1 | "贾母又与了一个荷包并一个金魁星,取""文星和合""之意." | The Lady Dowager’s gift was a purse containing a small golden effigy of the God of Learning symbolizing literary talent and harmony . | |
2 | (与…)调和[不调和] | In [out of] harmony (with...) | |
3 | “和”的思想,强调世界万事万物都是由不同方面、不同要素构成的统一整体。 | The idea of harmony stresses that all matters and all living things in the world are entities composed of different aspects and varied elements | |
4 | “和”的思想认为“和气生财”,只有通过商量沟通工作,营造出合作共事的良好氛围与环境,才容易把生意做成、做好。 | The idea of harmony suggests that amiability begets riches. One can make one’s business successful only by creating a sound atmosphere and environment for cooperation through consultation and closer contacts | |
5 | 阿克修斯城堡充分展现了奥斯陆与自然之间的融洽,绝对值得再多看一眼。 | Another look at the fortress of Akershus, which once again demonstrates the harmony of the city with nature, is all the more worthwhile | |
6 | 奥斯蒙德甚至比平时更加强调,罗卡内拉宫的这一对夫妇过着非常和睦的家庭生活。 | Osmond made more of a point even than usual of referring to the conjugal harmony prevailing at palazzo Roccanera | |
7 | 毕达哥拉斯古希腊哲学家和数学家,在意大利南部创立学派,强调对音乐和谐及几何的研究:他证明了毕达哥拉斯定理的广泛有效,性并且被认为是世界是第一位真正的数学家 | Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded in southern Italy a school that emphasized the study of musical harmony and geometry.He proved the universal validity of the Pythagorean theorem and is considered the first true mathematician. | |
8 | 变奏曲一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来 | A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony , rhythm, or key. | |
9 | 不论是在工作场所或家里,这门古老的学问,强调的是平衡、和谐以及安宁,也能协助他们克服现代生活的紧张和压力。 | With its emphasis on achieving balance and harmony and peace and tranquility at home and at work, this time-honored art relaxes their minds and helps them overcome stresses and strains of modern living | |
10 | 不协调、不一致的或不和谐的;差异的 | Lacking harmony ,agreement,or compatibility;discordant. | |
11 | 不协调;不和谐,不一致 | Lack of harmony ;discord. | |
12 | 不一致;不合 | Lack of harmony ;disagreement. | |
13 | 不一致性缺少一致性或协调性的;不合适 | Lack of congruity or harmony ;unsuitability. | |
14 | 出于和谐一致的兴趣和爱好,他们在沃德式的玻璃罩盒子里种植文竹。 | In an unclouded harmony of tastes and interests they cultivated ferns in Wardian cases | |
15 | 传统、和谐的气氛吸引着世界一流的顾客。 | The ambiance of traditional harmony attracts top international clientele. | |
16 | 促进人与自然的和谐,推动整个社会走上生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。 | We will enhance harmony between man and nature to push the whole society onto a path to civilized development featuring the growth of production, an affluent life and a sound ecosystem. | |
17 | 大自然绚丽和谐的风光令人陶然忘情。 | A sp1endour and harmony of nature invites the soul. | |
18 | 但是,意识和认识并不保证持久的长期经济活力和社会和谐,这一点已经为近年来洛杉矶的种族紧张和经济困难所生动地证明。 | But awareness and consciousness do not guarantee sustained long-term economic viability and social harmony , as has been vividly demonstrated by the racial tension and economic hardship in Los Angeles in recent years | |
19 | 当他们走到前厅的时候,看见门框上挂着一面盾牌,盾牌上的图案极其华丽,和房间里其它的陈设很相称,这一点足以证明这个纹章的主人的重要性了。 | When they arrived at the ante-chamber, above the door was visible a shield, which, by its rich ornaments and its harmony with the rest of the furniture, indicated the importance the owner attached to this blazon | |
20 | 当团员共同工作一段时间之后,便会在会议中激荡出更多的令人兴奋的事情,而各成员之间也会愈来愈和谐。 | As you work together over time,more excitement will greet every meeting,and more harmony will arise | |
21 | 的确须将问题或解答重新叙述借以取得有限维与无穷维间的协调一致。 | To be sure, either the question or the answer must be reformulated in order to bring the finite and the infinite into harmony | |
22 | 第二项特质就是和他人和谐共事的能力。不和谐的工作气氛,将会抵消智囊团的效率。虽然,这种情形可能不会立即发生,但却可能在输赢的关键时刻爆发出来。 | The other quality is the ability to work in a spirit of harmony with others.Without harmony your alliance will falter,perhaps not right away but at some crucial moment when everything is about to be won or lost. | |
23 | 对他们的创业精神都要鼓励,对他们的合法权益都要保护,对他们中的优秀分子都要表彰,努力形成全体人民各尽其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的局面。 | We should encourage their pioneering spirit, protecting their legitimate rights and interests and commending the outstanding ones in an effort to create a situation in which all people are well positioned, do their best and live in harmony . | |
24 | 而对于一个襟怀博大的精神来说,不同意味着多姿多彩,差异包含着统一与和谐。 | But to a broad-minded one, difference means richness in colors and postures and diversity embodies unity and harmony | |
25 | 防止社会阻碍--或在可能时阻止--任何与其方式不同的个性的发展,进而迫使所有的人依照社会自身的模式行事。 | to fetter the development, and if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways ,and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own | |
26 | 扶持关于心理卫生领域的各项活动,特别是影响人际关系和谐的活动 | To foster activities in the field of mental health, especially those activities affecting the harmony of human relations. | |
27 | 感情上我是有意于协调的,但在器官上却无法调正。 | Sentimentally I am disposed to harmony ;but organically I am incapable of a tune. | |
28 | 海天一色构成了一幅美景。 | The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture. | |
29 | 毫无疑问,在这种异教文学和基督寺那些中古学院之间,很少协调。 | Certainly there seemed little harmony between this pagan literature and the medieval colleges at Christminster | |
30 | 和合四象(气功) | The harmony of the four phases |