属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新小说 胖子是个大问题
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲的兴衰 Boom and bust in Asia
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国专利法改革 山上的巨魔
1 | ||1: 在国家剧院上演的《合作者们》也是一部引人注意的新剧,假想了斯大林与布尔加科夫之间的故事。导演是Nicholas Hytner,编剧是John Hodge,之前凭借《浅坟》和《猜火车》为人所知。 ||2: 这部新剧在Cottesloe开演之后,很快会转至更大的国家奥利弗主剧院演出。剧中布尔加科夫(Alex Jennings饰)被迫写一部关于独裁者早年经历的剧本,以庆祝他的60岁诞辰。 ||3:回报就是他得到允诺,他关于莫里哀的反动剧作不会被禁演。于是这个剧作中的奇怪晦涩的场景会不时插入到为斯大林献礼的剧作中,传达出既滑稽又恐怖的信息。 | ||1: “Collaborators”, a coruscating new play at the National Theatre, imagines a relationship between Stalin and Bulgakov himself. Directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner and written by John Hodge, previously best known as the screenwriter for “Shallow Grave” and “Trainspotting”. ||2: The production will soon transfer to the National’s main Olivier stage after opening at the smaller Cottesloe. Bulgakov (Alex Jennings) is coerced to write a play about the dictator’s early years to celebrate his 60th birthday. ||3: In return, along with his life and his wife’s, he is promised the un-banning of his subversive drama about Molière—grotesque , masked scenes from which intrude on the main story, as do comically appalling passages from the Stalin tribute. | |
2 | ||1:《老大哥》是丝薇佛的第12本小说,也可能是她自传痕迹最明显的一部小说。||2:作者在以前公开发表的作品中就曾提到她的老大哥,说他“聪明到让人吃惊”,最后把自己给吃死了。||3:如此经历给丝薇佛留下了不少困惑。||4:是什么动力使一个人暴饮暴食到近乎荒唐的地步?在物产过剩的21世纪,为何健康饮食如此之难?如果要向一个执意自我毁灭的人施以援手,其亲属又肩负哪些责任?对这些问题的关注推动她完成了这部小说,对一个肥胖病患者和他理智、成功、四十来岁的妹妹的命运做出了思考。||5:丝薇佛曾为《经济学人》撰写过小说评论,擅长巧妙传达家人互动时的微妙变化。但这本书似乎更关怀个人,而且更加切中要害。 | ||1:“Big Brother”, Ms Shriver’s 12th novel, may be her most plainly autobiographical.||2:The author has written publicly before about her own big brother, an “obscenely smart” man who ultimately ate himself to death.||3:The experience left her with not a few unresolved questions.||4:What moves someone to eat to grotesque excess? Why is it so hard to deal with food in a healthy way in the overabundant 21st century? And what is the duty of kin when it comes to helping someone bent on self-destruction? These concerns drive her new novel, which considers the fate of a morbidly obese man and his sensible, successful 40-something younger sister.||5:Ms Shriver, who has reviewed fiction for The Economist, has a knack for conveying subtle shifts in family dynamics, but this book feels uniquely personal, and is more poignant for it. | |
3 | ||1:这些经济体的崛起是以地主退出历史舞台为起点的。||2:封建式的私有地产被没收并分配给了小农户,同时他们还获得了低息贷款和宝贵的经验。||3:Studwell 承认,小农型耕作需要“令人无法想象的”大量劳动力。||4:但这不失为一件好事:因为在二十世纪五十年代,像台湾或是韩国这样贫穷的地区拥有大批劳动力——除此之外也没有别的了。 | ||1:The process began with the ousting of the landlords.||2:Feudal estates were broken up and divided among small farmers, who also received cheap credit and valuable advice.||3:Smallholder farming requires “grotesque ” amounts of labour, Mr Studwell concedes.||4:But that is a good thing, because countries as poor as Taiwan or South Korea were in the 1950s have labour—and only labour—in abundance. | |
4 | 在斯堪的纳维亚半岛的民间传说里,巨魔们都是长着丑脸、披着乱发的矮胖形象。 | IN SCANDINAVIAN folklore trolls were dumpy with grotesque faces and uncontrollable hair. | |
