属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
1 | 我今天早上在你们饭店退房时,把我的手提包忘在房间里了。 | I checked out of your hotel this morning, and I think I left my handbag in my room. | |
2 | 我想买一个手提包不要花俏,而要耐用。 | She wants to buy a handbag ,not fancy but strong. | |
3 | 我要一个意大利制的皮包。 | I want a handbag made in Italy. | |
4 | 我在公共汽车上丢了手提包。 | I lost my handbag in a bus. | |
5 | 我这个提包还可以应付一阵子。 | I can make do with this handbag for some time. | |
6 | 小偷抢了她的手提包拔腿就跑。 | The thief snatched her handbag and ran. | |
7 | 小偷抓住我的手提包不放。 | The thief would not let go his grip on my handbag . | |
8 | 行了,我的行李都准备好了,还有一些零星小东西,我准备把它们放在手提包里,随身带上飞机去。 | Okay, I’m all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I’ll put in a handbag and carry on the plane with me. | |
9 | 一个正常旅行使用的手提包,一架小型照相机和/或一具小型望远镜 | One handbag , which is appropriate for normal travelling , One small camera and/or a pair of binoculars | |
10 | 一件外套和一只相配的手提包 | A coat and a matching handbag | |
11 | 这是你的手提包吗? | Is this your handbag ? | |
12 | 这手提包的口关不紧。 | The handbag won’t fasten properly. | |
13 | 这手提包是皮革做的还是塑料做的? | Is this handbag made of leather or plastics ? | |
14 | 这只手提包由上等皮革制成。 | This handbag is made of superior leather. | |
15 | 最后,贝蒂瘦消的手终于摸到了她在背包里找的东西。她抽出一个长卷筒,打开了一张世界地图。 | Finally,Betty’ s bony hand struck on what she .had been searching for in her handbag . Pulling up a long tube, she unrolled a map of the world. | |
16 | ||1:从这场纽约现代艺术博物馆的回顾展,人们能看出58岁的谢尔曼身为自己的模特,却非自己的缪斯。||2:她的工作室在曼哈顿一幢建筑的九楼,墙上钉着从杂志剪下或者用电脑印出的图片,图中人摆着被她称作“荒谬”的姿势:名媛身着舞会的华裳做着早点;女伶裸裎入镜,仅以定制手袋和廉价珠宝蔽身。||3:她把自己的道具摆在橱柜上,整理得井井有条:七彩斑斓的假发,假鼻子,假胸,还有一些奇怪的衣服。||4:橱柜的抽屉里,一个橙色的塑料匣子盛着大量化妆品;橱柜旁边的一块大手写板则用来给作品做后期数码处理。||5:在这里,谢尔曼女士幻化成照片里那些令人心醉的人儿。 | ||1:A retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York demonstrates that although the 58-year-old American may be her own model, she is not her own muse.||2:Her ninth-floor Manhattan studio also offers clues.Pinned to the walls are magazine cuttings and computer printouts of people in what she calls “preposterous” positions: society ladies in ball gowns making breakfast, actresses who are completely naked except for a designer handbag and costume jewellery.||3:She keeps her props in meticulously organised cupboards—multicoloured wigs, prosthetic noses, false boobs and funny clothes.||4:An orange plastic chest of drawers holds loads of make-up; nearby is the giant track pad she uses to do her post-production digital work.||5:It is here that Ms Sherman mutates into the objects of her fascination. | |
17 | ||1:他还向世人发出警告,鳄鱼是多么的稀少。||2:1988年,即在他作为一名研究生起草一份拯救鳄鱼的行动计划而对鳄鱼进行登记分类之前,所有23种鳄鱼都受到威胁或濒危。||3:鳄鱼的数量由于人们对它们的憎恶和鳄鱼皮包交易而减少。||4:仅在几年前,在探险巴西亚马逊河的过程中,约翰?瑟布贾纳森先生发现了被像鱼类一样不分青红皂白地猎杀的美洲黑鳄(他说:“说老实话,它像一位非常漂亮的姑娘”)。||5:在1997年巡查长江入海口(这里已变成杂乱无章的城市拓展区或稻田)的过程中,他估摸仍在野外的仅有120只扬子鳄。||6:于是他在此开始了一项十分细致的扬子鳄蛋收集行动,然后在布朗克斯动物园人工饲养,再放归大自然。||7:令他高兴的是,布朗克斯的扬子鳄还记得如何在野外生存。 | ||1:He also warned the world how scarce they were.||2:Before he began to catalogue them as a postgraduate, drawing up in 1988 an action plan to save them, all 23 species of crocodilians were threatened or declining.||3:Their numbers had been destroyed by man’s hatred and the handbag trade.