属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-旧金山大桥75年周年
1 | 他总唠叨说没机会. | He continually harp s on lack of opportunity. | |
2 | 特里贡琴古代罗马和希腊的一种三角形的弦琴或竖琴 | A triangular lyre or harp of Roman and Greek antiquity. | |
3 | 王阿,你曾降旨说,凡听见角,笛,琵琶,琴,瑟,笙,和各样乐器声音的都当俯伏敬拜金像。 | You, O King, have given an order that every man, when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp , trigon, psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, comes to his ears, is to go down on his face in worship before the image of gold: | |
4 | 我们倾听那少女弹竖琴。 | We listened to the girl playing the harp . | |
5 | 勿反复罗嗦。 | Don’t take your harp to the party. | |
6 | 勿老调重谈。 | Harp not for ever on the same string. | |
7 | 小提琴与竖琴为唱者的声音伴奏很悦耳。 | The violin and harp were a pleasing accompaniment to the voice of the singer. | |
8 | 因此各方,各国,各族的人民一听见角,笛,琵琶,琴,瑟,和各样乐器的声音,就都俯伏敬拜尼布甲尼撒王所立的金像。 | So at that time, all the people, when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp , trigon, psaltery, and all sorts of instruments, came to their ears, went down on their faces in worship before the image of gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king had put up. | |
9 | 吟游歌手不是作战人员,他们的竖琴就是护照。 | They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. | |
10 | 吟游歌手不是作战人员,他们的竖琴就是护照。 | They were not fighting men, and their harp was their passport. | |
11 | 引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。 | The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo--an enchanting sonority | |
12 | 有关徐复观<环绕李义山锦瑟诗的诸问题>之探讨 | Inquiry into Xu Fuguan’s "exposition on Li Yishan’s Poem ’the brocade harp ’ " | |
13 | ||1:他喜欢在他的编曲中使用管弦乐队的所有乐器;演奏他曲子的乐师经常会演奏他们以前从未演奏过的乐器-军鼓、口簧琴,还有使用越来越多的芬达·罗兹电子钢琴。||2:他并不是在炫耀;每个音符都有自己的任务。||3:改变一处就改变了一切。||4:随着时间的推移,他意识到自己的作曲方式就像他最喜欢的国际象棋大师,博比·菲舍尔下棋的方法:一系列突然而令人惊讶的招式。 | ||1:He liked using all the orchestra’s resources in his arrangements; his musicians would often find themselves playing instruments that they had never played before— the military snare drum, the jaw harp and, increasingly, the Fender Rhodes electronic piano.||2:He wasn’t showing off; every note had a job to do.||3:Changing one thing changed everything.||4:In time he came to realise that his approach to composing was like his favourite grandmaster, Bobby Fischer’s approach to playing chess: a series of sudden and surprising moves. | |
14 | ||1:下了车,所有的音乐家们都穿着统一的黑色卫衣,背上还印有“奥德伯格世界交响乐团2012”字样。||2:但他们各自拉的箱子却五花八门——袖珍小巧的短笛盒子,装竖琴的带轮推车,还有装大提琴的多节箱子,上面满是贴纸。||3: 奥德伯格是英国的海滨城市,也是Benjamin Britten的家乡,过去总有世界各地的演奏家来这表演,但从来没有达到这次的规模——来自35个国家的120名音乐家齐聚一堂,堪比音乐届的奥林匹克盛典。 | ||1: The musicians who got off the bus all wore the same black hoodies with “Aldeburgh World Orchestra 2012” printed on the back. ||2: But the cases they carried were far from uniform. There were pocket-sized boxes for the piccolos, a wheeled-trolley for the harp and knobbly trunks, all barnacled in stickers, for the cellos. ||3: The English seaside town of Aldeburgh, the home of Benjamin Britten, is used to welcoming performers from all over the world, but nothing on this scale; a musical Olympiad of 120 players from 35 countries. | |
