属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美国参议员呼吁采取地面行动打击伊斯兰国武装分子
1 | 次神们认为这是滔天大罪,并拒绝为伊克西翁涤罪。 | The lesser gods thought this a heinous deed, and refused to purify Ixion | |
2 | 但其中若干人物,由于犯罪行为,例如罪大恶极的反动分子而为人民告发并审查属实者,仍应没收其企业及财产。 | But among these, the enterprises and property of certain persons who have committed criminal offences, such as reactionaries guilty of heinous crimes which have been reported by the people and confirmed, shall be confiscated | |
3 | 对于罪大恶极的不能手软。 | We should not be soft on people who are guilty of the most heinous crimes. | |
4 | 而对寻常事物若不是感到特别高兴就成了骇人听闻。“太恐怖了”。“啊,令人发指”。 | And to not be overly delighted by the mundane is appalling. It’s horrific. And, Dude, that’s heinous . | |
5 | 里根虽然对苏联的凶残行径表示了遗憾,但却拒绝考虑采取诸如重新实行谷物禁运或取消美苏削减核导弹会谈这一类步骤。 | While deploring the heinous nature of the Soviet act, Mr. Reagan has ruled out such steps as reimposing the grain embargo or calling off the U. S.-Soviet talks on reducing nuclear missiles | |
6 | 那个人犯有弥天大罪。 | That man committed heinous crimes. | |
7 | 那些罪大恶极的土豪劣绅、恶霸、反革命,你说杀不杀呀? | Should the local tyrants and evil gentry, despots and counter-revolutionaries who have committed heinous crimes be put to death? | |
8 | 你把悲哀过分看重了。 | You hold too heinous a respect of grief | |
9 | 其罪大恶极者,可根据乡村农民团体的请求送到乡村处理。 | Upon the request of the village peasant organizations those who have committed the most heinous crimes may be sent back to the villages to be dealt with | |
10 | 死刑只适用于罪行极其严重的犯罪分子。 | The death penalty is only to be applied to criminal elements who commit the most heinous crimes. | |
11 | 他感到自己大逆不道。 | He felt he was heinous | |
12 | 他们承认了极其恶劣的罪行。 | They admitted to the most heinous crimes. | |
13 | 我不想见那个十恶不赦的人。 | I do not want to meet that heinous person | |
14 | 我不想见那个十恶不赦的人。 | I do not want to meet that heinous person. | |
15 | 一个十恶不赦的大罪在老百姓中引起强烈反响 | A heinous crime that seized the minds and emotions of the populace. | |
16 | 重罪. | a heinous crime | |
17 | ||1:5月25日,明尼阿波利斯的一名警察跪杀了乔治·弗洛伊德,这一事件导致美国各城市爆发了大规模的反种族主义抗议活动。||2:“撤资警察”成为了激进左派的一个主流口号,该口号旨在呼吁将用于执法的部分资金重新分配给其他部门。||3:总统唐纳德·特朗普声称,“这场反警察运动……发生了令人震惊的枪击、杀戮和令人发指的暴力犯罪。”||4:7月22日,特朗普宣布将派遣大批联邦探员前往芝加哥,阿尔伯克基地区等警察多的城市,(尽管部署在俄勒冈州波特兰市的联邦探员正在开始撤离。) | ||1:The death of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer on May 25th has sparked large anti-racist protests in cities across America.||2:“Defund the police”, a call to reallocate some of the money spent on law enforcement to other services, is becoming a mainstream slogan on the left.||3:President Donald Trump claims that the “anti-police crusade…has led to a shocking explosion of shootings, killings, murders and heinous crimes of violence.”||4:On July 22nd he announced he would send a surge of federal agents to police big cities, including Chicago and Albuquerque (although those that had been deployed in Portland, Oregon, are starting to leave.) | |
18 | ||1:而古老的话语往往是最有力的。||2:一些报纸报道称,已名誉扫地、现已过世的金融家杰弗里?爱泼斯坦与“未成年女性”“ cavorted 嬉戏”;他强奸、贩卖少女。||3:同样地,一些人想要抛弃“child pornography 儿童色情”这个术语,因为它指的是一种十恶不赦的犯罪行为,而不是像成人那样自愿表演。||4:有时人们似乎不能谈论性暴力,除非是在双方知情同意的基础上改编的。 | ||1:And the old words are often the most powerful.||2:Activists have berated newspapers which reported that Jeffrey Epstein, a disgraced and now-dead financier, “cavorted” with “underage women”; he raped and trafficked teenage girls.||3:Similarly, some want to ditch the term “child pornography”, since it refers to a heinous criminal enterprise, not consenting performances as in the adult kind.||4:It sometimes seems people cannot talk about sexual violence except in terms adapted from consensual relations. | |
19 | 联合国安理会周日称这一杀戮行为是“可憎的和懦弱的。”安理会称对此负责的那些人“将被追究责任。” | The U.N. Security Council Sunday called the killing "heinous and cowardly." It said those responsible "shall be held accountable." | |
20 | Microsoft所犯的更可恶罪行之一是将动词“toarchitect”引入到英语。 | One of the more heinous crimes perpetrated by Microsoft is the introduction of the verb "to architect" into English. | |
21 | 巴基斯坦外长库雷希(ShahMehmoodQureshi)对此次袭击予以谴责,称一定会将罪犯绳之以法。 | Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi condemned the "heinous crime" and said the culprits would be brought to justice. | |
22 | 并明确表示他可以动用一切所需资源来调查这起凶残的案件 | And made it clear he will have every single resource that he needs to investigate this heinous crime | |
23 | 但如果我音乐体育计算机好得让人发指,葡萄牙语说得跟母语似的,但是数学英语和化学全不及格,我也是个差生。 | But if my music sports computer’s heinous , Portuguese say with native English and math, but I failed, the chemical is a difference. | |
24 | 德意志第三帝国,1933-1945,可以说拥有史上最可恨的政体。 | The Third Reich, 1933-1945, was arguably the most heinous regime in history. | |
25 | 而且,依我的经验,另一种选择:酒店,则意味着不是得忍受可怕的食物就是忍受可憎的费用。 | And, in my experience, the alternative, a hotel, means suffering either hideous food or heinous expense. | |
26 | 范德比尔特不仅逍遥法外,而且在两年后又以极其凶狠的手段对政府进行弓一次巨大的诈骗。 | Not only was he unmolested, but two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiarly heinous conditions. | |
27 | 即使是最十恶不赦的罪行也是源于人们作出的错误的选择,屈服于诱惑。 | Even the most heinous of crimes began when someone made a wrong choice and gave into temptation. | |
28 | 即只要之前那次前科并非过分严重,则非暴力和非恶性犯罪不算做“三振出局”。 | It would have stopped counting non-violent, non-serious crimes as third strikes, unless a previous strike was heinous . | |
29 | 另一个好处:在现有建筑上安装太阳能系统将不会增加已经受到人们憎恶的物业税。 | Another perk: installing solar on existing buildings will not trigger a rise in California’s already heinous property taxes. | |
30 | 诺里斯先生说,“我们花在这家伙身上的时间与那些十恶不赦罪犯的一样多。” | We spend the same amount of time on that guy as on someone who’s done something heinous . |