属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界经济 过去和未来时
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-精神身体医学 好好反省一下吧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-身心医学 要相信你的身体很棒
1 | 艾森豪威尔冷淡而粗暴地说:“唔,我认为你早就应该这样做了。” | Eisenhower, clod and grumpy , said, "Well, I thought you should have done this a long time ago." | |
2 | 爱发牢骚的易于抱怨或发牢骚的,脾气坏的,暴躁的 | Tending to complain or grumble;peevish or grumpy . | |
3 | 不要担心他的语言粗暴,他说话严厉,但并无恶意。 | Don’t worry about his grumpy expression,his bark is worse than his bit. | |
4 | 很对不起,昨天我脾气不好,由于某种原因我那时正闷闷不乐。 | I’m sorry I was grumpy yesterday;I was feeling down for some reason. | |
5 | 她牙痛时脾气很暴躁。 | She’s very grumpy when her tooth aches | |
6 | 今天老板的脾气有点暴躁. | The boss is a bit grumpy today. | |
7 | 可是今天他大概有点不高兴,所以只顶了五六只“团匾”去,却空着一双手。 | But today he probably was a little grumpy , and so he walked empty-handed with only six trays on his head | |
8 | 可以看出她是个守信用的人。遇到这种天气,大多人会以此为借口,不来看望一个脾气不好的老人。 | I can see she is a woman of her word.Most people would have made this weather an excuse not to come so far to visit a grumpy old man. | |
9 | 那个性情乖戾的人对什么事都要找岔。 | The grumpy man found fault with everything. | |
10 | 你今天脾气真坏。怎么回事? | You’re very grumpy today--what’s the matter? | |
11 | 醒来吧,懒骨头。不然你就要耽误了早饭,闹一早晨脾气了。 | Wake up, lazybones. You’ll miss your breakfast again and be grumpy all morning | |
12 | 一个脾气暴躁的老人. | a grumpy old man | |
13 | 愠怒待人处事态度暴躁 | To behave in a grumpy manner. | |
14 | ||1: 当天吾的朋友——性子暴躁的编辑小松(Komatsu)劝服他去修改少女深田绘里子(Eriko Fukada)(文中一直叫做深绘里)小说的初稿时,天吾的生活发生了变化。 ||2:深绘里这部自传体的小说描写了自己生长的村庄公社被转变成了一个邪恶的新兴宗教团,充满勾心斗角和虐待儿童。小松认为如果小说风格能得到很好修改的话,使其拿下一座文学奖,那就足以让它成为畅销书了。||3:青豆,人们原来也许以为她是一个不顾自己还穿着丝袜和褐色佐丹高跟鞋摇摇晃晃地翻过高空中的公路的女子,事实上却是一个野心勃勃的狐狸精,一个迷人而强势的女权主义者,一个妄图替天行道者,最喜欢每天出去干净利落地杀人,然后晚上来场疯狂的通宵性爱,男女不限。||4: 青豆实际上是个职业杀手,精于无声无息地除掉那些虐待妻子或侵犯儿童的男人,简直就是史迪克·拉尔森(Stieg Larsson)笔下丽丝贝·莎兰德(Lisbeth Salander)的日本漫画版。 | ||1: Tengo’s life changes when a friend, a grumpy editor named Komatsu, persuades him to clean up a raw manuscript by a teenage girl, Eriko Fukada, called Fuka-Eri throughout. ||2: Komatsu believes that the girl’s autobiographical story, about being raised on a rural commune that changes into a sinister cult involved in mind games and child abuse, has all the makings of a bestseller if its style can be improved enough so that it wins a literary prize. ||3: Aomame, as might be expected from a woman who shimmies down from an overhead expressway without much concern for her stockings or her chestnut- coloured Charles Jourdan heels, turns out to be a minx on the make, a charming, ball-breaking, feminist do-gooder who likes nothing better than rounding off a day’s killing with an all-night bout of bisexual sex. ||4: Aomame is really a hired gun, who specialises in quietly offing wife-beaters and child rapists, a manga version of Stieg Larsson’s Lisbeth Salander. | |