15 | ||1:一个小时过去了,然后是两个小时,三个小时。四个小时后,她母亲敲了房间的门。||2:他们两个就在这里-一位是比波普爵士乐之父,一位是满头卷发、眼睛带着微笑的少年-正在笑着,玩西洋双陆棋,学弹犹太人的竖琴,就是做朋友。||3:他们在他的余生里一直是朋友。||4:他称她为他的教女。||5:她给自己的第一个儿子取名为本杰明·迪兹。||6:有一段时间,她考虑高中毕业后申请音乐学院。 | ||1:An hour passed. Then two. Then three. After four hours, her mother knocked on the door.||2:There they were, the two of them—the father of Be Bop and the curly-haired teenager with the smiling eyes—laughing, playing backgammon, learning to twang the Jew’s harp , just being friends.||3:They remained friends for the rest of his life.||4:He called her his god-daughter.||5:She named her first son Benjamin Diz.||6:For a while she considered applying to a music conservatory after high school. | |
16 | 1937年完工时,金门大桥重达81.15万吨。旧金山纪事报称这项完工工程为“价值3500万美元的钢质竖琴”。 | The Golden Gate Bridge weighed eight hundred eleven million five hundred thousand kilograms when it was completed in nineteen thirty-seven. The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper called the finished project, "a thirty-five million dollar steel harp !" | |
17 | 安琪尔·克莱尔先生——他是在这儿学挤牛奶的,会弹竖琴——从不对我们多说话。 | Mr Angel Clare - he that is learning milking, and that plays the harp -never says much to us. | |
18 | 奥巴马外交上犯了错,但并非像共和党喋喋不休所抱怨的那样。 | Mr Obama has made mistakes in foreign policy, but not the ones the Republicans harp on. | |
19 | 不会是道路的琴弦迸进出痛苦的柔音吗? | will not the harp of the road break out in sweet music of pain? | |
20 | 达格达拿起魔琴,在琴弦上用手重重地扫出三个庄严的弦音。 | And the Dagda took his harp and swept his hand across the strings in three great, solemn chords. | |
21 | 格陵兰海豹主要生活在冰上,并且在冰上产崽。这么做,部分原因是出于躲避陆地上的掠食者。 | Harp seals make ice their main habitat, and they give birth on ice, partly as protection from predators on land. | |
22 | 结冰面少,外加海豹群四处漂流,这些原因让居住在港湾附近的大多数猎人做出了待家里不出海的选择。 | The combination of little ice and scattered herds of harp seals has persuaded most hunters around the gulf to stay home. | |
23 | 另外,我和哈普都在大学学过怎么操作摄像机和做灯光。 | On top of that, Harp and I both learned how to run a camera and do lights back in college. | |
24 | 莫扎特C大调长笛与竖琴协奏曲第一乐章 | Concerto for Flute and Harp in C major, I | |
25 | 乔恩(对加菲):他说他们的洗碗工可以吹口琴。 | Jon: (to Garfield) Their dishwasher plays the juice harp . | |
26 | 所以在这一集的故事中,当卡梅隆准备在寥寥几个客人面前弹奏竖琴时,米切尔风尘仆仆地赶了回来。 | Which is why in this episode, as Cam rises before his smattering of guests to introduce "Harp Attack, " Mitchell bursts through the door. | |
27 | 他喜欢韩国的干净和有序(乌孜别克的官员滔滔不绝地讲述着塔什干的整洁)。 | He likes its cleanliness and order (Uzbek officials harp on Tashkent’s neatness). | |
28 | 巫统的媒体将会极力渲染鸡奸的情节,就象上次一样,他们将一个沾满精液的坐垫带入法庭。 | UMNO-owned media will harp on the sordid details, just as they did in the first trial when a semen-stained mattress was hauled into court. | |
29 | 小仙人一手拿着竖琴,另一手在拨弄着琴弦。 | The little man held a harp in one hand and was striking the strings with the other. | |
30 | 小仙人又问:『你准备要付出代价了吗?』说完他就丢下竖琴转身要走。 | "Are you ready to pay the price? " asked the elf. Then he threw down the harp and turned to go away. |