属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 卡斯特罗来到华盛顿
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱在潜逃路 惊悚小说也催泪
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:被指心机太重 女星删文致歉粉丝
1 | 我向澳门特别行政区同胞和台湾同胞以及广大侨胞,向一切关心和支持中国现代化建设的各国朋友,表示衷心的感谢! | I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese, and to our foreign friends who care about and support China’s modernization drive! | |
2 | 我要向你表示衷心的感谢。 | I must offer my heartfelt thanks to you. | |
3 | 现在我向你们表示衷心的感谢。 | Now I extend my heartfelt thanks to you. | |
4 | 向所有为西藏的和平解放和繁荣发展作出贡献的同志们、朋友们,表示崇高的敬意!向一切关心和支持西藏发展进步的国际友人,表示衷心的感谢! | Our high tribute goes to all the comrades and friends who have contributed to the peaceful liberation, prosperity and development of Tibet, and heartfelt thanks to the foreign friends who have cared for and supported the development and progress of Tibet. | |
5 | 向新就任的香港特别行政区第二任行政长官董建华先生和第二届政府主要官员、行政会议成员,表示衷心的祝贺! | our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, the newly-appointed second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, the principal officials of his second term and members of the Executive Council. | |
6 | 向在座的各位以及一切为增进我们两国人民友谊做出的贡献的各界人士,表示衷心的感谢 | I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those, present or not, who have helped enhance the friendship between our two peoples | |
7 | 欣闻到阁下荣升为《中国日报》主编,至感欣慰,并借此机会向阁下致以诚挚的祝贺。敬祝阁下未来的事业不断成功。 | It is with great pleasure to learn of your recent promotion managing editor of China Daily and I welcome this opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations to your on this occasion.May you enjoy continued success in your future endeavors. | |
8 | 一声亲切的问候,表达我的无限关心,一份温馨的祝福,是我深深的惦念。 | This cordial greeting is my enormous care for you. This rich blessing is my heartfelt longing for you. | |
9 | 在此,我要向包括欧盟企业家在内的所有支持中国加入世界贸易组织的朋友表示感谢 | So I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to friends who have supported China′s accession to the WTO, including business people from the European Union. | |
10 | 在这悲恸的时刻,谨致诚挚的同情和深切的慰问。 | With heartfelt sympathy and understanding thoughts in this time of sadness. | |
11 | 在这里,我代表中共中央,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界爱国人士, | Here, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of all our ethnic groups, the democratic parties, people′s organizations and patriots from all walks of life, | |
12 | 这从礼物真是太好了,会给我带来许多快乐。我不妨告诉你,收到照相机后我已用上了。再次感谢你的关心! | It is truly an attractive gift and one that would bring me many hours of pleasure and delight. I might just add that I have already put it to use. My heartfelt thanks for your thoughtfulness. | |
13 | 这是一个练习,它已帮助许多人改变了人生,帮助人们变得更加平和、更富有爱心。每周花几分钟写一封真心诚意的信,可以让你受益匪浅。 | This is an exercise that has helped to change many lives,assisting people in becoming more peaceful and loving.Taking a few minutes each week to write a heartfelt letter does many things to you. | |
14 | 这些成绩完全是统一企业集团全体同仁勤奋敬业,与消费大众爱护支持共同开创出来的。 | These accomplishments are the result of integrity and diligence from all employees, as well as the heartfelt support of the general public. | |
15 | 致以深切的慰问。 | My heartfelt condolence to you | |
16 | 总裁不幸去世,深表哀悼,并请转达对其家人的深切慰问。 | Please accept my heartfelt condolence on president untimely pass please convey our profound sympathy to bereaved family | |