5 | (福斯塔夫和青年皇子的其他怪诞密友); | Falstaff and the other grotesque cronies of the young prince | |
6 | “奇石画布”旅游资源评价体系研究 | A Study on the Tourism Resource Evaluation System about "Grotesque Stone and Canvas" | |
7 | “迎接奇形怪状人”民俗与戏曲发展的关系 | Relation between the Folk Custom "Welcoming Persons of Grotesque Shapes" and the Development of Traditional Opera | |
8 | Ferry对这次骚乱不屑一顾,认为这完全就是乱来;至于“虚假工作”一事,他也进行了反驳。 | Mr Ferry dismissed the fuss as "totally grotesque " , and denied that he had a "fake job" . | |
9 | 采用奇特岩石制作养生合成石的研究 | Study on the Preparation of Synthetic Stones for Keeping in Good Health by Grotesque Rocks | |
10 | 朝鲜看上去像是毛时代中央集权的中国的怪诞模仿,其体制恰恰是北京方面已经抛弃的。 | North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao’s centrally controlled China, precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind. | |
11 | 除去它的怪异不说,这些雕塑详细而又生动的展现了屠杀。这个公园里看上去更像屠杀,而不是展现历史。 | Living apart that it is grotesque and that the statues are presenting explicit carnage, this park is rather weird looking than historical. | |
12 | 戴着奇异面具的部落跳舞者 | tribal dancers wearing grotesque masks | |
13 | 迪克看过纸条,眨着一只眼,奇形怪状的嘴从左耳咧到右耳,象一条通航的运河。 | When Dick had looked at the paper, he winked with one eye, extended his grotesque mouth from ear to ear, like a navigable canal. | |
14 | 对丑陋的描绘由于那些本该来自于电影银幕上的场景而得以缓减。 | Grotesque descriptions are alleviated by scenes that might have come off a movie screen. | |
15 | 对事实的荒诞歪曲 | a grotesque distortion of the truth | |
16 | 公众突然明显地意识到,几乎每个人都可能成为恶劣侵犯他们隐私的牺牲品。 | The public was made starkly aware that nearly anyone could be the victim of a grotesque invasion of their privacy. | |
17 | 怪诞的美学研究与兴起 | Studies of Grotesque Esthetics and Its Rising | |
18 | 怪诞和阿拉伯风格的故事 | Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque | |
19 | 怪诞价值论纲 | Brief Expounding on Grotesque Value | |
20 | 黑格尔论东方艺术的怪诞 | Hegel’s Discussion on Grotesque of Eastern Art | |
21 | 还有四块奇石矗立,以苍穹作为幕布, | there stand four grotesque stones with the sky as a curtain | |
22 | 辉煌:创意,绘画,怪异,夸张。 | Brilliant: creative, graphic, grotesque , hyperbolic. | |
23 | 或许我们的生活方式在前古人和后来者眼里看起来都很古怪呢。 | Our way of life might look grotesque to many who have come before and many who will come after. | |
24 | 即便你不是一个社会主义者,也会认为这样的现象过于荒唐。 | You do not have to be a socialist to regard this as pretty grotesque . | |
25 | 她的鼻部整形手术是相当的怪诞,她应该去退款。 | Her nose job was truly grotesque ; she should get a refund. | |
26 | 她的每件作品都浸透着宗教情结,这使她的作品具有了非常鲜明的神秘怪诞风格。 | Her novels show her religious sentiment, and have a very distinctive style of mystery and grotesque . | |
27 | 尽管这个星期以来,散发着恶臭的昆虫已经变化得更加奇形怪状,于是我宁可马上集中起容光焕发的楚楚魅力来改善我在花园里的情绪。 | While the stinkbugs have become more grotesque this week, I prefer to focus on the moments of grace that recharge my spirit in the garden. | |
28 | 镜中的畸变映像 | a grotesque reflection in the mirror | |
29 | 缅甸(Myanmar)是一个愚昧落后的国家,荒唐可笑的执政军政府又称之为Burma。有关该国的大多数文学作品都难免走向两个极端之一。 | MOST writing about the benighted land of Burma, dubbed Myanmar by the grotesque junta running it, falls into one of two traps. | |
30 | 那个时代的生活主要是个悲剧,但却带有喜剧色彩的悲剧,更别说荒诞和幕间插曲了。 | Life under Communism was principally a tragedy, but a tragedy with comic, not to say grotesque , interludes. |