属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西经济 极端天气在前
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马内的肖像画 勇辟蹊径立异标新
1 | 充分领略…的趣味. | enjoy the full gusto of… | |
2 | 大家越听越入神。 | As he talked with more and more gusto , we came more and more under his spell | |
3 | 大口地喝冰镇啤酒 | Pulled on the cold beer with gusto | |
4 | 大口地喝冰镇啤酒;吸烟 | Pulled on the cold beer with gusto ;pull on a cigarette. | |
5 | 当这个那维何人非常高兴地,一道接一道吃着他眼前的每一样食物时,他的朋友之一提醒他说,不到一小时前他还说不饿呢! | As the Navajo proceeded to eat everything in sight with great gusto , one of his friends reminded him that less than an hour earlier he had told them that he was not hungry | |
6 | 她热情地唱了起来,几位乘客也跟着唱了。 | She burst into song with great gusto ,several passengers immediately joined in. | |
7 | 冷饮厅内,男女老幼围坐成一桌桌,痛痛快快美餐冰点,其乐融融 | In the icecream bars, one may find whole families huddling together at a table eating with gusto icecream or ice pastry | |
8 | 全身的投入,潜心钻研,探究. | To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto . | |
9 | 他狼吞虎咽地大吃. | He ate with unashamed gusto . | |
10 | 他们大吃大喝。 | They attacked their meal with gusto | |
11 | 他们开始津津有味地大吃起来. | They fell to(eating)with great gusto . | |
12 | 他兴致勃勃地开始作画。 | He started painting with great gusto . | |
13 | 他以极大的爱好开始画画. | He started painting with great gusto . | |
14 | 谈得津津有味. | talk with gusto | |
15 | 我津津有味地吃午饭。 | I ate my lunch with gusto . | |
16 | 我认为说服的三个首要协助因素是谦恭、集中和兴趣 | Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility, concentration, and gusto | |
17 | 我认为说服的三个首要协助因素是谦恭、集中和兴趣(玛丽安娜·穆尔) | Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility,concentration,and gusto (Marianne Moore) | |
18 | 沃尔夫满腔热忱地迎接新生活。 | Wolfe embraced his new life with gusto . | |
19 | 兴致勃勃地合唱. | Singing the choruses with great gusto | |
20 | 兴致勃勃地讲笑话 | telling a joke with gusto | |
21 | 兴致勃勃地狂饮麦芽酒 | quaffed the ale with gusto . | |
22 | 一个早晨,我从窗户向外望去,见到四只猫在它们的食物碗前排着队,而就在它们中间,吃得津津有味的却是那只鸡! | One morning I looked out the window and saw four cats lined up at their food bowls, and, right in the middle, eating cat food with gusto , was the chicken | |
23 | 于是雷克斯兴高采烈地着手进行各种准备工作。 | rex gave himself to the preparations with gusto | |
24 | 在军队打了一个胜仗之后,有的同志刚刚同那些左右前后的人谈得津津有味的时候,尾巴翘得那么高的时候,你就给他提出打第二仗的新任务。 | When an army unit won a battle and some comrades started talking about it with gusto to people around them and got too cocky, you set them a new task--to fight another battle | |
25 | 这个饥饿的孩子津津有味地吃着饭. | The hungry boy ate his dinner with gusto . | |
26 | 朱彝尊《静志居琴趣》的自传性叙事结构-清词代表性文本阅读之一 | The Autobiographical Narrative Structure of Zhu Yizun’s Qin Gusto of Jin Zhi Ju-Perusing the Representative Text of Ci in Qing Dynasty | |
27 | 钻研全身的投入,潜心钻研,探究 | To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto . | |
