属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-阿联酋商业 提升沙漠气候
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-分心的青少年 邻家梦中人
1 | 肺泡缺乏表面作用素,使表面压力增加,阻碍肺部扩张。肺泡萎陷,同时肺泡管中出现"玻璃样"透明质膜。 | "Insufficient surfactant in the pulmonary alveoli raises surface tension, hampering lung expansion. The alveoli collapse, and a "glassy" (hyaline)membrane develops in the alveolar ducts." | |
2 | 分析家指出,墨西哥和印度等国交通政策的缺乏已经阻碍了市场的发展。 | Analysts reported that the lack of transportation policies in countries like Mexico and India was hampering progress in the market. | |
3 | 首先,我必须套上妨碍主要关节运动的限制性绷带,随后,一种特殊装置又放到踝关节部位和脚上,使我的脚不能随便动,必须和腿一起活动。 | First, I had to put on restrictive bindings to impede the movements of my main joints.Then a contraption was placed over my ankle and foot, seriously hampering my ability to move my foot independently of the rest of my leg | |
4 | 税收天堂使公司和富人们可以逃避他们的纳税义务,因此抑制了政府增加收入和进行必要投资的能力(Global Corruption Report2001,透明国际,2lO页)。 | Tax havens allow companies and wealthy individuals to escape their tax obligations, thereby hampering the ability of governments to raise revenues and make necessary investments (Global Corruption Report 2001, Transparency International, 210) | |
5 | 也许因为众所周知它有财务困难,第三大汽车公司[克莱斯勒]必须特别卖力去证明降低成本30亿美元并不妨碍发展新款式。 | Perhaps because of its well-publicized financial weakness,the No.3auto maker(Chrysler)must go to the greatest lengths to prove that its$3billion in cost-cutting is not hampering development of new models. | |
6 | 在劳动政策方面,是适当地改善工人生活和不妨碍资本主义经济正当发展的两重性的政策。 | In labour policy, it is the dual policy of suitably improving the workers’ livelihood and of not hampering the proper development of the capitalist economy | |
7 | ||1:四月十三日,国家总统哈利法·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬,签署相关法律文件,一个重要举措即通过给予更多的官方合同贷款来促进小型企业的发展。||2:然而,商人们对一个预计将很快批准的公司法草案普遍感到失望。||3:货币未能解决的两大问题阻碍了阿联酋的业务发展。||4:首先是一个一旦公司陷入财务困境,能够明确公司董事义务和债权人权利的合适的破产制度。||5:尽管它的总评价较高,但这件事上阿联酋在世界银行的排行第101。||6:诸如此类的小事,比如延期支付电话账单可能被视为刑事犯罪而非民事;比如商人告诉同事去机场,却被告知他们被禁止旅行的故事。 | ||1:On April 13th the country’s president, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, signed into law a measure to promote smaller firms by giving them greater access to official contracts and loans.||2:Yet businesspeople are disappointed by a draft of a broader companies law, which is expected to be sanctioned soon.||3:The bill fails to solve the two big problems hampering business in the emirates.||4:First is the lack of a proper insolvency regime that makes clear the duties of a firm’s directors and the rights of its creditors if it hits financial trouble.||5:Despite its high overall rating, the UAE comes 101st on this score in the World Bank’s ratings.||6:Such minor matters as being late paying a phone bill may be treated as criminal offences rather than civil matters; businessmen tell tales of colleagues going to the airport only to be told they are banned from travelling. | |
8 | 与异性交朋友会使青少年分心,影响学业成绩? | Do friends of the opposite gender distract teenagers, hampering their academic performance? | |
9 | “但通往机场的道路遭到破坏,救援工作受到阻碍,”他补充道。 | "But roads leading to the airport have been damaged, hampering the rescue efforts, " he added. | |
