1 | 不过,如果手工编写代码,而不是记录代码,那么在所有这些代码行中输入信息变得比较麻烦。 | However, if you are writing code manually instead of recording, it becomes a hassle to type in all three of these lines of code. | |
2 | 不过对我而言,hassle比用拳头解决问题可要困难复杂多了。我查的大多数词典似乎都印证了我的看法。 | For me though, hassle means more inconvenience than fisticuffs and I seem to be supported in this by most of the dictionaries I checked. | |
3 | 乘客在西斯罗机场的某些地方可以为他们的电子设备重新充电,但不得不缴付一定费用,以此避免某些干扰。 | PASSENGERS in some parts of Heathrow airport can now recharge their electronic devices for free and without hassle . | |
4 | 除非有公司愿意费时费力出钱帮她拿到新签证 | a firm that is willing to put up with the hassle and expense of obtaining a new visa for her | |
5 | 打字,再加上大屏幕keylogger是麻烦。 | Typing with the on-screen keylogger is a great hassle . | |
6 | 但事实是假冒一个直男让我日益矛盾,我觉得不值得。 | But the truth is that passing for a straight person had become more of a hassle than I figured it was worth. | |
7 | 但是,花不了多少工夫,你就可以在你的厨房里种植小蔬菜或者那种可在室内种植的西红柿。 | Little things like herbs or indoor tomatoes, however, can be easily grown in your kitchen without much hassle . | |
8 | 但是对于那些标准SQLLIKE语句就足以进行简单文本搜索的小型网站来说,这就是一个大麻烦。 | But that’s a big hassle for smaller websites for which standard SQL LIKE statements are sufficient for simple text search. | |
9 | 但是你不妨试试Reminder,这个服务可以提醒你想要记住的重要事情。 | But there’s one last thing to try: Reminder, a service that helps you hassle yourself about things you want to remember to do. | |
10 | 但与在英国进行审判的成本和争吵相比,我们整件事做的非常好。 | But compared with the cost and hassle of a British trial, we have done pretty well out of the whole affair. | |
11 | 当你年少的时候,你的时间比金钱更多,因此去LimeWire淘换免费软件还是值得麻烦一下的。 | When you are young, you have more time than money, and LimeWire is worth the hassle . | |
12 | 当然,很多应用目前为止都是免费的,但谁又想自找麻烦,等待一个补丁来解救你刚买的应用呢? | Sure, app updates are usually free (so far), but who wants to go through the hassle of waiting for a "fix" to an app you just purchased? | |
13 | 邓肯•史密斯说,“现在人们常说的一句话就是,积极地找工作根本不值得这个麻烦。” | The "highly influential word of mouth message" , says Mr Duncan Smith, is that "progression into work simply isn’t worth the hassle " . | |
14 | 东芝发布了一项新的硬盘技术,免去了删除敏感数据时的繁杂。 | Toshiba has announced a new hard drive technology that takes the hassle out of wiping sensitive data. | |
15 | 对任何一个旅行者来说,不受签证费用和麻烦缠身的出国旅游是受欢迎的好东西。 | THE ability to visit a foreign country without the cost and hassle of obtaining a visa is a welcome bonus for any traveller. | |
16 | 对于我来说,正是知道了食物成分的这种平和的心态,让我觉得任何麻烦都是值得的。 | For me, the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly what has gone into my food makes any hassle worthwhile. | |
17 | 该应用程序极易使用,无需麻烦即可使你屏蔽想要屏蔽的账户。 | The application is extremely easy to use, and allows you to only block who you want to block without hassle . | |
18 | 给朋友或者同事发送一段调试源代码是一件很麻烦的事情。 | Sending a piece of source code for troubleshooting to one of your friends or colleagues can be a hassle . | |
19 | 公共云尝试为使用者提供无后顾之忧的IT元素。 | Public clouds attempt to provide consumers with hassle -free IT elements. | |
20 | 购买和出售一栋大楼都需要花费时间,并且招租和管理那些租客也需要花费很多精力。 | It takes time to buy and sell a building, and recruiting and managing tenants involves a lot of hassle . | |
21 | 谷歌日历又快又好用,而且在任何地方都可以畅通无阻地使用。 | Google Calendar is just fast and easy and accessible from everywhere with no hassle . | |
22 | 航空业摆脱了去年飞机航行的一些麻烦,做出了在四年来的最好表现。 | S. air carriers as the industry took some of the hassle out of flying last year and delivered its best performance in four years. | |
23 | 毫无疑问,这样的对象可以在不同J2EE环境(Web或EJB)、独立应用程序、测试环境之间重用。 | Such objects can be reused across J2EE environments (Web or EJB), standalone applications, test environments, and so on, without any hassle . | |
24 | 好的工具可以为您节约反复处理类路径问题的大量时间,也不用您去记住特定的命令行选项。 | It saves you the hassle of dealing with classpath issues over and over again, as well as remembering specific command-line options. | |
25 | 回避会在训练期间经常外出的教练,这会为训练造成困难甚至伤害。 | Avoid a trainer that works out during your session, this will become a hassle and could lead to possible injury. | |
26 | 机构投资者常常被禁止购买实物黄金,或者不愿承担黄金储藏的麻烦和成本。 | Institutional investors are often banned from buying physical gold, or do not want the hassle and cost of storing bullion. | |
27 | 较大的模型通常被分为几部分来制作,这样移动时能少些麻烦。 | The larger models are made in separate pieces so they can be moved with less hassle . | |
28 | 尽管花费不菲,麻烦重重,据梅说,大约仍有90%的中国人会想办法拍到婚纱照。 | Despite the cost and hassle , Mei says that about 90% of Chinese people find a way to take these wedding pictures. | |
29 | 可考虑过审查过程的麻烦之后,他不情愿地放弃了,把她推荐给了另一位出版商。 | After thinking through the hassle of the censoring process, however, he reluctantly gave up, and referred her to another publisher. | |
30 | 买鞋人很追捧公司的无理由退货制度,而且公司还提供难找的样式和尺码。 | Shoe buyers respond favorably to the company’s no-hassle return policy and its offering of hard-to-find styles and sizes. |