属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN ISO 2922-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN ISO 2922-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S30-292-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-EN ISO 2922-2000
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥斯本将军 财政大臣诡计连连
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雨中的港口 Ports in the storm
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新书出炉 祸不单行
1 | 声学.内河航道和港湾船舶发出的气载噪声的测量 | Acoustics-Measurement of airborne sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours | |
2 | 声学.内河航道和港湾船舶发出的噪音测量 | Acoustics-Measurement of airborne sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours | |
3 | 声学.由内陆,水路,港口车辆发出的气载噪音的测量 | Acoustics-Measurement of airbone sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours . | |
4 | 声学内河水道上和港口中的船舶辐射的空气声的测量 | Acoustics-Measurement of airborne sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours | |
5 | 沿海水域是指中华人民共和国沿海的港口、内水和领海以及国家管辖的一切其他海域。 | Coastal waters " means the harbours , inland waters, territorial waters and all other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the state, along the sea coast of the PRC . | |
6 | 用双目望远镜你还能够看到公路、海港甚至于海洋上的大型船只。 | With binoculars you can also see roads, harbours and even very large ships in the ocean. | |
7 | 在海南经济特区设立的从事机场、港口、码头、铁路、公路、电站、煤矿、水利等基础设施项目的外商投资企业 | Enterprises with foreign investment established in the Hainan Special Economic Zone and engaged in infrastructure facility projects such as airports, harbours , docks, highways, railways, power stations, coal mines and water conservation, | |
8 | ||1:奥斯本有志于打造一个更加勤勉的社会,而不会被工党政府下培养起来的权利文化而影响得萎靡不振。||2:当然,他的部分动机是自利。||3:奥斯本控制了他的领导欲望。||4:就保守党的一贯宗旨来说,奥斯本的观点得到越来越多的拥护,比卡梅伦得到的更多。||5:在他重塑社会过程中得益的人也许更有可能给保守党投票。||6:因此没有必要因为奥斯本的愿景政治意味浓厚就认定此计划是错误的。 | ||1:His ambition is to make a more industrious society, less blighted by the entitlement culture that blossomed under Labour.||2:Even after the deficit is no more, the chancellor believes, public spending should be held down.||3:Again, his motives appear partly self-interested.||4:Mr Osborne harbours leadership ambitions, and his ideas are finding more favour with the right of his party than Mr Cameron enjoys.||5:The beneficiaries of his remodelled society might also be likelier to vote Tory.||6:But just because the chancellor’s vision is political does not necessarily make it wrong. | |
9 | ||1:德鲁里航运咨询公司的尼尔戴维森认为,大船在欧洲只会选择四五个目的地停靠,这增加了港口努力赢取大船惠顾的不确定性。||2:为了吸引他们,港口需要有更深的港湾和更大的起货设备来卸货。||3:同时港口也要为以此港为终点的顾客提供一套令人心动的前行路线。||4:这可能包括利用卡车走陆路,或者是走海路,但前提是港口能够提供与许多更小船只的连接手段。||5:这对葡萄牙而言意味着他要与西班牙和摩洛哥的对手港口竞争,通过卡车或火车竞相为塞维利亚(西班牙地名)和马拉加(西班牙南部省)提供服务,或者是充当一个海运中心。 | ||1:Big ships will stop at only four or five destinations in Europe, raising the stakes for ports trying to win their custom, according to Neil Davidson of Drewry Shipping Consultants.||2:To lure them, ports need deeper harbours and bigger cranes to unload the cargo.||3:They also need to offer an attractive onward route to final customers.||4:This can be overland using trucks, or by sea if the port offers connections with lots of smaller ships.||5:For Portugal, this means competing to serve the cities of Seville and Malaga by lorry or train, or acting as a shipping hub by battling with rival ports in Spain and Morocco. | |