10 | 此前,俄总统梅德韦杰夫曾表示,酗酒不仅危及民众健康,还阻碍国民经济的发展,乃“国家灾难”。 | Russian President Dmitry Medvedev calls alcoholism a "national disaster" undermining public health and hampering the economy. | |
11 | 但是当消防队到达事发现场救火的时候,第二个爆炸装置显然被引爆,阻碍了安全救援的努力。 | But as a fire brigade arrived to put out these blazes, a second explosive device apparently detonated, hampering efforts to secure the area. | |
12 | 第二,BNDES正在阻碍财政部门的发展。 | Second, BNDES is hampering the development of the financial sector. | |
13 | 而且妨碍货物自由流通会打击哥伦比亚农民由毒品种植转入合法农作物的积极性。 | And hampering the free movement of goods would discourage Colombian farmers from diversifying away from coca and into legal crops. | |
14 | 而且政策的不确定性大大降低了投资热情。 | and that regulatory uncertainty is hampering their willingness to invest. | |
15 | 各国农业官员们一直依靠零零碎碎的全球农产品供应和库存信息,这阻碍了他们的决策工作。 | Agriculture officials rely on patchy information about global supply and stocks of food commodities, hampering policymaking. | |
16 | 官方媒体补充称,大雨阻碍了救援行动。 | It added that heavy rain was hampering rescue efforts. | |
17 | 寒邪束表 | pathogenic cold hampering the exterior | |
18 | 即便在美国,由于不知晓爆炸后产生的化学物质会对自来水供应有何影响,这种担优使得开发商畏手畏脚。 | Even in America, concerns about what blasting chemical into the ground does to the water supply are hampering some developers. | |
19 | 即使是在美国,在地底引爆化学物会对饮用水供应造成何种影响的担忧也让一些开发商头疼。 | Even in America, concerns about what blasting chemicals into the ground does to the water supply are hampering some developers. | |
20 | 她说,这阻碍了人道主义救援行动的有效性。 | And, this she says, is hampering the effectiveness of the humanitarian operation. | |
21 | 金在演讲中警告,汇率问题引发的紧张局势正在阻碍全球经济所亟需的调整。 | In his speech, Mr King warned that tensions over exchange rates were hampering the necessary rebalancing of the global economy. | |
22 | 救援队称持续降雨和冰雹使他们在首都的行动困难重重。 | Rescue teams say continuing rain and hail are hampering their operations in the capital. | |
23 | 空客的厂房分布在法国、德国、西班牙和英国,这阻碍了其跟随波音步伐简员增效的努力。 | Airbus’s factories are scattered over France, Germany, Spain and Britain, hampering efforts to follow suit. | |
24 | 礼拜六不再降雪了,但是大风仍保持时速50英里吹着新降的雪花,能见度受到极大影响。 | The snow stopped Saturday, but wind up to 50 mph blew the fresh snow, hampering visibility. | |
25 | 路透计量分析师MikeTarsala称,交易营收不佳可能是妨碍银行第四季业绩的因素之一。 | Reuters Quantitative Analyst Mike Tarsala said weak trading revenues could be among factors hampering banks’ fourth-quarter results. | |
26 | 毛派分子的暴乱越来越妨碍印度东部矿产资源丰富的森林的商业开发。 | Increasingly, the insurgency is hampering efforts to open up east India’s mineral-rich forests to business. | |
27 | 美联储在一份声明中说,美联储采取这项减息行动是有鉴于经济前景趋于疲软,信贷市场不断收紧进而限制了商业发展。 | A statement issued by the Fed says it took the action in light of "weakening" economic outlook and tight credit that is hampering business. | |
28 | 欧洲经济的减速正在影响中国制造产品的外部需求。 | Europe is slowing and this is hampering the demand for Chinese manufacturing. | |
29 | 如今,这些管理方式妨碍着公司内部的信息流动,阻碍着流畅与协作的工作本质。 | They impede information flows inside companies, hampering the fluid and collaborative nature of work today. | |
30 | 上月,俄克拉荷马的詹姆斯・英霍夫参议员(JamesInhofe)埋怨一些美国人用埋甲虫的方法来阻碍该州的能源生产。 | Last month Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma blamed the American burying beetle for hampering energy production in his state. |