1 | 那些家伙吵得我没法睡觉。 | The guys are making such a row that I can’t sleep. | |
2 | 那些司机像嬉皮士一样,常惹事生非。 | The drivers, like hippieg, egg the guys on. | |
3 | 你可以叫我书呆子,但是我认为用功念书要比做一个漂亮男子和踢足球、打垒球更重要。可是,问题是那些女孩子都要和那些长得帅的男学生和那些身强体壮的球队队员出去玩。 | You may call me a nerd, but I think it’s more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball. The trouble is, though, the girls all want to go with jocks, the guys with the muscles and team sweaters. | |
4 | 你可以让了帮帮你。他在那帮人那儿特别吃得开。 | You may ask him to help. He has a big drag with those guys | |
5 | 你们不是应该在二个星期前就完成这个工作了吗? | Shouldn’t you guys have finished this project two weeks ago? | |
6 | 你们一直这样大声讲话,我都不得不扯着嗓子说话了。 | You guys keep talking so loudly that I have to speak at the top my voice! | |
7 | 然后我们看了一场电影,片名是“少年吸血鬼”。我不是真的很喜欢恐怖片,但因另外两个人想看,我也没办法。少数服从多数 | After that, we watched a movie, the title of the movie was “I was a Teenage vampire.” I don’t really care much for horror movies, but since the other two guys wanted to watch it, there was nothing more I could do. Majority wins. With that, we went home. | |
8 | 人们总以为你们这些人是我国企业界中出类拨萃的人物。 | You guys are supposed to be the business elite of this country | |
9 | 如果他们叫流氓来讨债,我该怎么办? | What will I do if they send some tough guys to collect the money? | |
10 | 伤脑筋的是,别的公司不喜欢落魄失意的人那股气味;另外,有几个年纪大一点的人干脆活腻了,我记得有两个人借酒浇愁,就喝成了瘾,有一个人自杀了。 | Trouble is, other agencies don’t like the smell of losers; besides, some of the older guys were just burned out. I remember, two hit the bottle and stayed on it; one committed suicide | |
11 | 上学时在看过明星阿诺德·施瓦辛格主演的电影《科南》以后,一位朋友说,"我多想拥有像施瓦辛格那样的身材",大部分男生都点头表示同意。 | "After seeing the movie Conan, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, a friend said, ""I’d love to have a body like Schwarzenegger."" Most of the guys nodded in agreement." | |
12 | 所有的高中生都很羡慕他的车 | His car was the envy of all of the guys in high school. | |
13 | 他好不容易才忍住笑,说道:"男同学赢了他们的第一个问题,这个问题值100美元。但是..... | but he finally collected himself and said, "Guys win their first question and are awarded 100 points, but because of the un-sportsmanlike way that Kuan won the point, I will deduct 99 points from their score." | |
14 | 他特别恨自己又上了那帮人的当 | He felt sick of having swallowed the bait set by the guys | |
15 | 他羞涩的咧嘴笑着,显示出他的不经世故,用一只手捂住脸说:‘嗨,嗯,朋友!’(威廉·曼彻斯特) | He grinned his aw-shucks grin,passed a hand over his face and said,‘Hi ya,guys !’(William Manchester) | |
16 | 他真是个不知羞耻的家伙,竟然说他喜欢人家占他老婆的便宜。 | He’s really a law-down dirty shame. He would even say that he likes other guys to get the better of his own wife. | |
17 | 特迪好像已经要成功了,就在那天晚上 | hey, I didn’t know you guys were working with fiber optics | |
18 | 听着,伙计们,我不想再同你们混在一起了。 | See here, you guys , I don’t want to be with you anymore. | |
19 | 为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。 | To counter this myth, we explained that we’re really an amalgam of little guys | |
20 | 为了打破这个神话,我们解释说,我们确实是由一群小小的老百姓所组成的混合体。 | To counter this myth,we explained that we’re really an amalgam of little guys . | |
21 | 为什么男生都那么会说脏话 | Why do guys swear so much? | |
22 | 维修站的伙计们干得很漂亮,对我进站很有帮助,但当我重返赛道时,排名第一的车手已经领先我约13秒。 | The guys did a great job in the pit stops which helped, but once I was in clear air the leaders were already about 13 seconds ahead, and it was too late for me. | |
23 | 喂!你们这帮人快点儿吧!我得把这车货卸完,在天黑前赶回仓库去呢。 | Let’s shake a leg there, you guys ! I got to get this truck unloaded and on the way back to the warehouse before dark. | |
24 | 我把眼镜递给他,说:“那些家伙是神经病。他们真该受到惩罚。”他看着我说:“嗨,谢谢!”脸上露出了开心的微笑。 | As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should be punished. " He looked at me and said, "Hey, thanks! " There was a big smile on his face. | |
25 | 我很喜欢昨晚看的那个电影。这个电影不见得会得什么奖,但是那两个滑稽的角色值得一看,非常好玩。 | I really enjoyed that movie last night. It won’t win any prizes, but it has two funny guys in it that are worth watching just for laughs. | |
26 | 我会干额外的工作,开其他公司,在股票市场上买卖多几支股票以及去做任何可以使那些人不再向我叫喊的事。 | I’ve worked extra jobs, started other companies, traded in the stock market, anything just to make sure those guys don’t start yelling at me. | |
27 | 我们花了整整一个上午去想挣钱的法子,其间常常不由自主地谈起那些"冷酷的家伙"正在基米家的海滨别墅里玩乐。 | "We spent all morning coming up with ideas on how to 1’make money. Occasionally we talked about all the ""cool guys "" at Jimmy’s beach house having fun. " | |
28 | 我们今天将和医学院的仁兄们出去! | We are going out with some guys from premed today! | |
29 | 我希望那个社团多数是正派的人 | I hope there is a lot of decent guys in that club. | |
30 | 我羡慕那些单身汉!他们实在是轻松自在 | I envy those single guys ! Their life is so easy without any responsibility. |