10 | ||1:克莱尔·克拉克偶然看见刊登在文学期刊上的一篇文章(描述19世纪90年代,一位英国自由党派人士兼国会议员的妻子,过着双重生活的故事)时,脑海中就浮现出了《美丽谎言》的女主角。||2:《美丽谎言》的女主角玛丽贝尔是智裔波西米亚人,嫁给了一位激进的社会主义分子爱德华·坎贝尔·劳伍。||3:玛丽贝尔的外国口音、烟不离手的习惯、写诗天赋与摄影才华让她成为伦敦上流社会中格格不入的异类。||4:玛丽贝尔也有一段不为人知的风流韵事。||5:她的情史一旦曝光,夫妇俩的同僚一定会让他们身败名裂,像被无情砸碎的鸡蛋一样。 | ||1: CLARE CLARK found her new heroine when she unearthed an article in a literary journal about a British Liberal MP’s wife who had led a double life in the 1890s. ||2: In “Beautiful Lies” Maribel is a Chilean bohemian married to a radical socialist, Edward Campbell Lowe. ||3: Her exotic accent, chain-smoking and talent for poetry and photography mark her as a scarlet sheep among the white flock of London society. ||4: Maribel also harbours a salacious secret history. ||5: If it were ever exposed, the couple’s peers “would smash their lives as carelessly as eggs”. | |
11 | 很难想象有这种感觉的人如何处理不公正地划分选区的案件,或者说是如何以一种可信的无党派方式处理这种案件。 | It is hard to see how someone who harbours such feelings can decide cases on gerrymandering, say, in a credibly non-partisan way. | |
12 | 船舶操纵数学模型在港口航道设计中的应用 | Application of Mathematical Model for Ship Maneuvering in Designs of Harbours and Waterways | |
13 | 单单在刚果(金)的首都金沙萨就有超过两万儿童因为巫术控诉而在街头游荡。 | Kinshasa (capital of the DR Congo) alone harbours more than 20, 000 street children who have been accused of witchcraft. | |
14 | 但面临的一个重大问题是,印度一直担心孟加拉国国内窝藏的反印恐怖分子。 | One big problem has been India’s worry that Bangladesh harbours anti-Indian terrorists. | |
15 | 电视画面显示,轮船撞向港口挣扎着试图逃离巨大的漩涡。 | Ships crashed into harbours and footage showed a vessel struggling to escape a giant whirlpool. | |
16 | 和记黄埔港口(HutchisonPortHoldings)是全球最大的港口公司,在45个海港拥有257个泊位。 | Hutchison Ports Holdings, with 257 berths in 45 harbours , is the world’s biggest ports company. | |
17 | 尽管在认为受到挑衅时,中国偶尔也会表现得好斗,但它并没有称霸的野心。 | Despite occasional bellicose reactions to what it regards as provocations, China still harbours no ambition to be a hegemonic power. | |
18 | 利伟诚先生说他正考虑几个价值10多亿美元的交易项目,但若心存疑虑则无意进行并购。 | Mr Liveris says he is considering several $1 billion-plus deals, but has no intention of buying businesses if he harbours doubts about them. | |
19 | 你提出说,奖金是用来阻止银行从业者跳槽,这么做合情合理,但他们想往哪儿跳,哪里是他们的避风港呢? | You suggest bonuses could be justified to stop bankers from jumping ship, but where are the safe harbours they are meant to jump into? | |
20 | 苹果公司承认其最新的操作系统存在一个漏洞,可能意外地删除电脑用户的数据。 | Apple has admitted that its latest operating system harbours a bug that can accidentally delete data belonging to the computer’s owner. | |
21 | 沿着犬牙交错的岛屿海岸线的无数海湾,形成了天然良港。 | Numerous bays along the indented coastline of the islands provide good harbours . | |
22 | 印度并未对贸易迅速增长欢欣鼓舞,而是对绝对有利于中国的不断扩大的逆差深感不满。 | Far from celebrating burgeoning trade, India harbours deep resentment over a yawning deficit overwhelmingly in China’s favour. | |
23 | 由于国际贸易停滞,空载的轮船停泊在全球各地的港口,工厂关闭,数百万人失业。 | As international trade froze, ships lay empty in harbours around the world and factories shut with the loss of millions of jobs. | |
24 | 游艇密布的古雅海港、巍然耸立的中世纪古堡 | both boast imposing medieval castles in their quaint, yacht-filled harbours . | |
25 | 又长又密的狗毛中易藏跳蚤。 | a dog’s long and thick hair that harbours fleas. | |
26 | 在这一点上,他不承认有什么可痛悔的,虽则他显然心怀一些悔意。 | He will not, at this point, concede any serious regrets, although he clearly harbours some. | |
27 | 只要我们获得能够容纳庞大军队的港口,这里就是展开攻势的前线。 | If only there were harbours which could nourish great armies, here was the front on which to strike. | |
28 | 珠江三角洲口门近期淤积及其对港口航道的影响 | Recent Silting in Estuaries and Its Impacts on the Harbours and Channels in the Zhujiang Delta | |
29 | 主盘包含着太阳及星系里其他大部分的恒星,当然还有美丽的旋臂。 | The disc harbours the Sun and most of the galaxy’s other stars, as well as the beautiful spiral arms. | |
30 | 主张贸易自由化的理由很简单:用石头堵塞自己的港口是不智的。 | The case for trade liberalisation is simple: it is not wise to throw rocks into your own harbours . |