属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS DD CEN/TS 14821-2-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AISI COFS/HEADER DESIGN-1a-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 61834-4-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C97-181-4-2000
1 | 集水箱,蒸汽锅炉或其他蒸汽发生锅炉用或过热水锅炉用 | header for steam or other vapour generating boilers or for superheated water boilers | |
2 | 记录首部中的一个字,它包含该记录的字计数。 | A word in a record header that contains a count of the words in the record | |
3 | 将“地址”列标头右边缘的垂直条向左拖动,直到该列的宽度约为半英寸。 | Drag the vertical bar at the right edge of the Address column header to the left until the column is about a half inch wide. | |
4 | 将标题卡订到包装上予以封闭 | Staple header card to the package for a secure closure | |
5 | 降低梳穗台损失的措施分析 | Investigation on Measures of Loss Reduction of a Stripping Header | |
6 | 交通和旅游信息(TTI).通过蜂窝网络的TTI文电.编号和ADP文电标题 | Traffic and Travel Information (TTI)-TTI messages via cellular networks-Numbering and ADP message header | |
7 | 节:窗体、报表或数据访问页的一部分,如页眉、页脚或主体节。 | section: A part of a form, report, or data access page such as a header , footer, or detail section. | |
8 | 杰斯于比赛末段的头搥入球,协助威尔斯于苦战下作客胜白俄罗斯,保留出线欧洲国家杯的一丝希望。 | A late header from Ryan Giggs gave Wales a hard-earned 2-1 Group One away win over Belarus to keep alive their hopes of reaching the European Champion finals. | |
9 | 掘进机截割头截齿安装参数的检验 | Inspection of Cutting Bit Installation Parameters for Cutting Head of Mine Road Header | |
10 | 可以在窗体、报表或数据访问页的任何位置(如在页眉、页脚或主体部分)加入图片。 | You can include a picture anywhere on your form, report, or data access page- in the header section, page footer, or detail section. | |
11 | 冷成型钢架.横梁的设计 | Cold-Formed Steel Framing-Header Design | |
12 | 联管箱,省煤器或过热器用 | header for economizers or superheaters | |
13 | 联合收获机割台振动问题研究 | Study on the Header Vibration of a Combine | |
14 | 录制.家用6,35mm磁带上用数字倾斜磁迹录制的录像磁带系统(525-60,625-50,1125-60和1250-50系统).第4部分:数 | Recording-Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems)-Part 4: Pack header table and contents (IEC 61834-4:1998); | |
15 | 录制.客户用的(525-60.625-50,1125-50系统)用6.35mm磁带的螺旋式扫描数字盒式录像带录制系统.第4部分:包装 | Recording-Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems)-Part 4 : pack header table and contents. | |
16 | 路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的MAC地址装进包的报头并发送该包。 | The router updates its cache, installs the new MAC address into the packet header and launches the packet | |
17 | 每根磁带在磁带卷的开头都有标题区,以便于计算机能挑选出所需要的那一卷。 | Each tape has a header block at the start of the reel, to allow the computer to pick out the correct reel | |
18 | 末场比赛一天运动项目中的最后一场比赛,尤指两支棒球队连续两场比赛中的终场比赛 | The last event in a day’s competition,especially the final game in a baseball double-header . | |
19 | 您可以将框放置在报表的“页面页眉”、“主体”或“页面页脚”节。 | You can place the frame in the Page Header , Detail, or Page Footer section of the report. | |
20 | 您可以将这些灯号或开关按钮的讯号线连接至主机板上的Panel接针。 | Connect these leads to the panel header on the motherboard. | |
21 | 热轧层流冷却集管中流场有限元模拟及冲击压力的理论计算 | Flow Field Simulation in Header Pipe of Laminar Cooling System for Hot Rolling and Theoretical Calculation of Impact Pressure | |
22 | 如果目的地的MAC地址出现了,该路由器就把这个MAC地址装进包的报头中(取掉自己的MAC地址,因为不再需要它了),把该包送到目的端站。 | If the destination\’s MAC address appears, the router installs that MAC address in the packet header (removing its own MAC address because that\’s no longer needed)and sends the packet to the destination end station | |
23 | 如果要向特定部分(例如窗体页眉或页脚部分)添加背景图片,请参阅本文下一部分。 | If you want to add a background picture to a specific section, such as a form header or page footer, see the next section of this article. | |
24 | 如果组没有标题节,请设置页眉节的 PageBreakBefore 属性。 | If the group doesn′t have a caption section, set the PageBreakBefore property of the header section. | |
25 | 若要在不同的页上打印每个细节记录,请将最低分组级别的页眉节的 PageBreakBefore 或 PageBreakAfter 属性设为 Always。 | To print each detail record on a separate page, set the PageBreakBefore or PageBreakAfter property of the header section of the lowest group level to Always. | |
26 | 若要在独立页上打印各个组,请双击组页眉?的节选定器,并将“强制分页”属性设为“节前”。 | To print each group on a separate page, double-click the section selector of the group header , and set the ForceNewPage property to Before Section. Alternatively. | |
27 | 双击组页眉?的节选定器来显示其属性表。 | Double-click the section selector?of the group header ?to display the property sheet. | |
28 | 水管式集水箱,蒸汽发生锅炉用 | watertube header for steam-generating boilers | |
29 | 他跌了一跤而栽到沟里去了。 | He stumbled and took a header into the ditch. | |
30 | 他跌了一跤而栽到沟去了。 | He stumbled and took a header into the ditch. |