属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-诗坛后起之秀 Late starter
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-信用卡 偷蒙拐骗
1 | 台湾芦竹胚乳发育之微细构造,从分化至成熟过程 | Ultrastructure of Endosperm Development in Arundo Formosana Hack . (Poaceae)from Differentiation to Maturity | |
2 | 委员会得在一周之内订出新的计划。 | The committee had to hack out a new plan in a week’s time | |
3 | 我不愿意想象他是一个受雇的文人,根据口述写一些无聊的东西,挣一点可怜的薪饷。 | I don’t like to think of him as a hack scribe, writing nonsense from dictation to earn a pitiful subsistence | |
4 | 我很难集中精力想那个案子。我的思绪游离不定,不断回想着事故的情景。 | I found it hard to keep my mind on the case. My thoughts kept wandering, bringing hack pictures of the accident. | |
5 | 我就是对付不了。 | I just can’t hack it. | |
6 | 我看这种减少能源使用的“绿色”解决方法是误入歧途。 | The green so of cutting hack on energy use strikes me as misguided | |
7 | 我这份工作已做了好几年,但我再也做不了了。 | I’ve been doing this job for years but I just can’t hack it anymore. | |
8 | 想起过去,我仍不寒而栗。 | I still shudder when I look hack on the past. | |
9 | 硝酸钾对假俭草抗寒性和草绿期的影响 | Effect of Potassium Nitrate on Chilling Resistance and Green Period of Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.)Hack | |
10 | 一词意为`新闻记者',但含贬义. | The word `hack ’ means `journalist’ but has derogatory connotations.hack | |
11 | 一个懒惰的三流记者,不把事实调查清楚,就信口雌黄,指控我是这次事件的串谋者。 | I was baselessly accused of complicity in the affair by a lazy hack who cannot be bothered to do his homework | |
12 | 因为天气冷,所以他回去穿上一件厚大衣。 | as it was a cold day, he went hack to put on a thick coat. | |
13 | 又花了十四天时间使用大斧小斧砍掉树枝和向四周张开的巨大的树顶 | I was fourteen more getting the branches and limbs, and the vast’ spreading head of it cut off, which I hack ’d and hew’d through with axe and hatchet, and inexpressible labour. | |
14 | 在丛林中辟出路来 | to hack out a path through the jungle | |
15 | 早期移民不得不在森林里劈出空地种庄稼。 | Early settlers had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops. | |
16 | 这个作业太难,我做不出来。 | This assignment is too hard, I just can’t hack it. | |
17 | 这件裙子是后开口的。 | This dress does up at the hack . | |
18 | 中国假俭草种质资源物候期的变异分析 | Study on Phenological Period of Germplasm Resource of Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.)Hack | |
19 | 做不了其它工作 | couldn’t hack a second job. | |
20 | ||1:爱德华·托马斯在诗歌方面是一位后起之秀。||2: “我没法靠写诗养家糊口 。”他在35岁时如是说。当时他是一位“受雇文人”,写一些短篇传记和游记,艰难地供养妻子和三个孩子。 ||3:他在36岁时创作并发表了一些诗歌。在20世纪初的英国,他的这些诗作是最优秀的。又过了三年以后,他在第一次世界大战的阿拉斯战役中被炮弹击中,不幸身亡。 | ||1: Edward Thomas was a late starter to poetry. ||2: “I couldn’t write a poem to save my life,” he declared aged 35, when a “literary hack ” of minor biographies and travel memoirs, struggling to support a wife and three children. ||3: A year later, and three years before he was killed by a passing shell in the Arras offensive in the first world war, he had written and published some of the finest poems to come out of Britain at the beginning of the 20th century. | |
