属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-阿富汗女子机器人团队获得卡塔尔支持
1 | 唯有他和他那样的人才是作风正派而又有聪明才智的人杰。 | He and his hind are the only representatives of decency combined with intelligence | |
2 | 我想在背后议论别人,不过他已变了许多。 | I do not want to talk is hind somebody ’s back , but he ’s changed a lot . | |
3 | 细胞外基质降解在猪后肢侧支血管生长过程中的作用 | Role of Extracellular Proteolysis during Collateral Vessel Growth in Pig Hind Limb | |
4 | 小灰蝶蝴蝶亚种灰蝶的一种,翼下有横的条纹,后翼有细毛状突起 | Any of numerous butterflies of the subfamily Theclinae,having transverse streaks on the undersurface of the wings and fine,hairlike projections on the hind wings. | |
5 | 小汤姆托着这一大盘黄尾鱼、黄白石鲈鱼和岩石斑鱼回到舵舱。 | Young Tom brought the platter of yellowtail, yellow and white grunts, and rock hind up into the cockpit | |
6 | 小腿,胫位于膝盖和脚之间的腿部或后肢的部位;胫 | The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank | |
7 | 沿着牛腿,从蹄部到跗关节下6英寸处除去每条后腿上的皮。 | Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg. | |
8 | 仰泳蝽一种属于松藻虫科的水生虫类,用它们宽阔的、桨状的后腿在水上仰泳 | Any of various aquatic bugs of the family Notonectidae that swim on their backs by means of broadened,oarlike hind legs. | |
9 | 一个小学教师坐在抽彩票桌旁的折叠椅上。“一块钱三张,”她说。我向她询问彩票所资助的项目。 | An elementary school teacher sat on a folding chair be-hind a card table."Three for a dollar, " she said. I asked her what cause the raffle supported. | |
10 | 用刀或锯从关节处切掉后腿。 | Remove the hind leg by cutting through the joint closest to the foot with a knife or saw. | |
11 | 用后腿站立的 | Rearing on the hind legs. | |
12 | 与此同时,骆驼用它的后腿把那个可怜的人踢了出去。 | With that, the camel brought in his hind legs and kicked the poor man out | |
13 | 原地腾跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出 | An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out. | |
14 | 原来,阿伽门农曾在月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯的树林里无意中射杀了一只雌马鹿。此事激怒了女神。 | agamemnon had unwittingly killed a hind in Artemis’ sacred grove and thus incurred the displeasure of the goddess | |
15 | 跃立的用左后腿站立,前腿抬起,右前腿高于左前腿的,通常头部呈侧面 | Rearing on the left hind leg with the forelegs elevated,the right above the left,and usually with the head in profile. | |
16 | 在那里,特德发现他心爱的布朗尼还活着,一条后腿被一个钢制捕捉器夹着。 | There Ted found his beloved brownie alive, one of his hind legs crushed in a steel leghold trap | |
17 | 站起来发言; 愤然起立 | get up on one’s hind legs | |
18 | 站起来干点活儿吧! | Get up on your hind legs and do some work! | |
19 | 这匹骡子忽然用后腿猛踢 | The mule lashed out with its hind legs. | |
20 | 这匹马的后腿断了。 | The hind leg of this horse was broken. | |
21 | 这一时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。 | The folk tales of the period tell of swan children, and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind , a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats | |
22 | 这只熊用后足站了起来。 | The bear erected upon its hind legs | |
23 | 这种动物能够用后肢站立。 | The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs. | |
24 | 脂蛋白脂酶HindⅢ酶切多态性与2型糖尿病患者血脂及冠心病的关系 | Association of Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Hind Ⅲ Polymorphism with Blood Lipid and Coronary Heart Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients | |
25 | 直翅目直翅目的昆虫,特点为长有折叠的膜状后翅、后翅上覆有狭窄的羽状前翼以及适于咀嚼的口器。这一目的昆虫包括蝗虫、蝉螂、螳螂和蟋蟀 | An insect of the order Orthoptera,characterized by folded membranous hind wings covered by narrow,leathery forewings and mouthparts that are adapted for chewing.Insects of this order include the locusts,cockroaches,crickets,and grasshoppers. | |
26 | 中国斑芫菁后翅形态比较 | Hind -wing Morphology of Mylabris Fabricius (Coleoptera: Meloidae)from China | |
27 | 猪后肢动脉生成过程中血管内皮细胞eNOS的表达 | Expression of eNOS in the Endothelial Cells during the Arteriogenesis of Pig hind -limbs | |
28 | 总有一天,我要叫他们用后腿站起来汪汪大叫说:“老天爷,又是那个混账的第三集团军和巴顿那个王八蛋”…… | Some day I want them to rise on their hind legs and howl:"Jesus Christ, it’s that goddam Third Army and that son of a bitch Patton again".. | |
29 | ||1:当欣德·奥黛比在利雅得的 Personal Status Court(类似于国内的民事法庭,处理离婚等案件)请求去除父亲的斡里或监护人的身份时,法官们似乎很同情。||2:当时还是青少年的奥黛比在法庭上控诉父亲强奸并虐待她。||3:她父亲拒绝让她出国,即使是去母亲的葬礼也不允许。当奥黛比从家中逃出来时,他父亲说服当地社会服务机构将她遣回。||4:她的父亲是沙地中部省份内志的一位伊玛目。在经过慎重考虑之后,去年法官们最终决定保留其父的法定监护人地位。但只是在被监护人的婚姻上拥有监护权。||5:如果法庭支持上诉的话,那么男性控制的法律体系将会颠覆,他们对于女子是否能够学习,工作,旅游或开户的决定权将被剥夺。||6:正如奥黛比说的“从奴役中得到解放”。 | ||1:WHEN Hind Al-Otaibi went to the Riyadh Personal Status Court to have her father struck out as her wali, or guardian, the judges seemed sympathetic.||2:Her father had raped and bruised her, Ms Otaibi, who was a teenager at the time, told the court.||3:He refused to let her travel abroad, even to her mother’s funeral, and when she escaped from home had persuaded social services to send her back.||4:After consideration, the judges determined last year that her father, an imam from the Saudi interior of Nejd, remained her legal guardian; but that a guardian only had powers to approve his ward’s marriage.||5:If upheld on appeal, the ruling could topple the legal edifice of male control, depriving walis of their power over whether their women can study, work, travel or open bank accounts.||6:“Emancipation from slavery,” says Ms Otaibi. | |
30 | ||1:谢赫·赫德·宾特·哈马德·阿勒萨尼是卡塔尔基金会的副主席兼首席执行官。||2:她表示:“这些才华横溢、富有创造力的学生一直生活在充满不确定性和动荡的时期。在卡塔尔基金会方面,我们希望尽我们所能。||3:通过为她们提供在教育城学习的奖学金,她们可以不受干扰地继续接受教育。” | ||1:Sheikha Hind bint Hamad Al-Thani is vice-chairwoman and chief executive of the Qatar Foundation.||2:She said, "These talented, creative students have been living through a time of uncertainty and upheaval, and at Qatar Foundation we want to do whatever we can.||3:By providing them with scholarships to study at Education City, their education can now continue uninterrupted." |