28 | ||1:尽管没有《婚姻》那么精彩,但人们却可以从故事的字里行间中感受到作者写作时的热情。||2:故事的中心是一个性格复杂的人—托马斯·戴。||3:虽然继承了一大笔遗产,但他憎恶上流社会,拒绝任何奢侈享受,还把钱财施舍给了穷人。||4:他加入了利奇菲尔德一个叫“月球人”的组织。该组织支持政治改革、信仰人权。||5:作为一名早期废奴主义者,他在1773年和朋友约翰·比克内尔写了首诗,名为“即将消亡的黑人奴隶”,因此引发了一场反奴隶制的轰动。虽然在社交场合戴总是笨手笨脚、不懂礼数,头发也是乱蓬蓬的,但他却因刚正不阿、乐观理想受到众人的敬重。 | ||1: Though less ripping than “Wedlock”, this story is told with gusto . ||2: At its centre is Thomas Day, a complex man. ||3: Heir to a large fortune, he abhorred fashionable society, denied himself every luxury and gave to the poor. ||4: He belonged to a group in Lichfield known as the “Lunar Men”, who believed in political reform and the rights of man. ||5: An early abolitionist, in 1773 he wrote a poem with his friend John Bicknell called “The Dying Negro”, which caused an anti-slavery sensation. Day was socially inept and uncouth, his hair unkempt, but he was generally admired for his honesty and idealism. | |
29 | ||1:莱维先生在2016年的的任务将变得容易些,由于停滞的GDP增长,与最低工资相关的支出应跟上通货膨胀的速度。||2:相反的,罗塞夫的任务可能会变得更加困难,美国智库欧亚集团的分析师若奥·卡斯特罗·内维斯认为。||3:工党的左翼分子和他们的工会运动、社会运动支持者并不待见莱维先生,并称他为“剪刀手”。||4:该党在政府中的盟友存在反叛的情绪:在12月,71名国会议员中的35人拒绝投票赞成政府修订今年无法实现的1.9%的初级盈余目标(尽管最后法案获得了通过)。||5:反对党对巴西石油公司事件的深度挖掘与利用,将进一步消耗总统日益减少的政治资本。 | ||1:Mr Levy’s task should become slightly easier in 2016, when, thanks to stalled GDP growth, spending linked to the minimum wage should merely keep pace with inflation.||2:Ms Rousseff’s, by contrast, is likely to become harder, thinks Jo?o Castro Neves of Eurasia Group, a consultancy.||3:The PT’s left-wingers and their sympathisers in trade unions and social movements despise Mr Levy, whom they call “Scissorhands”.||4:The party’s allies in government are in a mutinous mood: in December 35 of 71 congressmen from its biggest coalition partner refused to vote with the government to revise this year’s unattainable primary-surplus target of 1.9% (though the measure passed anyway).||5:The Petrobras affair, which the opposition is exploiting with gusto , will further deplete the president’s already diminished political capital. | |
30 | ||1:展览有大约50幅油画及素描。||2:这些作品是马内被弗朗西斯科·戈雅、迭戈·委拉兹开斯出色的大作所感染,又受佛兰斯·哈尔斯画人物栩栩如生的本领所启发而创作的,从中可以看出马内受到哪些前辈的影响以及他为追求个人风格所做的努力。||3:这些肖像画按主题展出,挂在黑暗的墙上用聚光灯照亮,仿佛每幅画都是一件珠宝。||4:其中很多确实被视为珠宝,不过馆长考虑得还不够周到。||5:如果规模小些,展览会更有感染力,如果作品按时间顺序展出,人们就可以更加了解马内。 | ||1:On view are some 50 paintings and works on paper.||2:Inspired by the dramatic masterpieces of Francisco Goya and Diego Velázquez (all those luscious blacks), and Frans Hals’s genius for portraying people with a gusto for life, these works trace Manet’s influences and his efforts to master a vision of his own.||3:Grouped by theme, the portraits are spotlit against dark walls as if each was a jewel.||4:Many are, though the curators could have exercised more discretion.||5:A stronger show would have been a smaller one; arranged chronologically, it could have revealed more about the artist. |