属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 6025-D-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 6005-B-1989
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 6019-E-1989
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 6021-G-1989
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 6010-F-1997
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦效应 英国正步入种族多样化
1 | 常用的斜纹变化组织是人字斜纹。 | A frequent variation of the twill weave is the herringbone . | |
2 | 对塞焊焊缝的详细检查表明在焊渣及气孔附近,焊缝中存在着人字型裂纹。 | Close examination of the plug welds showed the existence of herringbone patterns near the slag and voids in welds | |
3 | 封闭螺旋,人字和螺旋伞形齿轮驱动声音 | Sound for Enclosed Helical, Herringbone , and Spiral Bevel Gear Drives | |
4 | 滚动磨人字形齿轮和垂直齿轮的动力级别 | Power Rating for Helical and Herringbone Gearing for Rolling Mill Service | |
5 | 立体人字呢面料的开发 | Development of deep-textured Herringbone Effect Knitted Fabric | |
6 | 人字齿轮齿面应力的接触元分析 | Contacting Element of Tooth Surface Stress of Herringbone Gears | |
7 | 人字花纹轮胎附着力大,通过性强,行驶速度高 | Herringbone tread tires with great cohesive force for excellent passage and high travel speed | |
8 | 人字呢(布). | herringbone tweed(twill) | |
9 | 人字形螺旋槽干气密封在循环氢压机上的应用 | Application of Herringbone Spiral Groove Dry Gas Seal to Circulating Hydrogen Compressor | |
10 | 人字形织法. | a herringbone weave | |
11 | 生产出人字形图案 | To produce a herringbone pattern. | |
12 | 使用正齿轮,螺旋,人字形,垂直伞形齿轮或螺旋伞形齿轮的齿轮降速马达 | Gearmotors Using Spur, Helical, Herringbone , Straight Bevel or Spiral Bevel Gears | |
13 | 使用正齿轮,螺旋齿轮和人字齿轮的轴杆的固定和螺纹传送驱动装置 | Shaft Mounted and Screw Conveyor Drives Using Spur, Helical, and Herringbone Gears | |
14 | 以人字形排列或装饰 | To arrange or decorate with a herringbone pattern. | |
15 | 在英国,为了加固楼板的支承梁并加强其强度,通常在楼板梁之间安装一定间隔的剪刀撑。既可以用最有效的坚固支撑物,也可以用人字形剪刀撑,如图8所示。 | In order to stiffen floor joists and add to their strength, it is normal in Britain to fix strutting between hem at regular intervals. This can either be solid strutting, the most effective, or herringbone strutting as shown in Fig. 8. | |
16 | 这一纺织方式可以有多种变化,如可以改变斜纹的方向(使之成为青鱼骨架状)或改变其角度。 | The weave can be varied in many ways-for example, by changing the direction of the twill line (as in herringbone twill)or its angle. | |
17 | 正齿轮,垂直和人字形,伞齿轮封闭驱动 | Spur, Helical, Herringbone , and Bevel Enclosed Drives | |
18 | ||1:伦敦南部一个富裕的小镇肯尼(Kent),尽管一开始起步低,但2001年来少数民族的人口增长了115%。||2: 而伦敦北部一个乡下郊区小镇赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire),少数人口数量翻了一番。||3:很多人都搬到了一些比如肯尼的阿什福德,赫特福德郡的韦林花园城。||4:这些城镇有方正型的房子,随意的道路布局,许多但不特别分部的绿化植物和人字铺砖。||5:当地的政策围绕着阻碍绿地发展的项目。 | ||1:In Kent, an affluent county south of London, the size of the ethnic-minority population has grown by 115% since 2001, albeit from a low base.||2:In Hertfordshire, a rural and suburban county north of London, it has doubled.||3:Many of the incomers are moving into Milton Keynes-esque places such as Ashford, in Kent, and Welwyn Garden City, in Hertfordshire.||4:These towns have boxy houses, rational road layouts, plentiful but not especially distinguished greenery, and “herringbone ” brick paving.||5:Local politics revolves around blocking development on greenbelt land. | |
19 | 采用角度变位-正传动变位齿轮设计的轧机人字齿轮座 | The Rolling Mill Herringbone Gear Stand Designed with Angle Position Change-the Positive Drive Profile Shifted Gear | |
20 | 抽油机双圆弧人字齿轮减速器串轴的主要原因与分析 | Main causes and the analyses of the wrongly-connected axle of double-circular- arc herringbone gear reducer of beam pump | |
21 | 错齿双圆弧人字齿轮的刚度计算 | Calculation of meshing stiffness of herringbone gear with staggering tooth | |
22 | 鲱骨状根构型对典型土体抗倾覆力的有限元分析 | Finite element analysis of herringbone -like root anchorage in representative soil types | |
23 | 固定式人字抱杆立杆时的几个关键问题分析 | Analysis of Several Key Points in Fixed Herringbone Holding Poles | |
24 | 合成鱼骨外形氮化镓纳米棒 | Synthesis of GaN Nanorods with Herringbone Morphology | |
25 | 将这种橡胶被移去时,硅还保持原来的弯曲形态而不会破坏,从而构成了一种人字型排列。 | When the rubber is released, the silicon buckles but does not break, forming a sort of herringbone pattern. | |
26 | 结论表明有限元模拟方法可用于评价此种传动副的传动性能。 | The conclusion indicates that the finite element emulation method can be used to estimate the transmission performance of herringbone gears. | |
27 | 京南船闸人字门液压启闭机油缸密封检修技术改进 | Improvement of seal examining and repairing technique for main cylinder of hydraulic servomotors of ship locks with herringbone -style gates | |
28 | 冷却塔人字柱脚手架的施工方法 | Scaffold construction of herringbone column in cooling tower works | |
29 | 铝箔轧制过程中的麻皮缺陷 | Analysis of herringbone marks defect during aluminum foil rolling | |
30 | 平行齿轮包括直齿轮,平行螺旋齿轮,人字齿轮,齿轮齿条 | Parallel gear includes spur gears, Parallel helical gears, Herringbone gears and Rack and pinion. |