仿,她所受到的惩处是要在刑台上罚站示众一段时间,而无需受扼颈囚首之苦,从而幸免于这一丑陋的机器最为凶残的手段。 | In Hester Prynne’s instance, however, as not unfrequently in other cases, her sentence bore, that she should stand a certain time upon the platform, but without undergoing that gripe about the neck and confinement of the head, | |
2 | 不过不必为他担心!不要以为我会扰乱上天的惩治方法,或者,把他揭露出来,诉请人间的法律去制裁,那样我会得不偿失。 | Yet fear not for him! Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven’s own method of retribution, or, to my own loss, betray him to the gripe of human law. | |
3 | 瞪眼怒视 使某人不敢再抱怨 | scowl down sb.’s gripe | |
4 | 端起饭碗吃肉放下饭碗骂娘 |
5 | 腹痛难受. | be badly gripe d | |
6 | 公共汽车司机和其他的司机都抱怨这条尘土飞扬的道路。 | Bus drivers and motorists gripe about this dusty road | |
7 | 她唠叨的抱怨真的弄得我心烦 | Her petty complaints really gripe me. | |
8 | 另一方面,我必须承认我在埋怨无法融入当地学生生活的同时,不大愿意住进他们六人一房的宿舍。 | But even as I gripe about not being able to join the circles of local students, I must admit that I was initially reluctant to move into the university’s six-to-a-room hostel. | |
9 | 每当我早饭吃晚了,母亲就要抱怨. | Mother gripe s at me when I`m late for breakfast. | |
10 | 闹肚子痛. | have the gripe s | |
11 | 诉苦或发牢骚 | A complaint or gripe . | |
12 | 他时常爱发上一通牢骚. | He likes to have a good gripe from time to time. | |
13 | 我主要不满的是,那儿没有热水。 | My main gripe is, there’s no hot water there. | |
14 | 我主要的不满是没有热水. | My main gripe is, there is no hot water. | |
15 | 我主要的不满是这里没有热水供应。 | My main gripe is,there’s no hot water. | |
16 | 因此,我们也不时可以听到许多民众对医院的不满和投诉。 | It is not uncommon to hear the man in the street gripe about hospital services | |
17 | 在...掌握中, 被抓牢 | in the gripe of | |
18 | 在大多数时候,我对生活中的两个极端都不感到舒服。我总是惧怕它们,并且一直在抱怨。 | Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable.I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through. | |
19 | 终于,海丝特·白兰打定主意去会她原先的丈夫,尽她的全力来解救显然已落入对方掌握之中的牺牲品。 | In fine, Hester Prynne resolved to meet her former husband, and do what might be in her power for the rescue of the victim on whom he had so evidently set his gripe . | |
20 | ||1:可以肯定的是,像德克萨斯州这样低税收的地方通常排名靠前,评价高;相比而言,想加州和伊利诺斯州这样高税收的却未能博得民心。||2:或许是因为喜欢高税收的政治家们很喜欢发号施令。||3:但也有的特例,比如,明尼苏达州税收高,却赢得了一个令人尊敬的“B”级商业环境等级;可能是因为这里创业很容易。||4:像华盛顿和佛罗里达这样低税收的,却分别得了一个“C”和一个“C+”。||5:企业家把责任归咎于华盛顿苛刻的分区制,还抱怨佛罗里达州的新公司就像海洋世界里海豚跳铁圈一样。 | ||1:To be sure, low-tax states such as Texas generally score well, while high-tax states such as California and Illinois flunk their tests.||2:This may be because the kind of politicians who like high taxes also like bossing people around.||3:But not always. Minnesota, a high-tax state, earns a respectable “B” for business climate, partly because it is easy to start a business there.||4:Washington and Florida, both low-tax states, earn a “C” and a “C+”.||5:Entrepreneurs fault Washington’s harsh zoning laws and gripe that in Florida new firms must jump through hoops like dolphins at SeaWorld. | |
21 | ||1:让我不满的另一点是,此书承诺要描述出“城市分裂的70个世纪”,却没有对此进一步阐述,除了看起来敷衍了事的开篇章节:讲述的是在史前时期和前现代时期,发生在神圣空间里的其他事情。||2:而显而易见的是——西方帝国主义者并非分裂城市的罪魁祸首。||3:传统意义上的帝国——比如土耳其帝国与俄罗斯帝国,遭遇城市分裂的原因在于它们的社会已经界限分明。尽管这种分裂并不总是表现在物质上,而是表现在个体参加以种族和宗教为区分基础的群体,他(她)的日常生活被所在群体的领导者所控制,该领导者进而把这种忠诚度延伸到苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)或国家统治者身上。||4:这些群体的精英阶层都是隔离政策实施的既得利益者。||5:如果全面看待城市种族隔离,我们本应能理清传统式隔离和现代式隔离间的不同。 | ||1:Another gripe is that the book promises an account of “70 centuries of city-splitting” but fails to deliver on that, despite a perfunctory opening chapter which looks, among other things, at sacred space in prehistoric and pre-modern times.||2:To state the obvious, Western imperialists were not the only dividers of cities.||3:In traditional empires—Ottoman or tsarist, for example—cities were split because society itself was rigidly divided, although not always physically, into ethnically or religiously based communities where the individual’s everyday life was controlled by the leader of his or her group, who in turn delivered the group’s loyalty to the sultan or emperor.||4:The elites of each group had a stake in enforcing separation.||5:A comprehensive look at urban segregation would have teased out the difference between traditional and modern separation. | |
22 | Airbnb一位高层抱怨称这是9flats的一贯手法,对方已经抄袭了Airbnb的很多做法。 | An Airbnb executive gripe s that such behaviour is typical of 9flats, which he says copies much of what Airbnb does. | |
23 | 并且他们抱怨这些后来者咄咄逼人的策略。 | And they gripe about the clone troopers’ aggressive tactics. | |
24 | 还有其他软件可以帮助公司发现在网上抱怨的笨蛋,识别潜在罪犯,另一会计师事务所德勤的Jean-Fran?ois Legault说。 | Other software can help firms find potential malefactors moronic enough to gripe online, says Jean-Fran?ois Legault of Deloitte, another consultancy. | |
25 | 5、抱怨你没有被安排到宽敞的逃生边门座位。 | 5. Gripe that you haven’t been seated in a roomy exit-row seat. | |
26 | Visegrad集团政府可能想要把握住西欧,但是他们在自己的家门口还有许多事情需要做呢。 | The Visegrad governments may gripe about west Europeans. But they have plenty to do on the home front. | |
27 | 不要以为我会扰乱上天的惩治方法,或者,把他揭露出来,诉请人间的法律去制裁,那样我会得不偿失。 | Think not that I shall interfere with Heaven’s own method of retribution, or, to my own loss, betray him to the gripe of human law. | |
28 | 但常穿高跟鞋的人还是抱怨说,倘若不得不脚跟着地走路,还是会感觉到恼人的痛感。 | What inveterate wearers sometimes gripe about is the niggling pain felt when forced to walk with their feet flat. | |
29 | 但是在这个案例中,Thiel不满的是银行没有估价到Linkedin的巨大的潜力。 | However in this case Mr Thiel’s gripe was that the banks failed to appreciate LinkedIn’s tremendous potential. | |
30 | 各公司对EPR法律最大的抱怨不是成本支出而是它们的非一致性。 | Companies’ biggest gripe about EPR laws is not their cost but their inconsistency. |