属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由贸易 倾斜的海运
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-缅因州培训渔民进行水产养殖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-有翅膀的恶魔 沿海居民的梦魇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 我烧青鱼前先把鱼鳞刮去。 | I scraped the scales off a herring before I cooked it. | |
2 | 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸 | as salt as a herring | |
3 | 咸得象腌鲱鱼, 极咸 | salt as a herring | |
4 | 现代风格的附加部分和原先的维多利亚式建筑物的结合是不伦不类的。 | The combination of the modern style extension and the original Victorian building is neither flesh,nor fowl nor good red herring . | |
5 | 想一想,穿黑白格子呢的衣服,配一只樱桃红的包,或者褐色皮包的华美与深蓝色的人字呢衣服相配形成的反差。 | Think of a cherry red bag worn with a black and white glen plaid, or the richness of brown leather against navy herring bone. | |
6 | 熏鲱,烟熏的(鲱鱼或鲭鱼)一种体型较大的鲭鱼或鲱鱼,微用烟薰和盐腌 | A large mackerel or herring ,lightly smoked and salted. | |
7 | 熏鲱鱼. | red herring | |
8 | 以孔雀石绿为探针电化学分析法测定鲱鱼精DNA | Electrochemical Determination of Herring Sperm DNA Using Malachite Green as Probe | |
9 | 用鱼饵钓大鱼;吃小亏占大便宜;抛砖引玉. | throw a sprat to catch a herring (mackerel, whale) | |
10 | 幼鲱年幼的鲱鱼和类似的鱼 | The young of herring and similar fish. | |
11 | 在靠近水面觅食的鱼类,如鲱鱼、鲐鱼等,鱼鳃会被网眼扣着。用这种方法捕鱼,黄昏时布网,清晨由渔船收网捞鱼。 | Fish feeding near the surface, such as herring and mackerel, get their gill caught in the mesh (the holes in the net). In this kind of fishing the net is put out at dusk. at dawn the fishing boat hauls in the catch. | |
12 | 在欧洲被加工并制成熏鱼来卖。在加拿大东部和美国东北部,供食用的鲱鱼大部分是幼鱼,制成沙丁鱼罐头。在太平洋捕到的鲱鱼主要用于制造鱼油和鱼粉 | In Europe they are processed and sold as kippered herring ; in eastern Canada and the northeastern U.S., most of the herring used are young fishes canned as sardines. Herring taken in the Pacific are used mainly to make fish oil and meal. | |
13 | 这个部长策划组织了一个集团,把鱼籽酱罐头贴上鲱鱼标签向西欧走私。 | The minister had masterminded a ring that smuggled caviar in cans labeled "herring " to Western Europe | |
14 | 这故事可转移公众对这件事的注意力。 | This story is a red herring to divert public attention from this issue. | |
15 | 这座教堂既有诺曼式的塔,又有哥特式的门面,不伦不类。 | This church has a Norman tower and a gothic facade; it’s neither fish flesh nor good red herring | |
16 | 指性质不确定;非驴非马;不伦不类 | neither fish, flesh nor good red herring | |
17 | 中日太平洋鲱形态学比较研究 | Morphological Comparison of Pacific Herring Clupea pallasii in China and Japan | |
18 | 紫外辐射对鲱鱼精DNA溶液影响的拉曼光谱研究 | Effects of UV Radiation on Herring Sperm’s DNA in Aqueous Solution. A Raman Spectroscopic Study | |
19 | ||1:航运业保护主义已经有一百年的历史了。美国经济学家罗亚尔·米克在1905年做的一项研究解释了伊丽莎白一世在任期间的补贴制度是怎样制定的。||2:补贴是基于船舶吨位确定的,包括对驶往北海捕获鲱鱼的渔船提供的奖金。||3:亚当·斯密在《国富论》中给出了一个早期的经济分析,他感叹道:“装配船舶的唯一目的恐怕不是捕鱼,而是为了得到津贴。”||4:救济金(补贴)扭曲了造船业,引致了捕捞船队过于庞大、资源配置不当。 | ||1:Protectionism in shipping is centuries old. In a 1905 study* Royal Meeker, an American economist, explained how a system of subsidies developed under Elizabeth I.||2:Rewards were based on tonnage of ship, and included “bounties” paid to fishing boats heading for the North Sea in search of herring .||3:Adam Smith provided an early economic analysis in “The Wealth of Nations”, lamenting: “It has, I am afraid, been too common for vessels to fit out for the sole purpose of catching, not the fish, but the bounty.”||4:The handouts distorted the shipbuilding industry, resulting in an oversize fishing fleet and a misallocation of resources. | |
20 | 贝利先生表示,鳕鱼学院以挪威和日本再培训居无定所的鲱鱼和金枪鱼渔民项目为基础。这些政府赞助的项目创办于30多年前。 | Mr. Belle says the Cod Academy is based on programs to retrain displaced herring and tuna fishermen in Norway and Japan. These government-sponsored programs started more than thirty years ago. | |
21 | 每年的这个时候,多达七十五万只鲭鸥(通常的海鸥品种)在英国盘旋,所以全国范围内的限量捕杀成本高昂。 | At this time of year up to 750,000 herring gulls (the archetypal seagull) circle over Britain, so a nationwide cull would be costly. | |
22 | 他的故事设定在忠诚岛上,这是一座华盛顿州海岸线外的一座半岛。岛上“充斥着鲱鱼、镍漆的味道和挺锚处和海岸边飘来的腐烂的海藻的臭味。” | His story is set on Loyalty Island, a thin peninsula off the coast of Washington state, full of “the stink of herring , nickel paint, and kelp rotting on moorings and beaches”. | |
23 | 再生能源目标:用绿色来转移注意力 | Renewable Energy Targets: A green red herring | |
24 | “把罪名安插在中国、巴西和印度,只不过是转移视线的把戏。”他说道。 | "The blame put on China, Brazil and India is nothing but a red herring to distract people’s attention from the real problem, " he said. | |
25 | “红鲱鱼(redherring)”指的是分心,不注意真正的问题所在。 | A "red herring " is a distraction, something that takes attention away from the real issue. | |
26 | 《地狱之火与鲱鱼》是一部相当出色的作品,它以优美的叙述及丰富的情感再现了过去的时光,同时又不流于那些毫无来由的多愁善感。 | "Hellfire and Herring " is a masterly work that enlivens the past with beauty and emotion, yet never sags into soft-focus sentimentality. | |
27 | 《红鲱鱼》(RedHerring)杂志上月曾预测,罗林斯的任期不会超过2007年。 | Last month Red Herring magazine predicted that Mr Rollins would not survive 2007 in post. | |
28 | 奥米茄-3s的最好来源是野生的三文鱼、沙丁鱼、鲱鱼或者小的比目鱼。 | The best sources of omega-3s are wild salmon, sardines, herring or small halibut. | |
29 | 保护环境往往被描述为政治上用来转移注意力以降低美国商业的竞争力。 | Protecting the environment is often portrayed as a political red herring that undercuts how competitive American business can be. | |
30 | 北方人相信,极光就是成群的鲱鱼将鳞光反射到了天际。 | The northerners believed the aurora was a reflection cast by large swarms of herring into the sky. |