属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- The World This Week Busine
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会性蜘蛛 欢迎来做客
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-昆虫学 有失蜂度
1 | 这就是所谓蛋未孵出先数鸡(打如意算盘)吗? | Is this what you call counting your chicken before they are hatched ? | |
2 | 这些间谋策划窃取政府的机密。 | The spies hatched a scheme to steal government secrets | |
3 | 这些卵被太阳的热力所孵化。 | The eggs are hatched by the heat of the sun. | |
4 | 这些小偷谋划抢夺银行。 | The thieves hatched a plan to rob the bank | |
5 | 这也是我市首次成功进行人工繁殖黑天鹅。 | This is also believed to be the first time for a black swan ever to be hatched out through artificial means in Chongqing. | |
6 | ||1: Belafonte先生迅速地找到了进入ANT的方法,在那里他不仅练习表演,还交到了人生中第一个朋友Sidney Poitier,也是一个贫穷的拼命赚钱的小伙子,来自西印度群岛。 ||2:两人一起策划出“快速来钱的计划”——Poitier先生想贩卖一种加勒比贝壳的汁液做成的催情剂——还一起分享戏院门票:两人只负担的起一张门票钱,所以往往一人观看上半场,另一人观看下半场,然后互相帮对方把整部戏串起来。||3:Poitier先一步时来运转了:他在一部戏里替代Belafonte的角色,此时还在做看门人的Belafonte正在清理房客的垃圾,无奈错失良机。||4: 这使Belafonte花了更多年时间努力挣扎,终于赢得了名望,却不是作为一名专业的演员,而是一位业余的歌手。他在演出的幕间休息时去听Lester Young的演唱会打发时间,在那里遇到了他第一个后备乐队(the Charlie Parker band,译者注)的成员Max Roach 和 Charlie Parker。 | ||1: In short order Mr Belafonte also found his way into the ANT, where he not only acted but made “my first friend in life”, another poor, hustling West Indian named Sidney Poitier. ||2: The two of them hatched get-rich-quick schemes—Mr Poitier wanted to market an extract of Caribbean conch as an aphrodisiac—and they shared theatre tickets: they could only afford a single ticket between them, so one would attend before the interval and one after, then each would fill the other in. ||3: Mr Poitier got his break first: he took Mr Belafonte’s place in a play that the latter, still employed as a janitor, missed because he had to collect his tenants’ rubbish. ||4: It took Mr Belafonte several more years of struggling, and he gained fame not as an actor, for which he had trained, but as a singer, for which he had not, filling time during the interval at Lester Young’s concerts, where his first backup band included Max Roach and Charlie Parker. | |
7 | ||1: 不久后,贝拉方特也找到了通往美国黑人剧院的门路。在那儿,他不仅演戏,还结实了“生命中第一个朋友” 西德尼·波蒂埃。和贝拉方特一样,这个来自西印度群岛的小伙儿生活拮据,为了生计四处奔波。 ||2:私下里,二人策划了快速致富的计划:加勒比贝壳的提取物可拿来当春药使,波蒂埃就想带着货去市场卖;此外,哥俩还共用一张戏票。由于只付得起一张票钱,两人就以幕间休息为准,你来半场,我来半场,互换位置。||3:波蒂埃首先打开局面,并在一出戏中挤掉了贝拉方特的戏份。而贝拉方特仍旧干着清洁,因为他还得打扫房客的垃圾,遗憾得错过了机会。||4:又是几年过去了,经过奋斗,贝拉方特终于获得成功。这一次,他没有拾起老本去演戏,而选择从未训练过的职业,做起了歌手:李斯特杨的音乐会上,幕间休息时常见他一展歌喉,那时,在他最初伴奏乐队里还有着像麦克斯·罗奇,查理·帕克这样的人物。 | ||1: In short order Mr Belafonte also found his way into the ANT, where he not only acted but made “my first friend in life”, another poor, hustling West Indian named Sidney Poitier. ||2: The two of them hatched get-rich-quick schemes—Mr Poitier wanted to market an extract of Caribbean conch as an aphrodisiac—and they shared theatre tickets: they could only afford a single ticket between them, so one would attend before the interval and one after, then each would fill the other in. ||3: Mr Poitier got his break first: he took Mr Belafonte’s place in a play that the latter, still employed as a janitor, missed because he had to collect his tenants’ rubbish. ||4: It took Mr Belafonte several more years of struggling, and he gained fame not as an actor, for which he had trained, but as a singer, for which he had not, filling time during the interval at Lester Young’s concerts, where his first backup band included Max Roach and Charlie Parker. | |