17 | ||1:他相信是平权法案帮助他和他的双胞胎兄弟华金(自2013年起就是圣安东尼奥市的一名国会议员)一起从城市高中读到斯坦福大学,然后是哈佛大学法学院。||2:但他没有轻易被种族标签捕获。||3:他说英语长大(他在成为市长后开始慎重地上西班牙语课程)。||4:他衣冠楚楚而且有点一本正经,看起来像一名公司律师。||5:他呼吁民主党人不要把拉美裔人的集体投票看成是理所当然。||6:这是他衷心提出的好建议。||7:很多人看到他在为2018年的德克萨斯州州长竞选做准备,那时有些油嘴滑舌的人声称不断增加的拉美裔人会将该州变成民主党的天下。||8:然而在十一月份的竞选中44%的德克萨斯拉美裔选民支持共和党做州长,该州暂时仍然会是保守派的天下。 | ||1:He credits affirmative action with helping him and his identical twin brother Joaquín (since 2013 a member of Congress for San Antonio) to travel together from a city high school to Stanford University, then Harvard Law School.||2:But ethnic labels do not easily capture him.||3:He grew up speaking English (he began discreet Spanish lessons as mayor).||4:Dapper and a bit prim, he could be a corporate lawyer.||5:He urges Democrats not to take a monolithic Hispanic vote for granted.||6:That is good advice and, from him, heartfelt .||7:Many saw him running for governor of Texas in 2018, by which time some glibly asserted that a soaring Latino population would turn the state Democratic.||8:Yet in November’s elections 44% of Texan Hispanic voters backed a Republican for governor: the state will be conservative for a while yet. | |
18 | ||1:这名落魄的父亲虽然满嘴谎言,善于编造身份,也许是个危险人物,他将跑路六日娓娓道来,语言却也赏心悦目。||2:女作家不惜笔墨,主角形象丰满,读后令人同情,此乃小说最大亮点。||3:她笔下的埃里克时而富有远见卓识,时而滑稽古怪不负责任,时而自欺欺人,时而头脑清醒。||4:提到下定切断过去远逃异乡的决心时,埃里克如此解释:“每次我的女儿离开时,世界了无生机,我再也受不了了。”||5:他的叙述充满歉意和真诚,成就一部深刻思考绝望亲情的惊悚小说,其中不乏美丽的语言。 | ||1: The description of the next six days, written by this serial liar, self-inventor and troubled, possibly dangerous man, is riveting. ||2: Ms Gaige’s main achievement is to inhabit her protagonist so thoroughly that the reader cannot help but empathise. ||3: Eric is by turns insightful, funny, bizarre and irresponsible, at once self-deceiving and self-aware. ||4: Explaining his decision to cut and run, he writes: “I couldn’t take it any more, the way the wind went out of the world whenever my daughter left.” ||5: In his apologetic, heartfelt voice, the novel becomes an intense, often beautiful meditation on the desperate love of a parent for a child. | |
19 | 词汇掌故:坦诚交流 | Heart to Heart: Some Heartfelt Expressions | |
20 | 但这种魔力可能超出了大多数画廊和艺术家的能力。在巴塞尔艺术展上,白立方的英国艺术家特蕾西·埃明用冰蓝色的霓虹灯表达了一个发自内心的要求:“移动我”(前页图片)。如果在线则做不到如此。 | But such wizardry may be beyond most galleries and artists. For Art Basel, Tracey Emin, a British artist at White Cube, exhibited a heartfelt demand spelled out in icyblue neon: “Move me” (pictured on previous page). At a distance, that is hard. | |
21 | 为表歉意,海瑟薇更换了一张新图写到,“为避免被误解,帖子已经及时删除”此外还诚恳的表示:“我从不会借别人攻击任何人。” | To make amends, Hathaway replaced the image with a new one that read, "Post removed for unintended shade thrown," with a heartfelt caption: "It never occurred to me I was pitting anyone against each other. | |
22 | 安妮(克里斯汀·韦格(KristenWiig)饰,且是两个编剧之一)手拿香槟在台上发表了一段衷心的祝福。 | Annie (played by Kristen Wiig, who co-wrote the script) takes to the stage, glass of champagne in hand, and makes a short, heartfelt toast. | |
23 | 奥巴马的特情组人员为他准备了一份礼物,不过吉布斯仅透露这份礼物“很有心”。 | Obama’s Secret Service detail got him a present, though Gibbs would describe it only as "heartfelt . " | |
24 | 奥巴马像这个视频一样真诚而又雄辩的申明却折磨着自由主义者们。 | But heartfelt , eloquent statements like this video seem to torment liberals. | |
25 | 但给自己选笔名的话,感觉瞬间不同,这可是影响到自我认同和家庭传统的大事,必须用心对待。 | But what happens when you have to choose a pen name? Suddenly, it’s personal and heartfelt , challenging your identity and family history. | |
26 | 但是如果您对自己的话题没有深刻的、发自内心深处的自信,那么一切将化为乌有。 | Yes, you need professional, well designed visuals. But it is all for naught if you do not have a deep, heartfelt belief in your topic. | |
27 | 当初我看到一件汗衫上写”坏人真臭“时我想,总算有一个以简洁方法表达出衷心的情绪了。 | The first time I saw a T-shirt that said "mean people suck, " I thought, Now, there is a heartfelt sentiment, succinctly expressed. | |
28 | 当有人给你一个真心的道歉,不是会让你感觉好点吗? | Doesn’t it make you feel better when someone gives a heartfelt apology? | |
29 | 第二天他在伦敦发表‘破碎社会’的演讲比他总结其他主题都要更上心。 | A speech he gives in London the following day on "the broken society" has the heartfelt quality he struggles to summon for other subjects. | |
30 | 对wabi-sabi的简单性最好形容为一种冷静,谦虚,真心实意智慧达成的优雅状态。 | The simplicity of wabi-sabi is best described as the state of grace arrived at by a sober, modest, heartfelt intelligence. |