属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-Facebook推出新功能允许用户订餐和购票
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿根廷债务违约 不走运第八次了
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-达力智 与众不同的破产
1 | 他们取笑他的发型。 | They ragged him about his haircut | |
2 | 他取笑他弟弟奇怪的新发式 | joshed his brother about his strange new haircut | |
3 | 他去理发了。 | He’s gone for a haircut . | |
4 | 他要去理发。 | He is going to have a haircut | |
5 | 我到那里去理发 | I go there for a haircut . | |
6 | 我该理头了。 | I could do with a haircut . | |
7 | 我去理发。 | I get a haircut . | |
8 | 我想理发和修面。 | I want a haircut and a shave, please. | |
9 | 我需要理发了。 | I need a haircut | |
10 | 我要理发。 | I want to have a haircut . | |
11 | 我要理发。只要修一下,谢谢。 | I’d like to have a haircut .Just a trim, please. | |
12 | 我要理发并洗头。 | I want a haircut , and a shampoo . | |
13 | 我要理个发。 | I want to get a haircut | |
14 | 我要理一次发. | I need a haircut . | |
15 | 我正要去理发。 | I was just about to go get a haircut | |
16 | 我只要理发。 | Just a haircut , please. | |
17 | 洗头,理发,烫发,染发,假发,修指甲 | Specializing in shampoo, haircut , perm, hairdye, wigs & nails | |
18 | 新西兰的一只绵羊为了逃避剪羊毛出逃六年后,最终还是难逃剪羊毛的命运。 | A renegade New Zealand sheep that managed to evade the shearers for six years has finally had a haircut | |
19 | 在我剪发至一半时,我接到一通电话。 | In the midst of getting my haircut , I received a phone call. | |
20 | 这项新服务允许用户直接从一些餐馆的Facebook页面订餐。用户还可以购买电影、音乐节或其它活动的门票。 | The new service lets people order food directly from the Facebook pages of some restaurants. Users can also purchase tickets to movies, music events or other activities. They can also make appointments for personal services, such as getting a haircut . | |
21 | ||1:许多投资人认为,他们能从中看出规律了。但是,阿根廷总统,克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔坚称,最近一次债务违约跟以往的完全不同。||2:她说,她的政府,已经向管理债券的银行全额汇去了所欠的5.39亿美元。||3:阻挠偿付的,是美国法院(这些债券是依照美国法律发行的)。一小撮2001年债券的持有者,不愿意接受阿根廷在2005年和2010年提出的债务重组方案,是他们要求美国法院作出了这样的裁决。||4:这些“钉子户”,不愿意接受重组方案65%的债务削减,他们不仅说服了法官裁决阿根廷要全额偿还欠他们的历史债务,而且还让法官冻结了阿根廷对其它重组债务的偿付,直到阿根廷妥协为止。 | ||1:Most investors think they can see a pattern in all this, butArgentina’s president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, insists the latest default is not like the others.||2:Her government, she points out, had transferred the full 539m it owed to the banks that administer the bonds.||3:It isAmerica’s courts (the bonds were issued under American law) that blocked the payment, at the behest of the tiny minority of owners of bonds from 2001 who did not accept the restructuringArgentinaoffered them in 2005 and again in 2010.||4:These “hold-outs”, balking at the 65% haircut the restructuring entailed, not only persuaded a judge that they should be paid in full but also got him to freeze payments on the restructured bonds untilArgentinacoughs up. | |
22 | ||1:这首歌以典型的强力情歌风格开场,搭配哀怨的钢琴和弦和隆隆的弦乐。||2:不过,很快歌词就出了岔子。这位主唱回顾着自己的好运——成功的电视事业,激情的婚姻,“千元理发”——但他却感叹自己日日夜夜被一个问题折磨着。||3:这样的慢摇滚通常都是关于前任或者是错过的机会;而这个人关注的是英格兰西南部的一座史前纪念碑。||4:“巨石阵是怎么回事?”他哭着,白衬衫在风中翻滚。||5:是“一个巨大的花岗岩生日蛋糕吗,还是一个极易越狱的监狱”? | ||1:The song begins in typical power-ballad fashion, with plaintive piano chords and rumbling strings.||2:Soon, though, the lyrics go awry. The lead singer reflects on his good fortune—a successful career on television, a passionate marriage, a “thousand- dollar haircut ”—but laments that he is tormented day and night by a single question.||3:Such soft-rock numbers usually dwell on a former lover or missed opportunity; what preoccupies this man is a prehistoric monument in south-west England.||4:“What’s the deal with Stonehenge?”he cries, his white shirt billowing in the wind.||5:Is it “a giant granite birthday cake, or a prison far too easy to escape”? | |
23 | 达力智的债券持有人以及其他债权人很可能会减少10%的债权而包括卡尔伊坎(亿万富翁,激进投资者)在内的股东们对公司还有完全的管理权。 | Its bondholders and other lenders are likely to take a 10% haircut while shareholders, including Carl Icahn, a maverick billionaire, will retain full control of the firm. | |
24 | 经常理发。 | Get a haircut once in a while. | |
25 | 2011年3月6日,浙江台州,一个小男孩在理发店里理发。 | A boy gets a haircut at a barbershop on March 6, 2011, in Taizhou, Zhejiang province. | |
26 | Loker剪了个新发型。这是一大亮点。 | Loker gets a haircut . This is important. | |
27 | Mayer表示,银行和保险业者可能要减记约500亿欧元,让希腊得以重回债市筹资。 | Thomas Mayer said banks and insurers might take a haircut of 50 billion euros so that Greece could return to the debt markets. | |
28 | 阿富汗喀布尔:一个男人在日落时剪头发 | Kabul, Afghanistan: A man gets a haircut as the day ends | |
29 | 爱尔兰和欧盟官员已经坚定承诺:不存在对大多数高级债券持有者进行债券削减。 | Irish and European officials have given firm promises that there would be no such haircut for current holders of most senior bonds. | |
30 | 按照权威人士透露这件事的起因是对所理发型的不满。 | The motive was that the man was unhappy with a previous haircut , according to authorities. |