1 | 云雾常常遮掩了梦幻般的阿尔卑斯山脉。 | Most often mist hides the illusory Alps | |
2 | 在商业上,它在制造乳酪时使用,也在皮革工业中被用来除动物皮上的毛和残留的组织,还可被用来将废弃的照相底片上含银的白明胶层消化以回收银。 | It is used commercially in some cheese making, in the leather industry to remove hair and residual tissue from hides , and in the recovery of silver from discarded photographic films by digesting the gelatin layer that holds the silver. | |
3 | 在这些囚徒和火焰之间是一条小径,一道矮墙顺着小径修建,就像演木偶戏所用的遐布、矮墙把演员的身体隐蔽起来,木偶在他们的头上表演。 | and between the prisoners and the fire is a track with a parapet built along it, like the screen at a puppet show, which hides the performers while they show their puppets over the top | |
4 | 这老妈子有个儿子,每逢我这儿请客,她就叫他来,挑好的给他躲在米间里吃。 | The old maidservant has a son.Every time we have company, she calls him over and picks out the best pieces for him, which she hides in the rice | |
5 | 这些别墅有树木遮掩,从海滩上是看不见的。 | A screen of trees hides the villas from the beach. | |
6 | 这样将会隐藏窗体,而窗体控件中输入的值仍然可用,报表会继续执行。 | This hides the form so that values entered into the form′s controls can remain available, and the report can continue processing. | |
7 | 制革工和羊毛分类工在处理生病动物皮革时有时染上炭疽热,一种严重的传染病。鹦鹉和鸽子可传染鹦鹉热,一种类似肺炎的疾病。 | Tanners and wool sorters sometimes get anthrax, a serious infectious disease, when they handle the hides of sick animals. Parakeets, parrots, and pigeons may spread psittacosis, a disease similar to pneumonia. | |
8 | 制造或修理大皮、生皮或皮革制品(鞋类除外)的机械 | machinery for making or repairing articles of hides of skins or leather,other than footwear | |
9 | 最会隐瞒痛苦者,乃是最善忍受痛苦人 | He bears misery best who hides it most | |
10 | 最早的门仅是皮革或织物。用坚固耐久材料制成的门与纪念性建筑同时出现,最重要的门用石料或青铜制成。 | Early doors were hides or textiles. With monumental architecture came pivoting doors of rigid, permanent materials; important chambers often had stone or bronze doors. |