||4:Only a few years ago, exploring the Brazilian Amazon, Mr Thorbjarnarson found black cayman (“a very pretty creature, actually”) hunted indiscriminately, like fish.||5:Patrolling the mouth of the Yangzi in 1997, where swamps had been turned into urban sprawl or rice fields, he counted only 120 Chinese alligators still in the wild.||6:Here he began an intensive strategy of egg-collecting, captive rearing in the Bronx Zoo, and release.||7:To his delight, the alligators from the Bronx remembered what to do. | |
18 | ||1:著名的摄影家罗伯特·梅普勒索普给路易丝拍照时,她决定需要一个道具。||2:她不喜欢被拍摄。||3:70岁的她也许会选择一个手提包,一本书,或者一朵玫瑰。而她却选了一个两英尺长,完全直立的,充满纹理和肌肉感的阳具,这是她自己用乳胶和石膏做成的。||4:她称之为“菲勒提”并让它像一个布娃娃般安睡在自己怀中。||5:诚如她所说,它根本不是一个阳具,而是“小路易丝”。她犀利而恶作剧般的神色,不惧怕任何反对者。 | ||1: When she was photographed by the great Robert Mapplethorpe, Louise Bourgeois decided she needed a prop. ||2: She didn’t like to have her picture taken. ||3: At 70, she might have chosen a handbag , a book, a rose. Instead she took a two-foot-long, fully erect, fully veined and muscled phallus, which she had made of latex and plaster. ||4: She called it “Fillette”, and cradled it in her arms like a doll. ||5: Indeed, she said, it was not a phallus at all, but “Little Louise”. And with her sharp, puckish look, she dared anyone to contradict her. | |
19 | 除了有机会赢得名牌手提包,玩家们还会得到虚拟荣誉勋章和可供炫耀的"赞",当然还有实物店的代金券。 | Besides the occasional shot at winning an expensive handbag , players are rewarded virtually, with badges and the like to show off to friends, and vouchers they can use at real shops. | |
20 | 价值600英镑(960美元)的斯特拉?麦卡特尼名牌手提包,这是一个在线游戏针对设计出最佳的虚拟服装配饰的奖励,而这些配饰在实物店Matches都有销售。 | A LUXURY handbag by Stella McCartney worth £600 ($960) is the prize in an online game to design the best virtual outfit featuring the accessory, using real items on sale in Matches, a real store. | |
21 | “包法利夫人”只会购买手袋。 | A Bovary merely buys the handbag . | |
22 | “如今大家都认为时尚就是手提包,”多尔切哀伤地说道。 | "Today people think style is a handbag , " says Dolce, mournfully. | |
23 | “我希望它像手袋那样轻巧好用,”她说。 | "I wanted it to be light and to work as a handbag as well, " she says. | |
24 | “我希望在两年后,当我20岁的时候结婚”他说。“我将坐在我的妻子的手提袋里周游世界与她。” | "I’m hoping to marry in two years’ time, when I am 20, " he said. "I’ll sit in my wife’s handbag and travel the world with her. " | |
25 | 70岁的她也许会选择一个手提包,一本书,或者一朵玫瑰。 | At 70, she might have chosen a handbag , a book, a rose. | |
26 | Coach估计,到2010年,全球名牌手提包和饰物的市场规模将达到250亿美元,而中国将占据10%的份额。 | Coach estimates that China will represent 10 per cent of the $25bn global luxury handbag and accessories market by 2010. | |
27 | 包如其人,瞄瞄一个女人的包就如看到了真实的她一样。 | Taking a glimpse inside a woman’s handbag is like seeing her true self. | |
28 | 比如,唐多莉扎-莱斯(CondoleezzaRice)就不以拿手袋而出名。 | Condoleezza Rice, for example, is famous for not carrying a handbag . | |
29 | 毕竟,我无法使用带肩带的手提包或者手袋,而且,我的裙子根本没有宽大的口袋。 | After all, I couldn’t use a shoulder bag, or a handbag , and my dresses did not have capacious pockets. | |
30 | 并不是所有消费者都买得起一个奢侈品牌的包包,因此顶级品牌纷纷推出如钥匙链和太阳镜之类的饰品。 | Not all consumers can afford a luxury handbag , so top-end brands offer more accessories such as key-chains and sunglasses. |