属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-木卫二可能存在生命
1 | 地下室可居住的最低的建筑物楼层,通常在地平面以下 | The lowest habitable story of a building,usually below ground level. | |
2 | 房屋结构只遭到轻微的破坏,稍经修理即可居住。 | The house suffered only minor structural damage and could have been made habitable at relatively small cost | |
3 | 极北地区古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区 | The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers. | |
4 | 可居住的最低的建筑物楼层,通常在地平面以下。 | The lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level. | |
5 | 绿色建筑材料与人居环境质量 | Green Building Materials and Habitable Environment Qualities | |
6 | 沙漠化由于气候的变化或对土地无限制地使用将可耕耘的或能居住的土地变成沙漠 | The transformation of arable or habitable land to desert,as by a change in climate or destructive land use. | |
7 | 善良的三公主见后,动了恻隐之心,决心和百姓们一起,将这堆山治理好,让人们过上好日子。 | The Third Princess who is very kind feels a great pity for these suffering people and so makes up her mind to join the latter in making the region really habitable and help them to improve their livelihood | |
8 | 世界上每个人都必须思考到地球上可能不再适合人住的那一天。 | Every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate that it may no longer be habitable | |
9 | 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。 | Their damp draft house was scarcely habitable . | |
10 | 图勒古希腊地理学家们认为的世界上有人居住的最北地区。据推断可能是不列颠北部的冰岛、挪威或席德兰群岛,人们对此有不同看法 | The most northerly region of the habitable world to ancient Greek geographers.Posited as an island north of Britain,it has been variously identified with Iceland,Norway,and the Shetland Islands. | |
11 | 要想使这间屋子能住人的话,那将要好好打扫一下。 | It will take a lot of spit and polish to get this room habitable again. | |
12 | 这旧房子不适于居住. | The old house is no longer habitable . | |
13 | 这所房子已经不能住人了. | This house is no longer habitable . | |
14 | 住宅. | a habitable house | |
15 | 纵然是愚人的天堂,在还可居住之时,亦非不愉快之地。 | Even the paradise of fools is not an unpleasant abode while it is habitable . | |
16 | ||1:很快可能有更多的外行星加入这三个可能适合居住的外行星中。||2:Kepler自发射以来的2年半里已经发现了2,326候选行星。||3:其他仪器大约发现了另外650个行星。||4:大量的行星使天文学家开始得出行星种类繁多的结论。||5:Kepler捕获的行星中9%大小与地球相似(尽管不是所有的都在他们恒星的"适居带");Kepler 发现的行星29%是超级地球---实质上比地球大,不过地球是岩石类行星。||6:Kepler未能确认的候选行星48%看起来似乎是在"适居带"运行;其中,有10个与地球大小类似。 | ||1:These three potentially habitable exoplanets may soon be joined by many more.||2:In the two and a half years since its launch, Kepler has spotted 2,326 candidate planets.||3:About 650 others have been discovered by other instruments.||4:That plethora allows astronomers to start drawing conclusions about how common various sorts of planets are.||5:Of Kepler’s haul, 9% seem to be of a similar size to Earth (though not all are in the Goldilocks zone of their star); a further 29% are Super Earths-planets substantially larger than Earth that are nevertheless rocky.||6:Forty-eight of Kepler’s unconfirmed candidates look as if they orbit within their stars’ habitable zones; of those, ten seem to be Earth-sized. | |
17 | Kepler未能确认的候选行星48%看起来似乎是在适居带运行;其中,有10个与地球大小类似。 | Forty-eight of Kepler’s unconfirmed candidates look as if they orbit within their stars’ habitable zones; of those, ten seem to be Earth-sized. | |
18 | 白令海峡的一些地方是可供居住的湿地和草原。 | Parts of Beringia were habitable wetlands and grassland steppe. | |
19 | 很快可能有更多的外行星加入这三个可能适合居住的外行星中。 | These three potentially habitable exoplanets may soon be joined by many more. | |
20 | 她补充说:”关于探测到羽流最令人兴奋的是,这意味着可能会有海洋物质从冰壳下喷发出来。而海洋可能是木卫二最宜居的地方,因为它更温暖并且受到了保护。“ | "And one of the really exciting things about detection of a plume is that that means there may be ways that the material from the ocean — which is likely the most habitable part of Europa because it’s warmer and it’s protected ... to come out above the ice shell," she added. | |
21 | “大楼设计为倒金字塔型,采用中空结构,所有居住空间都可享受自然照明和通风。” | ’It is an inverted pyramid with a central void to allow all habitable spaces to enjoy natural lighting and ventilation. | |
22 | “我们确定该行星位于宜居区域内,如果这一行星有地表的话,温度会很适中。” | "We are certain that it is in the habitable zone and if it has a surface it ought to have a nice temperature. " | |
23 | “一个适宜居住的世界所需要的一切条件都不可能”在HIP57050b的卫星上找到,哈吉吉波尔说。 | "All the things that you need to have a habitable world are not likely" to be found on satellites of HIP 57050 b, Haghighipour says. | |
24 | Melott有关大灭绝的假想表明“宜居地带”不能只在空间上衡量,还得包括时间。 | Melott’s hypothesis about mass extinctions shows how habitable zones may be measured not just in space but also in time. | |
25 | Retallack告诉我们,解决气温变化问题是为了保证地球成为人类永久居住的地方。 | This, Retallack told us, is about ensuring the planet remains habitable . | |
26 | Traub说:“根据预测,大约三分之一的F,G或K类类恒星会至少有一个行星类似地球,拥有可居住区域。” | Traub says, "About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable -zone planet. " | |
27 | 被遗弃的住房内,在城市断电的那几个星期,霉菌由于潮湿不断滋生。 | In the houses which were left habitable , mould and spores grew during the many humid weeks when the city lacked electricity. | |
28 | 宾州州立大学的“系外行星和适居世界中心”正在组织一项旨在讨论行星和其濒死恒星的会议,该会议将于2012年一月在波多黎各召开。 | Penn State’s Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds is organizing a conference in January 2012 to discuss planets and their dying stars. | |
29 | 并在地球自己的银河系邻居里寻找宜居行星 | looking for habitable worlds in Earth’s own galactic neighbourhood. | |
30 | 不管怎样,冷热边界附近的土地上应该是能够让人类居住,勉强存活下去。 | At any rate, land on the hot-cold border should be habitable enough for humans to make a go of it. |