21 | ||1:存款利率在十二月降到了4%已是不争的事实,并且让人无法忍受。||2:那么物价会进一步增长吗?如果增长,那么大致占GDP2/3比例的消费将回落。||3:实际上,主要原因在于金融危机之后的复苏通常是迟缓的:家庭和企业必须归还他们在经济高度增长年份所积累的债务,这过程被称作资金杠杆。||4:家庭希望债务相对于收入来说能够得到缩减;到头来他们大多数都拒还贷款。||5:或许还有更多的这样的拒绝偿付贷款的行为将要发生。||6:问题是,消费者投入到消费性开支的收入会不会变得更少。如果会,那将会导致储蓄率进一步提升。 | ||1: This was not sustainable, and indeed the saving rate jumped back to 4% in December. ||2: Are further increases in store? If so, that would hold back consumption, which accounts for roughly two-thirds of GDP. ||3: And indeed that is the main reason recoveries after financial crises are usually sluggish: households and businesses have to hack back the debt they accumulated during the boom years, a process called deleveraging. ||4: Households have as expected reduced their debts relative to their incomes; much of that has come by defaulting on their loans. ||5: More such defaults are probably in store. ||6: The question is, will consumers also divert more of their income from consumption? That would cause the saving rate to rise further. | |
22 | ||1:即便是在她最后声名卓著的三十年里,她依然坚信这一点。||2:她不是女权主义者,但是也看够了杜尚们和布列塔尼们,波洛克家族和沃霍尔的权利游戏。||3:她的一些作品是女人试图武装自己。||4:她们依然是脆弱的。||5:她不是。||6:面对坚硬的石块——即便是用来完成1988年“航行”的美丽白色大理石曲线——她需要把它劈成碎片,然后重建成她想要的样子。||7:她以一种激进的方式来理解石材。||8:材质越是抗拒,她就越是与其斗争。 | ||1:She believed this even in her last three celebrated decades.||2:She was not a feminist particularly, but had seen enough of the power-games of the Duchamps and Bretons, the Pollocks and the Warhols.||3:Some of her sculptures were of women trying to turn themselves into weapons.||4:They remained fragile.||5:She was not.||6:Faced with a solid block—even the lovely curve of white marble that went to make “The Sail” in 1988—she needed to hack it to pieces, then rebuild it as she wanted.||7:She raged to understand the stone.||8:The more the material resisted, the more she fought it. | |
23 | ||1:他的目的,是要从学术期刊存储系统JSTOR上尽量多下载些内容。||2:JSTOR只对付费图书馆和院校机构开放,而这在他看来有违道义:毕竟其中的知识往往都是公共资助的成果,所以必须向所有人免费开放。||3:而且,开放这些信息的方法简单得离谱:他已能进入图书馆的网络,因此没有必要使用黑客手段;所以他只是调用了一个名为“keepgrabbing.py”的脚本,就让480万篇文章脱离了JSTOR的禁锢,如此骇人的速度令该系统几近崩溃。||4:麻省理工曾试图阻止他,却被他一次次地智胜。||5:随后,他将藏在柜中的笔记本接入了网络,以此作为最后一着。 | ||1:His aim was to download as many pages as possible from an archive of academic journals called JSTOR, which was available by paid subscription only to libraries and institutions.||2:That was morally wrong, he thought; the knowledge contained in it had to be made available, free, to everyone.||3:And it was absurdly simple to do that.||4:He already had access to the library network; no need to hack into the system.||5:He just ran a script, called keepgrabbing. | |
24 | 在塔吉特入侵事件发生几个月之前,一次对Adobe系统的黑客入侵使得大约1亿5200万顾客的信息被盗。 | A few months before the Target breach, roughly 152m customers had their information stolen in a hack of Adobe Systems. | |
25 | “科学黑客日”到底是一场怎样的活动呢?本台记者凯特·亚克力斯·格雷将带您到现场一探究竟。 | We send our reporter Kate Arkless Gray to find out what a Science Hack Day is all about. | |
26 | 《世界新闻报》似乎经常请一位私人调查员攻入手机邮箱,这是一种犯罪。 | The News of the World seems routinely to have asked a private investigator to hack into mobile-phone mailboxes, which is a crime. | |
27 | Facebook主要是一个社交工程的壮举,而Google也是一个杰出的技术成就。 | Whereas Google is a brilliant technological hack , Facebook is primarily a feat of social engineering. | |
28 | LulzSec周一在Twitter留言称,正试图攻击政府网站,以泄漏“政府机密信息。” | LulzSec said on Monday in a Twitter message that it was seeking to hack government websites to leak "classified government information. " | |
29 | MI5和GCHQ则发出一系列警告称,在3年前,中国曾试图窃取英国的系统信息。 | MI5 and GCHQ have issued a series of warning about Chinese attempts to hack systems in Britain over the past three years. | |
30 | MuscleHack团队认为,时间是整个锻炼计划的精华。 | The team at Muscle Hack argues that timing is of the essence when planning your workout. |