属类:文学表达-外国名著-George Gordon Byron
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息
1 | 〞你知道吗?自从玛丽的父亲病了,她一次也没有开车去看他。〞〞我相信,她原来就是一个无情无义的女孩。〞 | "Do you know that Mary hasn’t once driven over to see her father since he has been ill? ""I can well believe it. She always was a heartless girl." | |
2 | 帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。 | ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast | |
3 | 对犯罪行为进行冷酷的分析是…我生活和心理活动的一部分(斯科特·图罗) | The heartless hip analysis of crime is.a part of my life and my mentation(Scott Turow) | |
4 | 对印度的生存如此重要的家庭手工业遭到了灭顶之灾。就像英国一些目击者所说,其过程之惨无人道是难以置信的。 | The cottage industry, so vital for India’s existence, has been ruined by incredibly heartless and inhuman processes as described by English witnesses | |
5 | 而斐利亚·福克心里显然是只想到英勇果敢地,而不是深情脉脉地尽自己的义务。 | Phileas Fogg, though brave and gallant, must be, he thought, quite heartless | |
6 | 芬妮这一代的女孩子,还不能花一便士就获得十六页的有趣享受,看到许多罪恶和凶杀故事,以及好人如何受欺侮,贵族如何毫无心肝地勾引妇女等等。 | The girls of Fanny’s generation were not enabled to purchase sixteen pages of excitement for a penny, rich with histories of crime, murder, oppressed virtue, and the heartless seductions of the aristocracy | |
7 | 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。 | The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. | |
8 | 她那容光焕发的微笑似乎是残酷的。 | Smile seemed heartless in its brilliancy | |
9 | 她怎能如此无情? | How can she be so heartless ? | |
10 | 落花有意,流水无情 | shedding petals, the waterside flower pines for love; while the heartless brook babbles on; unrequited love | |
11 | 落花有意,流水无情 | The waterside flower pining for love sheds petals,while the heartless brook babbles on. | |
12 | 你不告而别实在太狠心了。 | It was heartless of you to leave without saying good-bye. | |
13 | 你是个狠心的家伙。 | You are heartless | |
14 | 你以为,因为很穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂没有心吗? | Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless ? | |
15 | 你这个无情无义的家伙! | You heartless bastard ! | |
16 | 劝人生,济困扶穷,休似俺那爱银钱忘骨肉的狠舅奸兄! | Men should rescue the distressed and aid the poor; Be not like her heartless uncle or treacherous cousin | |
17 | 人们认为拜伦勋爵比任何其他诗人更象自己创造的英雄人物--即富于浪漫色彩的旅游者恰尔德·哈罗德;被社会摈弃的曼弗雷德;愤世嫉俗,铁石心肠的情人唐·璜。 | More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes---with Childe Harold, the romantic traveller; with Manfred, the outcast from society; with Don Juan, the cynical, heartless lover. | |
18 | 上海等处的失业问题即吃饭问题,完全是帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义和国民党反动政府的残酷无情的压迫和剥削的结果。 | In places like Shanghai, the problem of unemployment, or of feeding the population, arose solely because of cruel, heartless oppression and exploitation by imperialism, feudalism, bureaucrat-capitalism and the reactionary Kuomintang government | |
19 | 斯坦霍普家虽然冷漠无情,却并不自私。 | Though heartless , the Stanhopes were not selfish | |
20 | 他是个寡情薄义的人。 | He is a heartless man. | |
21 | 他有时会为一只宠爱的小狗之死而悲悲切切,可有时,他的冷酷无情甚至会使残暴的罗马皇帝也感到震惊。 | He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder | |
22 | 他在那些大胆而残忍的妇女把所有她们的男子杀死之后,曾经在雷姆诺岛旁边经过。 | He later journeyed through the isle of Lemnos whose bold and heartless females, earlier, had slaughtered every male upon the island; | |
23 | 他只是狡猾,善于计谋,而且没有心肝。 | He was just shrewd and calculating and heartless | |
24 | 它们可以附庸于世故的俗人,附庸于玩世不恭的浪子。唉,当他们用度它伪装起来的时,就更增加了他们外表上的冷静、快活和魅力。 | They may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless , pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked, out in them. | |
25 | 我非常讨厌我们许多大公司没良心只顾赚钱的商品主义. | I dislike the heartless commercialism of many of our big companies. | |
26 | 我可不象你,你是一个没心没肺的人,只指望永远不再见到他们。” | not like you, heartless creature, who would be glad never to see them again." | |
27 | 无家可归的乞丐把他当作仁慈的保护神,希望他给予同情和怜悯。 | The homeless beggar looked to him as a merciful guardian who punished the heartless , and delighted to reward pity and sympathy | |
28 | 无情的命运并没有离开今天早晨感到十分快乐的加布里埃尔。 | Heartless circumstance could not leave entire gabriel’s happiness of this morning | |
29 | 在这件事情上,我们是很没有良心哩! | On this matter we are quite heartless ! | |
30 | ||1:但1914年圣诞背后的含义有被混说之嫌。||2:在许多传说中,那次休战被看做战士们在对命运的不祥预感之下,做出的一种无声抗议,是无情的指挥官把他们送往坟墓之前,寻常战士做出的人性宣言。||3:但它在历史记载中显然更复杂。||4:那是一战经历的第一个12月,战壕刚被挖好,交战双方都以为胜券在握。||5:1914年那场小规模的圣诞休战,若说它代表了反战主义,那它一定也代表着交战双方错寄的信心。||6:休战的意义很模糊,史上首次工业战争的参与者几乎不了解,前方有多少鏖战。||7:当他们意识到苦涩的现实,就少有人有心情呼唤敌军,一起做欢乐的圣诞游戏了。 | ||1:Yet the meaning of Christmas 1914 is in danger of being muddled.||2:In too many tellings, the truce is hailed as something between a protest and a premonition: a declaration of shared humanity by ordinary soldiers, before heartless commanders sent them to their deaths.||3:History’s record is more complicated.||4:That first December the trenches were newly dug, and both sides could imagine that total victory was at hand.||5:The small-scale Christmas truces of 1914 were as much a display of misplaced confidence as an outbreak of pacifism.||6:The truces’ moral is rather bleak: those embarking on the first industrial war had little idea of the murderous stalemate that lay ahead.||7:After bitter reality sank in, few called for cheery Christmas games with the enemy. |