属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国专利 越来越具创造性
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-在圣保罗骑行 热带的哥本哈根
1 | ||1:中国的领导人们认为,专利便是通往创新大国那扶梯上的横档。||2:因此,不论是在五年计划里,还是经由种种补贴和官方规诫,他们一直鼓励国人申请专利。||3:而国人也对此颇为捧场,两年前,中国专利局一跃成为世界上最繁忙的专利机构。||4:怀疑论者对这些专利嗤之以鼻,他们认为,大多数人申请的都是“实用新型”专利,与正式的“发明”专利不同,这类短期专利价值不高。而且,对那些专利门槛颇高的国家而言,很少有中国发明人能入其法眼。 | ||1: CHINA’S leaders see patents as rungs on the ladder to becoming an innovation powerhouse. ||2: So in five-year plans and through subsidies and official exhortations, they have encouraged locals to file patents. ||3: And locals have responded with gusto . Two years ago China’s patent office became the world’s busiest. ||4: Sceptics have scoffed that most of those filed are “utility model” patents—short-term ones granted for relatively trivial ideas, as opposed to proper “invention” patents—and that few Chinese inventors have won patents in countries where standards are higher. | |
2 | 与首都布宜诺斯艾利斯适宜两轮自行车不同的是,圣保罗多山,骑行非常累,而且不安全。在伦敦,由于人们骑自行车远足,去年14个自行车手死于交通事故,而圣保罗的数据是37人。许多驾驶员对非机动车道路上的骑行者没有一点耐心。 | Unlike Buenos Aires, which has taken to two wheels with gusto , Sao Paulo is also muscle-strainingly hilly. It is unsafe, too. In London, with more bicycle trips, 14 cyclists perished in traffic last year; in Sao Paulo 37 did. Many drivers have little patience for non-motorised road users. | |
3 | 10年后,哈默尔最初的一些理念在《经济学人》这篇高度乐观的报告中得到了体现。 | A decade later, and some of that original Hamelian gusto has been recaptured by The Economist’s highly optimistic report. | |
4 | 倡导健全货币的经济体或许会抱怨,它们正由衷地这样做。 | Sound money types may complain that they are doing this with gusto . | |
5 | 充分领略…的趣味。 | enjoy the full gusto of. . . | |
6 | 但该杂志出版商ITP的雇员在喝着免费饮料的同时,心中还有一种别样的感受。 | But among the employees of ITP, the magazine’s publisher, the free drinks were going down with more than the usual gusto . | |
7 | 当然啰,作为一本科学杂志,我们怎能仅凭爱好而不报道那个年代? | How could we not cover the era with gusto , being a science magazine and all? | |
8 | 该地区大部分国家曾由衷地拥护全球化。 | Much of the region had embraced globalisation with gusto . | |
9 | 各国政府也以满腔的热情支持财政刺激政策。 | Governments worldwide embraced fiscal stimulus with gusto . | |
10 | 据处理跨境贸易交易的五家银行的消息人士透露,中国企业都兴致勃勃,不愿放过这些机会。 | According to sources at five banks that process international trade deals, Chinese companies have jumped on these opportunities with gusto . | |
11 | 民族文化积淀下的审美趣味--从不为装饰的装饰构件斗拱谈起 | Aesthetic Gusto under the Aggradation of National Culture--Talking from Bucket Arches, a Decorative Component Not for Decoration | |
12 | 纳斯达克与洲际交易所的“奇袭”,显然展示出了华盛顿的风范。 | Certainly Nasdaq and ICE’s attack shows Washington-style gusto . | |
13 | 培训物理学家梅尔沃德先生,津津有味地参与其中。 | Mr Myhrvold, a physicist by training, takes part with gusto . | |
14 | 人类居住的地方几乎涉及到了世界上的每个角落,当然这个和居住着的喜好有很大的关系。 | We have inhabited nearly every corner of the Earth, and we’ve done so with gusto . | |
15 | 如今,心理学又兴致勃勃地重新拾起这个话题,因而哲学迫切需要重新翻出这些尘封已久的藏书。 | Now that psychology has returned to the subject with gusto , there is an urgent need to dig them out again. | |
16 | 事实上,奥巴马唯一想削减且已经兴致勃勃地在削减的预算,是国防预算。 | Indeed, the only budget line Mr Obama wants to cut, and has done with gusto , is defence. | |
17 | 虽然在几十年前世界各国的情侣们就满怀热忱地进行着这一实践,但是在美国,未婚同居仍被视为不道德的。 | While countries around the world adopted the practice with gusto decades ago, U. S. couples who cohabited were seen as "living in sin. " | |
18 | 他对英国文学刚入门道,用巨大的热忱背诵着哈姆雷特的独白。 | He had just gained an entrance into English literature, and would recite Hamlet’s soliloquy with great gusto . | |
19 | 他们兴致勃勃的豪饮浓啤酒。 | They quaffed their ale with gusto . | |
20 | 他一向无病无痛,吃东西总是津津有味的,用强硬手段来管他的兄弟们。 | He never had an ache or pain, ate his food with gusto , and ruled his brothers with a rod of iron. | |
21 | 同时美国总统小布什曾努力推动的美印关系的轻微冷却对中印两国关系的好转也有帮助。 | A slight cooling in the America-India relationship, which President George Bush had pushed with gusto , has also helped. | |
22 | 我们津津有味地吃着、 | eat with We ate with gusto . . . | |
23 | 我是一份创造性拥抱新媒体并屡屡获奖的报纸的编辑。 | I edit a newspaper that has embraced new media with creative, prizewinning gusto . | |
24 | 性生活丰富的人虽不为人们所赞赏,但却被认为过着热情似火的生活。 | People who have lots of sex are not approved of but they are thought to live life with gusto . | |
25 | 以前只有共和党人才会乐此不疲地谈论宗教问题,而现在所有重要的民主党候选人在这方面也都饶有兴趣。 | The leading Democratic candidates all talked about God with a gusto that had once been reserved for the Republicans. | |
26 | 在经历文化大革命十年浩劫对经典音乐的彻底糟蹋后,中国已经迎来了文化繁荣的春天。 | After years of completely shunning classical music during the Cultural Revolution, China has embraced it with gusto . | |
27 | 这个饥饿的孩子津津有味地吃着饭。 | The hungry boy ate his dinner with gusto . | |
28 | 最终中国中央政府将像邓小平开启经济改革一样拥抱政治改革。 | Eventually the regime in Beijing will have to embrace government reform with the same gusto as economic reform under Deng. |