属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食物不是炸弹 Food not bombs
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-辉瑞制药有限公司 自尝苦果
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自食其药 制药巨头被迫解决行贿指控
1 | 伪装假装的或虚假的外表;伪装 | Assumed or false appearance;guise . | |
2 | 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。 | A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. | |
3 | 一些情况可能是建立在判断错误的基础上,其他情况只是借口,即在预防的伪装下试图证明进攻的正当性。 | Some will be based on misjudgments, and others will simply be pretextual-justifying aggression under the guise of pre-emption. | |
4 | 以合法形式掩盖非法目的的。 | Those that performed under the guise of legitimate acts conceal illegitimate purposes. | |
5 | 以这个名义,他收集了搞叛变和颠覆活动的阴谋计划的情报。 | In this guise he gathered information about mutinous and subversive designs | |
6 | 因为教条主义容易装出马克思主义的面孔,吓唬工农干部,把他们俘虏起来,充作自己的用人,而工农干部不易识破他们 | For dogmatists can easily assume a Marxist guise to bluff, capture and make servitors of cadres of working-class and peasant origin who cannot easily see through them | |
7 | 有个人装扮成樵夫的样子出现在城堡大门口。 | A man appear at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. | |
8 | 有些领导经常公款吃喝,还美其名曰什么这是工作便餐,工人们对此非常不满 | The workers are strongly dissatisfied at their leaders who often banquet at public expenditures under the guise of working meal | |
9 | 在...的幌子下 | in the guise of; under the guise of | |
10 | 在友谊的幌子下. | under the guise of friendship | |
11 | 这里没什么新花样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。 | There is nothing new here, just the same old ideas in a new guise . | |
12 | 这里没有什么新的东西;只是在不同的(新的)形式下的同样的陈旧思想而已. | There is nothing new in here, just the same old ideas in a different (new) guise . | |
13 | 证明商标,识别性外观,意图使用商标 | certification mark/trademark,distinguishing guise ,proposed trade-mark | |
14 | 朱庇特现身于塞墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。 | To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise | |
15 | 珠儿把自己这样打扮好了,便听到她母亲的呼唤,慢慢地往回走去。她走得很慢,因为她看到了牧师。 | In such guise had Pearl adorned herself, when she heard her mother’s voice, and came slowly back.Slowly; for she saw the clergyman! | |
16 | 装扮成乞丐挤在街道上 | huddled on the street in the guise of beggars. | |
17 | 着和尚的装束 | in the guise of a monk | |
18 | 作和尚的装束. | in the guise of a monk | |
19 | ||1:几乎没有人意想到伊斯兰教慈善团体会向残疾人士提供关于性方面的讲习班以及改善性生活的方法。||2:但是在加沙的以色列的医院已经提供此项服务很多年了,所以这已成为司空见惯的事请了。||3:很多人认为伊斯兰教的慈善团体“只不过是促进恐怖主义的伪装”,也正如一个在哈佛的中东学者萨拉罗伊所写那样。||4:在关于加沙社会福利事业的新书中,基于她过去15年去加沙地带的出行,她认为现实情况更复杂。 | ||1:Few would expect an Islamic charity to offer workshops on sexuality and ways for disabled people to improve their sex lives.||2:But the al-Wafa hospital in Gaza has been providing this service for years, and it is hardly atypical.||3:Many assume that Islamic charities are “merely a guise for promoting terrorism”, writes Sara Roy, a Middle East scholar at Harvard.||4:In her new book about social services in Gaza, based on trips to the strip over the past 15 years, she argues that the reality is more complex. | |
20 | ||1:他的一些故事“英雄”得可爱,比如,他把他的狗的基因物质保存下来,为的是以后要克隆它。||2:毕竟“沙吉”不是普通的狗,而是一只可与它的兵主人一起跳伞的西藏牧羊犬,并能嗅出炸弹(当不要水肺潜水时)。||3:其他故事为艾德马蒙上一个更加Bond式的假相。||4:因此,1991年,他告诉FBI在苏联的加盟共和国中,他发现一个俄罗斯黑社会组织决定把一个文件箱大小的核武器带出立陶宛。但细节不可能披露,因为FBI满是克格勃特工。 | ||1: Some of the stories made Mr Idema seem almost lovably heroic. He preserved genetic material from his dog, for example, so that he could later be cloned. ||2: Sarge was, after all, no ordinary dog but a Tibetan shepherd that would jump out of aircraft with his soldier master and help sniff out bombs (when not scuba diving). ||3: Other tales cast Mr Idema in a more Bond-like guise . ||4: Thus in 1991 he told the FBI that among the detritus of the Soviet Union he had discovered a Russian mafia gang bent on smuggling suitcase-sized nuclear weapons out of Lithuania; no details could be revealed, though, because the FBI was riddled with KGB agents. | |
21 | 保守估计,他们甚至都能首次在德国赢得席位。 | and in milder guise they could win seats for the first time in Germany. | |
22 | 辉瑞公司在中国成立了一个"俱乐部",该俱乐部以开会的名义邀请那些"开药量较大"的医生参加各种娱乐活动。辉瑞公司还与哈萨克斯坦一家当地公司签订了独家经销协议,因为此前辉瑞得知,除此之外没有其他的办法可以获得哈萨克斯坦政府对辉瑞制药的批准。 | In China Pfizer established a "club" that provided "high-prescribing" doctors with all kinds of entertainment under the guise of attending conferences. In Kazakhstan Pfizer awarded an exclusive distribution deal to a local firm after it was told there was no other way to secure government approval for a Pfizer product. | |
23 | 在中国,辉瑞公司建立了一个俱乐部,借助参加会议之名以各种形式款待那些开药量大的医生。 | In China Pfizer established a club that provided high-prescribing doctors with all kinds of entertainment under the guise of attending conferences. | |
24 | 《凶手与勇士》:吉斯家族(以家族的名义)和欧洲制造。 | Martyrs and Murderers: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe. | |
25 | 本地食品主义给反对进口的农业游说活动套上了环保的伪装。 | Local food lets farming lobbies campaign against imports under the guise of environmentalism. | |
26 | 差别性的政府采购打着推动“自主创新”的旗号偏袒国内公司。 | Discriminatory government procurement, in the guise of promoting " indigenous innovation, " favors domestic companies. | |
27 | 但假装有意购买此宅却意图一睹天王去世地点的杰克逊粉丝们要注意了。 | Jackson fans feigning interest in the mansion, under the guise of seeing where he died, should take note. | |
28 | 但是乌兹别克斯坦两千万人口中40%是16岁以下的,因而它现在伪装下的经济模式或许不可维持。 | Yet with 40% of the 20m population under 16 years of age, the Uzbek economic model in its current guise may not be sustainable. | |
29 | 但它总会再度出现,尽管改头换面后的金融模型对历史数据的依赖性可能更低。 | It always resurfaces, though in its new guise modelling may be less reliant on historical data. | |
30 | 但这种方法以一种先进的姿态死灰复燃,并贴着“审议式民主”的标签。 | But the approach is returning in a modern guise , under the label of "deliberative democracy" . |