8 | ||1:美国联邦法官近日作出判决,认定苹果公司与5家图书出版商串通,提高电子书价格以打破当下亚马逊垄断图书市场的现状。||2:法官查明,证据的确证实:苹果公司清楚自己与出版商共同策划的阴谋意图是非法的。||3:出版商已分别与司法部达成协定,苹果公司则将提出上诉。 | ||1:A judge in America ruled that Apple had conspired with five big publishers to push up the price of e-books and break Amazon’s grip on the market.||2:The judge found that the “evidence is overwhelming that Apple knew of the unlawful aims of the conspiracy” hatched with the publishers, which have all reached separate settlements with the Department of Justice.||3:Apple is to appeal against the decision. | |
9 | 首先,她找到19只照料新孵化幼虫的雌蜘蛛以及20只刚产过卵的雌蜘蛛。 | First, she identified 19 females who were looking after recently hatched young, and another 20 who had eggs. | |
10 | 它们偶然间在花的一侧制造出更多的抢劫孔。由于其他新孵化出的熊蜂效仿了这种习惯,左利手或右利手作为一种正反馈进行传播。 | By chance, they make more holes on one side of the flowers than the other, and as the habit is picked up by other, newly hatched bees, a preference for left or right spreads by a process of positive feedback. | |
11 | “孩子啊,”她的母亲对她说,“不要在蛋还在孵化的时候就为你的鸡作打算。” | "Ah, my child, " said her mother. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched . " | |
12 | 1997-98年亚洲金融危机爆发后制定的那些不太成熟的计划,今天已派不上用场。 | The half-baked plans hatched in the wake of the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 have little relevance today. | |
13 | 巴布亚新几内亚,一只雄性岳蛙在履行自己的父亲职责,拥抱着他的一窝卵和两只刚孵化的幼蛙。 | Doing his fatherly duty, a male Oreophryne frog in Papua, New Guinea, cradles his clutch and two newly hatched froglets. | |
14 | 保罗生于英格兰韦茅斯,虽然它已经离世,但他生前的预测仍将影响后世。 | Paul, who was hatched in Weymouth, England, may yet continue to dazzle the world with predictions from beyond the grave. | |
15 | 保罗已经2岁半了,是2008年在英格兰苇茅斯一家海洋中心孵化的。 | Paul was two-and-a-half years old and had been hatched at another centre at Weymouth in England in 2008. | |
16 | 当小鸭破壳而出,科学家们用向每只小鸭注射外来细胞的方式挑战他们的免疫系统。 | When the eggs hatched , the scientists challenged the immune system of each duckling by injecting it with foreign cells. | |
17 | 到2001年,它才打算把自己建成一个多元化的大型矿业公司。 | It hatched plans to build itself into a big, diversified mining company only in 2001. | |
18 | 地图上街区式居民地的识别与提取 | The Recognition and Extraction of Hatched Polygons on Maps | |
19 | 对于在弗雷翁手下工作,尼艾越来越感到厌倦。他计划除掉弗雷翁。 | Niai was growing tired of being in Freon’s shadow and hatched a plan to be rid of him. | |
20 | 而在这些修道士的照顾下,虽然它们没有在到达之前结茧,但蚕卵还是孵出来了。 | While under the monks’ care, the eggs hatched , though they did not cocoon before arrival. | |
21 | 方案打算让当地委员会奖励回收利用的住户,但也试图对那些倾倒过多垃圾的人狠狠予以罚款。 | Plans were hatched to let local councils reward households who recycled but also to slap fines on those who put out lots of ordinary waste. | |
22 | 封闭式钻孔机在不停气镶接工艺上的应用 | Application of Closed Type Drill in Non-stop Transmission Hatched Grafting Technics | |
23 | 附加黑色斜线的粉红部分和附加黑色交叉线的粉红部分的位置图 | Diagram showing the Location of Pink Hatched Black Area and Pink Cross Hatched Black Area | |
24 | 刚孵出的赤颈鸊鷉在妈妈羽翼的庇护下,惬意地打量着周围的一切。 | A newly hatched red-necked grebe relaxes, safe under mom’s wing. | |
25 | 刚孵化出的小鸟(术语叫做雏鸟)要用一个月的时间才能长出成年的羽毛。 | This newly hatched chick (technically called a squab) will take about a month to grow its adult feathers. | |
26 | 刚开始我们没有多少钱,也没有多少人支持或者为我们背书。 | We didn’t start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. | |
27 | 高钙日粮对蛋铜及子代出壳雏鸡体内铜含量的影响 | Effects of High-level Calcium Ration on the Concentration of Copper in Eggs and Their Newly-hatched Chickens | |
28 | 还有母鸡,你们去年共下了多少蛋?又有多少孵出了小鸡呢? | And you hens, how many eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? | |
29 | 还有羽翼未满的红尾鹰正打算沿着纽约大学校长办公室的窗台起飞。 | and the near-fledgling is a red-tailed hawk that hatched this spring on a ledge outside the office of NYU’s president. | |
30 | 黄鳍东方鲀受精卵和仔鱼对温度这种环境因子的耐受范围基本相同。 | The fertilized eggs and newly hatched larvae had almost the same tolerant ranges of temperature. |