1 | “先生,对不起,您不应该到这地方来!”她说。幸好汉克不知道他已经走人“终点区”--无人愿意领养的狗被集中在这里,等候生命终止。 | "I’m sorry sir, you aren’t supposed to be in this area! " she said.Luckily Hank didn’t know he had walked into the "final area" where unclaimed dogs were scheduled to be put down. | |
2 | 把一卷毛线缠成线团. | Wind a hank of wool into balls | |
3 | 闭上眼睛,它感受到汉克一边低声吟唱“在天堂般的宁静中睡吧”,一边轻抚它的头。 | Closing his eyes he felt hank ’s hand stroking his head whispering "sleep in heavenly peace." | |
4 | 闭上眼睛,它感受到汉克一边低声吟唱“在天堂般的宁静中睡吧”,一边轻抚它的头。毕竟是圣诞节呀。 | Closing his eyes he felt Hank ’s hand stroking his head whispering "sleep in heavenly peace.It was Christmas after all. | |
5 | 汉克?摩根到了最后悲痛欲绝,因为他无法回到阿瑟王时代爱人的身边。 | Hank Morgan is heartbroken at the end because he cannot get back to his Arthurian sweetheart | |
6 | 汉克·斯特拉姆带着他的两他孩子--蒂娜和迈克斯--乘火车在欧洲度假旅行。那天天气晴朗,他们带着午餐用的食品。他们的座位在火车的最后一节车厢。 | Hank Strum was on vacation traveling through Europe by train with his two children, Tina and Max. It was a fine day and they had brought a picnic lunch with them. Their seats were in the last carriage of the train. | |
7 | 汉克被巫医欺骗了 | Hank was done Brown by a witch doctor. | |
8 | 汉克不理睬工作人员让他离开的命令,而是问她能否更近些看看这条狗。工作人员的态度完全变了,严厉的神情消失了。她不得不这样,只是为这份她瞧不起的工作尽些责。 | Ignoring the attendant’s order to leave, Hank asked if he could see the dog closer. Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away. She had forced herself to be this way so she could do the part of her job she despised. | |
9 | 汉克穿过好几节车厢才来到靠近火车前部的餐车里。他买了一杯咖啡。由于火车跑得快,左右摇晃,他决定在餐车里把咖啡喝完,不带回座位上去。 | Hank walked through the carriages till be came to the dining car which was near the front of the train. He bought a coffee and as the train was traveling fast and moving from side to side, he decided to drink it there and not to carry it back to his seat. | |
10 | 汉克的妻子离去已有一年,但留给汉克的痛苦却一如昔日,好像时间凝固了一般。 | Hank ’ s wife had only been gone a year but the pain was as fresh as if time had stood still. | |
11 | 汉克的食品橱里几乎什么都没有了,尽管他不想出去,但他知道他怎么也得去买些最基本的日用品……他驱车在边道上慢慢行进,在高速公路开车对他来说太冒险了。 | Hank ’ s cupboards were close to bare now and, although he didn’t want to go out, he knew he should at least pick up the basics...He drove slowly down the side streets for freeway driving had become too challenging. | |
12 | 汉克的食品橱现在填满了,壁炉里温暖的火焰噼里啪啦作响,想到同伴们说的“只能是在你的梦中”那句话,老狗从内心发出了微笑。 | Hank ’s cupboards were now filled, a warm fire crackled and the old dog smiled inside as he remembered "only in your dreams." | |
13 | 汉克给自己和那个人又各买了一杯咖啡。这时火车在一个站上停了几分钟。有人用德语广播通知,但是汉克没有注意听。火车又启动了。 | Hank bought them each another coffee. Meanwhile the train had stopped in a station for a few minutes. There was an announcement in German but Hank paid not attention. The train started moving again. | |
14 | 汉克简直不相信他听到的话。他打开窗户亲自看了看,发现在自己看到的是空空的铁轨。 | Hank couldn’t believe his ears. He opened the window to see for himself. He found that he was looking down the empty railway track. | |
15 | 汉克开始穿过车厢回到他的座位上去。他走过了六节车厢,这时他发现无法再向前走了。 | Hank started to walk through the carriages to get back to his seat. He had gone through six carriages when he found he could go no further. | |
16 | 汉克试着开门,但门还是打不开,最后有人用英语对他说,“你不能再往前走,这是火车的尾部了。” | Hank tried the door again, but it wouldn’t move. Finally some cone spoke to him in English. “ You can’t go any further. It’s the end of the train.” | |
17 | 汉克斯斯特姆和妻子、女儿居住在旧金山。 | Hank Strum lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughter. | |
18 | 汉克为地震所困。 | Hank was caught in the earthquake. | |
19 | 汉克又感觉到像是轻推和亲舔的动作。他低头看到有生以来看到过的最为令人心碎的哀求目光。 | There went the nudge and lick thing again. Hank looked down to the most pleading eyes he’d ever seen. | |
20 | 机管局前行政总监董诚亨 | Former Airport Authority chief executive Dr. Hank Townsend | |
21 | 她对我说,她做了个梦,醒来有个感觉我们需要他们,她和汉克正在路上。 | She told me she had a dream and woke with a feeling that we needed them, and that she and hank were on their way | |
22 | 就在这时,一个威严的声音突然响起,把汉克吓了一跳。 | Just then a voice of authority sounded, and Hank jumped. | |
23 | 居室种花采用无土栽培,可免除施肥所引起的难闻气味 | For growing flowers a home hank farming can save the smell nuisance caused by the application of fertilizer | |
24 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | get a hank on sb. | |
25 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | get a hank over sb. | |
26 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | get a hank upon sb. | |
27 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | have a hank on sb. | |
28 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | have a hank over sb. | |
29 | 控制某人, 缠住某人; 使某人陷于困境 | have a hank upon sb. | |
30 | 例如,840码的纱线,或一绞纱线,重量为一磅,纱线的支数为1支;如果30绞重一磅,则纱线的支数为30支 | For example, if 840 yards, or one hank , of cotton weighs 1 pound, the yarn number is 1 s; if it requires 30 hanks to weigh 1 pound, the yarn is 30s. |