15 | ||1:这个广泛的定义使得两位作者像脾气暴躁的老人一样对当代英国社会的很多方面进行了凌厉的批评。||2:有时,给人感觉好像每一件事情都是英国衰落的写照,包括在去年皇室婚礼上取消对叙利亚大使的邀请。||3:人类受精和胚胎局管理局以及税务海关总署日益膨胀的权力都是被严厉攻击的目标。||4:此外,来自中国的投资在英国被贬低为是国家耻辱而非信心的标志:“对刚果那种国家足够好的东西竟然对英国好。” | ||1: This broad definition allows the pair to be grumpy old men and indulge in some fierce complaining about various aspects of modern British society. ||2: At times, it seems as if almost everything is a sign of Britain’s decline, including the decision to revoke the Syrian ambassador’s invitation to last year’s royal wedding. ||3: The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is the subject of a rant, as are the growing powers of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. ||4: Inward investment by China is not a sign of confidence in Britain, but instead dismissed as a token of national humiliation: “What was good enough for the Congo was good for the United Kingdom.” | |
16 | ||1:政坛出现了不利的变化。||2:在20世纪90年代,大多数人在富裕世界的尽头尽享繁荣的成果:美国中产阶级工资在1995-2000年实际上涨了7.7%。||3:自2007年以来,相比之下,美国工资增长持平,英国和大部分欧元区工资甚至出现下降。||4:各地富国选民已经对他们的政府持不满态度,正如民意测验记录以及他们愿意把票投给抗议党即可看出。||5:如果他们被打压,明年的不满会变成愤怒。||6:2015年的经济可能类似于20世纪90年代末,但政治形势可能会相当糟糕。 | ||1:The political scene is also different, and not in a good way.||2:At the end of the 1990s most people in the rich world had enjoyed the fruits of the boom: median American wages rose by 7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000.||3:Since 2007, by contrast, they have been flat in America, and have fallen in Britain and much of the euro zone.||4:All over the rich world voters are already grumpy with their governments, as polling numbers and their willingness to vote for protest parties show.||5:If they are squeezed next year discontent will turn to anger.||6:The economics of 2015 may look similar to the late 1990s, but the politics will probably be rather worse. | |
17 | 但考克博士进行了一项更深度的试验,认为那些郁郁寡欢的人也不要完全放弃希望。 | A further experiment by Dr Kok suggests, however, that the grumpy need not give up all hope. | |
18 | 然而可可博士的进一步研究表明,脾气不好的人也尚存希望。 | A further experiment by Dr Kok suggests, however, that the grumpy need not give up all hope. | |
19 | “这1万亿美元是从全球筹集的,有些国家已经开始抱怨资金中很多都给了欧洲。”欧元区一消息人士说。 | "The 1 trillion was raised globally and some countries are already grumpy that a lot of it is going to Europe, " the euro zone source said. | |
20 | 15、技术也会使运动员脾气暴躁。 | 15 Technology can make players grumpy too. | |
21 | Blumstein说,但这很少造成严重伤害。 | "Marmots are grumpy with each other, " Blumstein says, but rarely cause serious injuries. | |
22 | 爸爸猪没有眼镜什么都看不见,这让他的脾气变差了。 | Daddy Pig cannot see a thing without them and it makes him very grumpy . | |
23 | 不过,他表现得兴高采烈,与在脾气暴躁的屏幕形象形成了鲜明对比。 | Still, he is upbeat and cheerful, a contrast with his often grumpy on-screen persona. | |
24 | 不满的选民对其领导者失去信任,不约而同发出抱怨 | the disparate mutterings of a grumpy electorate that has lost faith in its leader | |
25 | 插图和有韵律的文字描述了各种各样的恐龙,温和的、坏脾气的、易怒的和笨重的恐龙都包括在内。 | Illustrations and rhyming text present all kinds of dinosaurs, including ones that are sweet, grumpy , spiky, or lumpy. | |
26 | 但是,美国也不能靠卷起铺盖、龟缩孤立来妥善处理好这些失误。 | But America cannot fix any of these mistakes by folding its tents and slinking home to a grumpy isolation. On the contrary. | |
27 | 但是,一个来自皇后区的脾气暴躁的众议员指出,詹妮弗•洛佩兹(JenniferLopez)的知名度同样可以当参议员。 | But, as a grumpy congressman from Queens pointed out, the same could be said of Jennifer Lopez. | |
28 | 但是他最近暴躁的言论表示,他仍旧在玩欲擒故纵。 | But his latest grumpy comments suggest he is still playing hard to get. | |
29 | 当事情没有如我所料时,我生气了吗? | When things don’t go my way, do I get grumpy ? | |
30 | 当我沉浸在一本书里的时候,我往往会停不下来,即使这种情况会让我晚上失眠早上起来发脾气。 | When I am REALLY into a book, I cannot stop, even if it means I lose sleep and wake up grumpy . |