属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-罗兴亚难民起诉Facebook煽动暴力
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- Facebook和专制统治者(1)
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 著名歌手被控性行为不正 Spotify公司移除
1 | 在攻打特洛伊城的战斗中,密涅瓦和朱诺就曾多次把他打得丢盔卸甲。他向朱庇特告状,反而被侮骂为逃兵,深为众神所不齿。 | In the battles before Troy,Minerva and Juno bring him more than once to grief;and when he complains to Jupiter,he is snubbed as a renegade most hateful of all the gods. | |
2 | 在国民党看来,共产党是比日本人更加十倍百倍地可恨的。 | To the Kuomintang, the Communist Party is ten times, nay, a hundred times more hateful than the Japanese | |
3 | 这个可恶的歹徒终于受到了惩罚。 | The hateful scoundrel was punished at last. | |
4 | 这是耶和华所厌恶的,他必须降祸于这块土地。 | This is hateful to Jehovah, who will certainly punish the land | |
5 | 这已不再是一场诉讼,而是一场战斗。我攻击他,他反击我,我加倍地进攻,于是战斗就结束了,象所有的战斗一样,其结果不是胜就是败。 | Besides, one requires the excitement of being hateful in the eyes of the accused, in order to lash one’s self into a state of sufficient vehemence and power | |
6 | 真是可恶!最后我不得不去看医生。他告诉我这很正常,不用紧张。他还给了我一些药膏。现在我放松了,我相信几天后这些青春痘就会消失。 | How hateful ! I finally went to see a doctor. He told me it was very normal and I needn’t be nervous. He gave me some ointment. I’m slack now. I believe the pimples will be all gone in several days. | |
7 | 该案认为Facebook的母公司Meta Platforms应该为未能有效阻止社交媒体上的仇恨帖子而负责。 | The case argues that Facebook’s parent company, Meta Platforms, should be held responsible for not doing enough to stop hateful posts on the social media service. | |
8 | ||1:被赶下台的美国服饰老板多夫·查尼和赶他下台的董事会之间的口水战在继续上演。||2:查尼先生面临女性员工指控其不当行为。||3:该公司还积欠着一堆债务并且销售放缓。||4:但是查尼先生发誓为免职维权,指责董事会行为“可恶”。他拥有该公司股权的27%。 | ||1: The war of words continued between Dov Charney, the ousted boss of American Apparel, and the board that sacked him. ||2: Mr Charney has faced allegations from female employees of inappropriate conduct. ||3: The company has also run up a pile of debt and sales have slackened. ||4: But Mr Charney has pledged to fight his dismissal, accusing the board of being “hateful ”. He owns 27% of the company. | |
9 | ||1:列维-斯特劳斯是卢梭的忠实信徒,后者的思想经常让他“热血沸腾”,所以,斯特劳斯是用一种超然于物外的态度观察的人类。||2:在他屈指可数的几次田野调查中(多数都是1930年代在巴西完成的),他从不和当地的族群走得太近,也不久留,所以土著语也说不了几句,并极力避免让“可恶”的个人性格特点干扰自己的研究。||3:和他口上交锋多年的让-保罗·萨特曾用辛辣的语言评价列维-斯特劳斯,说他喜欢把人类看成是一堆蚂蚁。||4:斯特劳斯做观察时,会忽略掉族群间的差异,而是注重隐秘于所有行为下面共通的模式和系统,直到他可以将所有族群的神话都归到同一个方程式。除此之外,人类所有的思考——无论是“野蛮人”的想法,还是“文明人”的思维——都是一种二元对立结构,像冷和热、白天和黑夜、生食和熟食、好和坏。||5:所有社会,无一例外,都是围绕这些对立的概念构建而成的,各种的神话故事就更不用说了。 | ||1: Obedient to Rousseau, who always “set him aflame”, Mr Lévi-Strauss observed men from afar. ||2: He never got too near or stayed too long in his rare stints of field-work, mostly in Brazil in the 1930s; he grasped only a few words of the languages, and avoided the “hateful ” distractions of individual characters. ||3: In the bitter phrase of Jean-Paul Sartre, with whom he sparred for years, he preferred to view men like ants. ||4: He focused not on their differences but on the deep-lying patterns and systems in everything they did, until he could proclaim that all tribal myths were reducible to one formula, and that all human thought, “savage” or not, was built up from binary opposites such as hot and cold, night and day, raw and cooked, good and bad. ||5: Round these concepts whole societies, as well as stories, were organised. | |
