1 | (使某人)更高兴或更快活 | Cheer(sb)up ;(cause sb to)become happier or more cheerful | |
2 | “男士们获知他们的妻子正享受到最多的医疗照顾时,他们会感到高兴,却不顾这样一个事实--其妻子真正需要的是某种安宁以及大声呼喊和尖叫的自由。 | Men feel happier knowing that their wife is having as much medical attention as possible despite the fact that what their wives actually need is some peace and the freedom to shout and scream without being made to feel self-conscious | |
3 | “请告诉他们,”莫雷尔用嘶哑的声音说,--“告诉他们我是她的未婚夫。 | At length, happier than the young man, who sobbed without weeping, tears glistened in the eyes of Noirtier | |
4 | 比如我们就绝不应该把一颗珍珠赠给伊索那只公鸡--因为它本来只配得到一颗麦粒的。 | Neither give thou aesop’s cock a gem, who would be better pleased, and happier , if he had had a barley-corn | |
5 | 并且我以为那未曾生的,就是未见过日光之下恶事的,比这两等人更强。 | Yes, happier than the dead or the living seemed he who has not ever been, who has not seen the evil which is done under the sun. | |
6 | 并全心为提供全球消费者健康、快乐的生活而努力,让统一新纪元的荣耀,与世界所有华人共同分享。 | We are fully devoted to generating healthier and happier lives for the world’s consumers and, in the meantime, making the glory of Uni-President’s new era shine for all Chinese people throughout the world. | |
7 | 不可能有比这个家庭更幸福的家庭了。 | It’s impossible for there to be a happier family. | |
8 | 穿着一件普通的宽松直筒连衣裙,小巧的白色玫瑰花别在头发上,似乎要把她那卷曲的黑色长发弄妥帖,当时莉莎觉得幸福,得简直超出了自己的想象。 | Dressed in a simple white shift dress, miniature white roses attempting to tame her long dark curls, Lisa had been happier than she had ever thought possible. | |
9 | 对整件事谈得越少我越高兴. | The less said about the whole affair,the happier I’ll be. | |
10 | 多做事少空想,这样你会愉快得多 | Work more and dream less, you will be much happier | |
11 | 共同创造我们的幸福生活和美好未来! | Let us create a happier life and a better future for us all! | |
12 | 鼓舞;使高兴;振作起来 | Cheer up; make someone feel happier | |
13 | 国有单位在1月1日庆祝元旦是个更为明智的选择,这不仅能避免得罪任何人,还能让某些人群更高兴。 | Celebrating the civil new year on January 1 would be a more judicious choice for state organisations. Not only would they avoid offending anyone, but also make some people happier | |
14 | 回忆中的学校生活似乎比当时感受到的更愉快。 | One’s school life seems happier in retrospect than it really was. | |
15 | 即使他有钱,却一点也不快乐。 | He is none the happier for his great wealth. | |
16 | 她比以前任何时候都更高兴。 | She was happier than she had ever been. | |
17 | 她比以前幸福。 | She is happier than before . | |
18 | 她当时要是嫁给一个医生,她就会比现在幸福一些。 | Had she married a doctor, she would have been happier than she is. | |
19 | 她公开了自己是同性恋者以后就快活多了. | She’s been much happier since she came out. | |
20 | 她公开了自己是同性恋者以后就快活多了。 | She’s been much happier since she came out. | |
21 | 她突然感到一件忌羡的情绪。如今的姑娘们多幸运!她自己卖给杨家作童养媳,像牛马一样累了三十年。但淑贞一辈子却是在幸福的年代出世的…… | She felt a sudden pang of envy. How lucky the girls nowadays were! She had been sold to the Yang family as a childbride and had worked there like a mule for thirty years. But Shuzhen’s generation had been born at a happier time. | |
22 | 她突然感到一阵忌羡的情绪。如今的姑娘们多幸运!她自己卖给杨家作童养媳,像牛马一样累了三十年。但淑贞一辈却是在幸福的年代出世的。…… | She felt a sudden pang of envy. How lucky the girls nowadays were! She had been sold to the Yang family as a child bride and had worked there like a mule for thirty years. But Shuzhen’s generation had been born at a happier time . . . | |
23 | 她现在整天回想过去,缅怀着往昔更美好的岁月。 | She lives in the past now, bethinking herself of happier days | |
24 | 就此而论,有罪的母亲可要比那有罪的父亲有幸。因此,为了海丝特·白兰,也同样为这可怜的孩子的缘故,我们还是按照天意对她们的安排,不去管她们吧!" | Herein is the sinful mother happier than the sinful father. For Hester Prynne’s sake, then, and no less for the poor child’s sake, let us leave them as Providence hath seen fit to place them! | |
25 | 就是把国王的权力给我,我也不愿与他调换生活,我现在这样生活更快活。 | I wouldn’t change places with him for the king’s power, I’m happier the way I am | |
26 | 可怜的耐儿唱了几支在她幸福的时光学会的小调,他倒也很喜欢听。 | Poor Nell sang him some little ditty which she had learned in happier times, and which was so agreeable to his ear | |
27 | 可以肯定,实现了全面建设小康社会的目标,我们的祖国必将更加繁荣富强,人民的生活必将更加幸福美好. | We are sure that after attaining the objectives of building a well-off society in an all-round way, our motherland will become stronger and more prosperous, the people will live a better and happier life. | |
28 | 里兹公司接受调查的1,700个职员当中,大约有一半认为更漂亮的头衔会使他们更加满意,即使他们的实际工作并无改变。 | Of the 1,700 workers reed surveyed, around half thought a better job title would make them happier even if there were no change in what they actually did | |
29 | 令人回想幸福时光的傍晚 | An evening reminiscent of happier times. | |
30 | 那地方唤起幸福时光的回忆。 | The place evokes memories of happier years. |