10 | ||1:在一个由专制统治者统治的地区,Facebook声称会给予“自由表达的最大可能范围”。||2:这为它赢得了大量的追随者。||3:与人口相比,这个平台在海湾国家拥有的用户比世界上任何地方都多。||4:它是许多阿拉伯人的主要新闻来源。||5:一些人甚至把它归功于2011年的阿拉伯之春抗议活动。||6:但批评人士说,自2012年上市以来,Facebook越来越关注那些为其提供访问权限的威权主义者,而对积极分子们的热情也越来越低。||7:近几个月来,从突尼斯到伊朗,它已经剔除了数百名用户,并删除了数十万条帖子。||8:“很多人觉得,Facebook不再是一个他们可以用来让权贵们承担责任的平台,”压力集团AccessNow的Marwa Fatafta表示。||9:再加上Facebook在美国面临的挑战,它在美国失去了一大批广告商,原因是它未能监管恶劣内容。 | ||1:In a region ruled by despots, Facebook claims to give “free expression maximum possible range”.||2:That has won it a vast following.||3:The platform has more users in the Gulf states than anywhere else in the world, relative to the population.||4:It is the main source of news for many Arabs.||5:Some even credit it for the Arab spring protests of 2011.||6:But since going public in 2012, Facebook has grown more mindful of the authoritarians who provide it with access, say critics, and less hospitable to activists.||7:In recent months it has culled hundreds of users from Tunisia to Iran and deleted hundreds of thousands of posts.||8:“Many people feel that Facebook is no longer a platform they can use to hold the powerful to account,” says Marwa Fatafta of Access Now, a pressure group.||9:Add to that Facebook’s challenges in America, where it has lost a slew of advertisers over its failure to police hateful content. | |
11 | 反映了其对仇恨内容和行为的新政策。 | reflecting its new policy on hate content and hateful conduct." | |
12 | (或者,我坦白,改卷子。。)但是不管你多么的讨厌它,几乎每个人都可以忍受20分钟。 | (Or, I confess, grading exams. . . ) But no matter how hateful the task, just about anyone can manage 20 minutes of it. | |
13 | (谈话中)如果你发现他还是一如既往地招人烦,你可以选择用一种特别龌龊的方式修理他。 | If you decide he’s as hateful as he always was, you have at your disposal a particularly nasty tool of torture. | |
14 | “对我自己而言,没有任何东西比一件由伎俩、矫揉造作的姿势与人造效果包裹的摄影作品更让我生厌,”奥古斯特•桑德在1927年写道。 | "NOTHING is more hateful to me than photography sugar-coated with gimmicks, poses and false effects, " wrote August Sander in 1927. | |
15 | “我不是个可恨的人,也不会容忍任何一种对他人的暴力,”这是部分节选。 | "I’m not a hateful person and don’t condone any kind of violence against others, " it read in part. | |
16 | 不过,的的确确,她对这可恨的标记的看法是没错的。 | But, in very truth, she is right as regards this hateful token. | |
17 | 除了在充满敌意的政治壁画中,我还真没有在这里见到过美国国旗。 | Apart from the ones featured in hateful political murals, I hadn’t seen an American flag. | |
18 | 崔西.摩根近日发表的憎恨同性恋的言辞,没有超越喜剧的界限;而且显得无礼且令人生厌。 | Tracy Morgan’s recent homophobic rant didn’t push the boundaries of comedy; it was hateful and offensive. | |
19 | 但是当艺术家从搞笑有趣滑向令人生厌的时候,就是应该停住大笑,斥其离开的时候了。 | But when artists slip from funny to hateful , it’s time to stop laughing and call them out on it. | |
20 | 对于精神而言,被恼人的闹钟声闹醒后横冲直撞,可没什么好处啊。 | Rushing around after being summoned by a hateful alarm clock isn’t good for the psyche. | |
21 | 否认这一事实的论调是无知和可憎的无稽之谈。 | Denying that fact is baseless. It is ignorant, and it is hateful . | |
22 | 高水平的能量在憎恨或愤怒的负面情绪引导下会令人难以置信的消耗和破坏。 | A high degree of energy that is directed in a negative manner with hateful or angry emotions is incredibly draining and destructive. | |
23 | 好在你现在已经摆脱了这个可恶的人,你应该感到高兴,孩子。 | Fortunately, you now get rid of this hateful person, you should be happy, the children. | |
24 | 就算我疯了吧,但是,在看够这类可恶的评论后,我还是期望从家里得到多一些支持。 | Call me crazy, but I expect a little more support from family, since I read enough of those hateful comments on my comboxes. | |
25 | 库珀将在网站上搜集到的潜在敌视性素材做成幻灯片,展示给了克里斯·凯利。 | He brought along a PowerPoint presentation filled with examples of potentially hateful material on the site. | |
26 | 玛拉:噢,太遗憾了,这可恶的战争。 | Myra: Oh, I’m so sorry. This hateful war. | |
27 | 玛丽安.安德森在她的一生中还多次听到过这样的恶毒的语言。 | Marian Anderson was to hear those hateful words many times again during her life. | |
28 | 首先,本报坚决支持言论自由,即便有些言论是可疑的、可恨的,或者是可笑的。 | This newspaper ardently supports the right to free speech, even when that speech is controversial, hateful or ignorant. | |
29 | 思嘉:阿希礼这么卑鄙可恨。 | SCARLETT: Ashley is so mean and hateful . | |
30 | 他或许会断定她是个充满怒气的女人,正追捕什么可恶的东西。 | He would have judged her an angry woman on the trail of something hateful . |